Freak Out

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I went to work the next couple days and grew to have a very strong bond with the boys!  One day I went in and as I expected to be greater by a howling and laughing group of boys I was greeted by only Dave. "Good morning TV...looks like we're all alone today..." Dave smirked and offered me a drink. I declined as I wasn't a drinker, I only touched alcohol on extremely rare days. "Yeah well maybe we'll get more done since the guys aren't here to distract." I smiled softly. "Oh I bet we will..." Dave winked and hot himself a drink.

I sat on the couch and got the type writer. My job got the day was to transcribe all the written lyrics into typed lyrics that way they could be copied for album and cassette inserts. Dave sat next to me and helped me understand how the lyrics should be and where they should go. We also chatted about random things as the day went on. Dave and I were close, but not the closest....Alex and I were the best friends in it all.

A bit later after the work was done Dave and I sat watching some of the band's videos and talked about the plans for the first tour, I had a big job with the band. I was an assistant, roadie, second run road manager, and whatever else they needed I was their girl....within limits. I was making great friends with them all but I wanted to keep dating relationships professional...not because I didn't like any of them...but because I wanted these friendships to last and to have this job for as long as Van Halen rocked the world.

While I was lost in my thoughts, Dave put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. "Dave, please...." I distanced from him. "C'mon TV. We're all alone, no one is gonna know! I'm not gonna tell anyone...and you DO work for us...aren't you supposed to supply us with anything we need? Well I need you..." he smirked and pulled me close again chuckling. I knew he was just joking, but there's some stuff David or anyone knew about my past.

I got up from the couch and sprinted out of the door in tears all the way to my uncle's house.

Dave chatting with Eddie later.
"I dunno what happened...we were on the couch in the studio. I did try to make a move, but the next thing I knew she was crying and running away. I didn't mean to hurt her....what if she doesn't come back, Eddie?! We all really like her here..." I was panicked about what happened earlier, I didn't mean for all that happened to happen. "Well...maybe give her tonight to cool off and call her in the morning...I hope she doesn't quit, she's funny!" Eddie smiled. I shrugged my shoulders softly and went home to wait and call TV in the morning.

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