The Place Under The River

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"Well hello newcomers" Abby said moving Josh, Elle, and Max over to a cage across from where Catherine and Sam were
"I told you guys not to come" Sam yelled
"You're the stupid one who told them where you were going" Abby said
"How do you know" Sam asked
"I know everything, now I must begin" Abby said moving over to where Tyler was laying. She had him tied up so he couldn't move.

"We need to stop this" Catherine whispered to Sam
"I know but how" Sam whispered back
"I have a plan but we need the others but there across the room" Catherine said
"I'd grab my phone but my hands are tied" Sam said
"Same the ropes won't budge" Catherine said
"Abby tied them, so it's not like we can untie them, they're spelled" Sam said
"Don't you have a little magic in you" Catherine asked
"It goes away a month later and it's been way longer than a month" Sam said
"That's after you use it, dumbass" Catherine said
"You sound like Abby" Sam said rolling his eyes
"No Abby sounds like me, she says dumbass to mock me" Catherine said
"Whatever, anyway I don't even know how to use the last bit of magic I have" Sam said
"I don't either" Catherine said
"You seem to know a lot though" Sam said
"You do too, but really It's all Megan, you know she's head of the river" Catherine said
"Did she tell you how to use the magic" Sam asked
"Kinda, she just said it comes to you" Catherine said
"Oh great that's helpful" Sam said
"Don't worry we'll get out of this" Catherine said
"Well, whats your plan anyway" Sam asked
"We need to untie ourselves then I can text the group chat to distract Abby and you can use your last bit of magic to break whatever is in that syringe and I can grab Tyler off the cart" Catherine said
"Are you sure it'll work, she knew I told Max where we were, she's gonna know the plan" Sam said
"I know, but it'll be a good distraction long enough to get to Megan" Catherine said
"That's a plan" Sam said, Sam used a little magic so the ropes were untieable, honestly Megan was right, it does come to you.

Across the room
"Great idea coming here Josh" Elle said rolling her eyes
"It's not his fault" Max said "and you're making yourself sound like Emily"
"I think I'm just worried and exhausted" Elle said
"It kinda is" Abby said butting in "Josh got nervous when he found out Catherine ran over here, He doesn't realize she can protect herself, like look she got out"
Catherine and Sam weren't in their seats when Abby turned around
Sam tried to use magic, in being successful the syringe was gone, making the place shake and feel as if it will collapse.
Tyler still laying passed out. As the place shook the cages popped open, and Josh ran towards where Tyler was laying, trying to grab him as Abby fought back.
Then Abby let go as the place fell. Pretending Josh won she left.

Outside the place
Catherine, Sam, Josh, Elle and Max stood outside
"You ok" Sam asked Max
"Yeah, I was so worried about you" Max said
"I was worried about you too, next time I go into battle with Abby I'll let you know" Sam said
"Well that didn't go as planned" Catherine said
"You ok" Elle asked
"Yeah I'm fine" Catherine said
"You sure" Josh asked budding in
"Yeah, is everyone else alright" Catherine said
"Tyler still isn't waking up" Max said as he was doing cpr to Tyler
"I'll call the cops" Sam said
"What are we going to do about Maddie" Elle asked
"We could split up? Josh, Sam, Max go off with Tyler, me and Elle go back to the hotel, and be with Emily, Mason and Shawn" Catherine said
"Sounds like a plan" Sam said when the ground shook again
"The place is back to normal" Catherine sighed
"That's so weird" Max said
"Yeah but so is our lives" Catherine said
"Ain't that the truth" Elle laughed
"Why didn't Megan show" Sam asked
"She must not have felt it" Catherine said

A little bit later
Maddie's Hospital
Emily, Mason, and Shawn were chilling in the hallway before visiting hours ended.
Elle and Catherine were in Maddie's room catching her up on what was happening
"So yeah that's basically what's going on" Catherine said
"I don't know what to say, I'm not shocked, I'm just worried, I hope Tyler will be ok" Maddie said
"He will" Elle said trying to comfort her friend
"Hospital visiting hours are over" Maddie's nurse said as she walked in
"Alright see you tomorrow Maddie" Catherine said as her and Elle walked out
"Now what" Shawn asked
"I don't know " Catherine said

Tyler's Hospital
Sam, Max and Josh were sitting outside the room
"He woke up" a nurse said to the group
"Oh good" Josh said as Sam and Max sighed of relief
"Can we go see him" Josh asked
"Go ahead" the nurse said

Tyler's Room
"How are you feeling" Sam asked
"I'm alright, I don't remember anything that happend though" Tyler said
"Oh, Abby kidnapped you and I don't know what she was trying to do but you seemed passed out for a while" Josh said
"Oh" Tyler said with a sigh "well, is Maddie ok"
"She's ok but she's in a the hospital, I don't know much but Abby was impersonating her and she was beat up pretty bad when she came running into the hotel, she's doing better now though" Josh said
"I need to go see her" Tyler said trying to stand up
"You can't, you need to stay here over night then you can go" Sam said helping Tyler sit back down
"Visiting hours are ending" The nurse said as she walked in
"We'll be back tomorrow when they discharge you" Josh said as him and Shawn left the room.
"Call Catherine and we'll all be on speaker and will figure out what to do" Max said
"Alright" Josh said as he dialed Catherine

Outside Maddie's Hospital
"Hi" Catherine said as she answered the phone "you're on speaker with everyone else here by the way" Catherine continued
"Alright, you are as well " Josh said
"So what do you think we should do" Max asked
"Just stay at a inn that's down the road and you guys meet back at the hotel lobby after Tyler gets discharged" Catherine said
"Sounds like a plan" Mason said
"Bye, love you" Josh said
"Bye, love you too" Catherine said as she hung up the phone. She hated it when Josh told her he loved her.
"We're gonna head up to our room, night" Mason said
"Meet down here at 10am, night" Catherine said
"Alright, night" Emily said
"I'm so tired, see you upstairs soon" Shawn questioned
"Yeah" Elle replied as Shawn, Emily and Mason walked away
"You ok" Catherine asked
"Kinda well, I know you don't care about Abby, but I do, I always worry she's gonna come after me next or Shawn or anyone else I love, I just can't loose anyone especially you, she'll probably go after you again or she's done hurting you, I don't know, I never know and there's no way of knowing " Elle said with tears in her eyes
"Oh Elle" Catherine said as she gave Elle a big hug
There was a sense of comfort Elle always got from Catherine's hugs
"I know it's stupid to think about it" Elle said as Catherine let go of her "I can't see you die again"
"It's not I understand your concern, I'm worried too I might not always show it, but I am, I'm not going anywhere" Catherine said "you can stay in my room tonight"
"Thanks Catherine" Elle said

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