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Max, Josh, Shawn, Elle, Mason and Emily were waiting outside of Maddie's room
"I hope she's ok, she looked like she had been starving for days" Elle said
"She'll be ok" Shawn said wrapping his arm around Elle to comfort her
"Catherine looked better when Abby took her than Maddie did" Emily said
"We don't know how long she was gone, so that's why, different circumstances, different conditions" Mason said
"I guess so" Emily shrugged

A nurse came out to the area they were sitting in
"She's doing fine now, we stitched up her cuts and gave pain meds to help, she should wake up soon, and you can go in" she said
"Thank you" Elle smiled, the nurse nodded walking away
"Good thing she's ok" Shawn said
"Yeah" Josh agreed
"Scary how much Abby is capable of" Max said
"Yeah, and I have a feeling this is only the beginning" Mason said
"I'm gonna go in" Elle said looking at Emily
"I'm coming" Emily said back

Elle and Emily walk into the room where Maddie laid, awake.
"Hey Maddie, how you feeling?" Elle asked
"I'm ok, other than the fact Abby kidnapped me, tortured me to get to Tyler, pretended to be me and took Tyler then left me at the cafe" Maddie said with tears in her eyes
"Omg, I'm so sorry this happend to you" Emily said
"I'm sorry too" Elle said
"Thanks but, what do you think she wants with Tyler" Maddie asked
"I don't know but Catherine and Sam ran off and told us to come here" Emily said
"Oh" Maddie replied
"What do you remember" Elle asked
"I remember Tyler agreeing to Abby about something, me screaming, Abby leaving with Tyler, paying the bill, then I passed out and now I'm here" Maddie said trying to hide her pain
"You ran to the hotel then passed out, you don't remember running" Elle questioned
"No I really don't" Maddie said "it wasn't the restaurant who got me here"
"Nope" Elle said
"That's weird" Emily said
"It's almost like a certain part was taken" Elle said
"What do you mean" Maddie asked
"Maybe something happend while you were running and Abby took it away" Elle said
"Can she do that" Emily asked
"I hope not" Maddie said
"Maybe, I'll call Catherine" Elle said leaving the room

Catherine and Sam
"Elle's calling me" Catherine said
"You can't answer now" Sam said
"I don't want to be rude" Catherine said just wanting to hear her voice and tell her not to worry
"Catherine" Sam yelled
"Ok ok" Catherine declined Elles call
Catherine and Sam a boarding Catherine's private jet, she doesn't use it often but this was a time in need for it.
"What if Abby took memories" Catherine said
"Then we'd tell by her eyes, if they are lighter, memories are taken" Sam said
"Really? Alright" Catherine sighed

"God she didn't answer, why isn't she answering" Elle asked herself pacing back and forth where Shawn, Josh, Max and Mason were sitting in the waiting area
"It'll be ok, come sit by me" Shawn said to Elle.
"I'll call her, I'm getting worried" Josh said walking away
"Maddie is gonna rest" Emily said leaving her room and sitting next to Mason
"No answer" Josh said sitting
"Oh no" Max said
"I need to find her" Josh said he was really worried now
"We do, but we can't just leave Maddie here" Elle said
"Me, Mason and Shawn will stay here you three go" Emily said
"Let's go" Max said trying to call Sam
"Wait how are we getting there" Josh asked
"Does Catherine have another jet" Elle asked
"She has a jet" Max gasped
"Yes" Elle laughed
"We could've taken that here" Josh said
"Remember she said no when I asked before we left" Emily questioned
"Have you been in it" Josh asked
"No" Emily said
"She doesn't like to use it and doesn't let just anyone in it" Elle said
"But I'm her boyfriend" Josh sighed
"Let's just catch a flight" Elle said rolling her eyes
"Hopefully they have one, let's go" Max said

The Place Under The River
"Fuck they are not here" Catherine yelled
"It'll be ok, Max is calling me" Sam said
"You should answer I have so many missed calls from Elle and Josh" Catherine said
"Alright" Sam said
S: Max
M: Finally you answered where are you
S: The Place Under The River but we won't be for long, stay at the hospital
M: But Sam I need you
S: I know, I'll be ok, I love you
M: I love you too
S: Also, check Maddie's eyes, if they are lighter, memories were taken
M: Ok
Sam hung up the phone
"Why did you tell him we were here,  you know he'll come here" Catherine said all annoyed
"I can't lie to him" Sam said
"Sometimes lies save people" Catherine said
"What do you mean" Sam asked
"Doesn't matter" Catherine said
"Catherine" Sam said
Suddenly a gust of wind knocked Sam and Catherine over
"I guess they're here" Sam said
"No shit" Catherine said
They ducked behind a rock watching

The Airport
"They are in Rivertown, at The Place Under The River" Max said then slipping a text to Shawn about the eyes
"That makes sense" Josh said
"I got us tickets, let's go" Elle said
"What if we are too late and they are dead" Josh questioned as they boarded the plane
"We won't be, I trust Sam and Catherine" Max said
"Yeah me too, we are just coming to help save Tyler" Elle said
"Yeah, right" Josh said

The Place Under The River
Abby and Tyler went into the center of The Place Under The River
"Well, Tyler there's one more thing we have to do" Abby said
"What" Tyler asked
"Move your friends from behind that rock over here, they get to sit down here and watch the show" Abby said moving Sam and Catherine
"What the fuck man" Catherine said
"You're the one who came here dumbass" Abby snarled mocking Catherine
Catherine and Sam were tied up in separate chairs
"You're the dumbass who thinks they'll get away with this" Catherine said trying to get out
"Oh dumbass, I'll get away with this, there's nothing you can do to stop me after this goes in Tyler" Abby said holding some sort of syringe

"What should we do" Emily asked
"I don't know, Max texted me that Sam said if Maddie's eyes are lighter color than normal that means Abby took memories" Shawn said
"I think she's sleeping, but they looked lighter" Emily said
"How long do you think the eye color change lasts" Mason asked
"I don't know, I doubt that long" Shawn said
"Where do we think they went" Emily asked
"Probably The Place Under The River" Mason said
"Max also texted that's where they are" Shawn said
"Should we go" Emily asked
"Only if they ask" Mason said

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