Thanksgiving Dinner

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Days later
Thanksgiving Dinner
"Come play barbies with me" Sarah begged to Catherine. Catherine looked at Sarah ready to say no being she had to get ready for the dinner
"It's ok, go ahead I got it handled" Josh said
"Are you sure" Catherine asked
"Yes, go play barbies" Josh said
"Ok, come on Sarah" Catherine said and they headed up stairs to her room. They sat down by the Barbie house. "You be the mom and I'll be the baby" Sarah said
"Ok" Catherine said taking the doll that was handed to her

Josh had the turkey in the oven there was a knock at the door
"Hey guys" Josh said as he opened the door
"Hey buddy" Shawn said
"Catherine, Shawn and Elle are here" Josh said soon Catherine and Sarah came down stairs
"Let's go to the play room" Sarah said to Joseph
"Yeah" Joesph agreed and they ran down to the basement
"I'm going to finish the cooking" Catherine said
"Need help" Shawn asked
"No all good" Catherine said heading into the kitchen
"Let us know if you need help" Josh said then him and Shawn walked into the living room to watch tv
"So how are you doing" Elle asked walking into the kitchen after Catherine
"Tired" Catherine said
"I'm glad things with you and Josh are going well" Elle said
"Yeah same, you and Shawn are good together" Catherine said
"Hey" Maddie said walking into the kitchen her and Tyler had just arrived
"How are you doing" Elle asked
"I'm ok, I'm hoping this baby is ok" Maddie said
"I'm praying for you" Catherine said
"Thanks, Emily and Mason are here same with Max and Sam" Maddie said
"Where's Joseph and Sarah" Caleb asked
"Down stairs" Catherine said and Caleb ran down stairs to be with his friends
"Be careful down the stairs" Emily said
"I'm fine" Caleb said
"These terrible twos" Emily said rolling her eyes
"Let's go relax before dinner, my sister will be here too, we can maybe play a game" Catherine said
"Good idea" Elle said

Down stairs
"Hi Caleb" Sarah said rolling her eyes
"My mom says you have to play with me" Caleb said
"Fine" Sarah grumbled she had to be nice
"We're playing Carnival" Joseph said
"Yay, who's throwing first" Caleb asked
"Sarah is" Joseph said Caleb and Joseph walked over to near the wall and Sarah grabbed a box of stuff animals and started to throw them at Joseph and Caleb.
"Whatcha playing" Paisley asked walking down the stairs, her and Megan had just arrived
"Carnival" Caleb said
"What's that" Paisley asked
"The people are over there move around and someone else is trying to throw stuff animals at them like a carnival game" Sarah said
"Oh can I play" Paisley asked
"Yes go by them" Sarah said 

"Sarah always wins" Caleb grumbled
"She did invent the game" Joesph said
"Do you guys want to play a different game" Paisley asked
"We could but Caleb will cry either way, he always has to win" Sarah said crossing her arms over her chest
"Why" Paisley asked
"My mom says Emily spoils him to much" Joesph said
"That's what my mom says too" Sarah said
"Guys that's not true" Caleb said
"Prove it then" Sarah said
"How" Caleb asked
"I'll set us up a board game and we can play, and if you loose and not cry that means you proved it to us" Paisley said
"I don't think he can do it" Joesph said
"Yeah I don't think so either" Sarah said
"I can! I can!" Caleb shouted
"Let's play then, sit down" Paisley said then they all sat in a circle to start the game

Everyone was in the living room watching the game that was on. The room froze
"Great Abby is here" Sam said rolling his eyes
"I haven't talked to you guys in a while, I figured I'd stop by" Abby said
"It was nice without you" Josh said
"I'll leave you alone, there is just one thing now that you have kids, I would tell you now but what's the fun in that" Abby said as she left
"Great shes up to something" Josh said
"It has something to do with the kids too which makes it worse" Emily said
"She's probably making a dramatic comeback over the fact that your kids are part of the river" Megan said
"What do you mean" Catherine asked
"Well, you swam, your kids are part of the river, so they can see Abby and be effected by her, not Susan though since she's adopted" Megan said
"That's just crazy" Shawn said
"Yeah, but true" Megan said
"We'll just have to protect them" Emily said
"Yeah" Elle agreed
"Well the turkey is done" Josh said
"Let's try to ask least have a good dinner" Maddie said
"Yeah" Catherine agreed

After dinner
The adults settled down to play a game while the kids continued to play
"Uno" Max said
"Plus four" Josh said putting down his plus four
"Fuck" Max said
"Babe it's ok" Sam laughed
"It's just Uno Max" Shawn said
"Says the guy who won the last three rounds" Max pouted
"Not this round though" Catherine laughed playing her last card
"This game is stupid" Max grumbled
"Maybe we should play a new game" Elle said

The Place Under The River
During a game of hide and seek, Paisley snuck out
"Abby" Paisley shouted walking inside
"Sweets" Abby gasped "what are you doing here"
"I wanted to stop by, my mom never lets me see you" Paisley sighed
"I know, and I'm sorry about that" Abby said
"It's not your fault" Paisley said
"Sometimes it is, but your mom taking you away isn't I guess" Abby shrugged
"I love you Abby" Paisley said giving Abby a hug
"I love you too, Sweets" Abby said hugging her back
"You better get back, Sarah found Joesph and Caleb" Abby said
"Alright, I'll try to visit again" Paisley said
"Good" Abby smiled

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