Stay With Me

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Dave's POV

We stayed there like that for a few moments I just kept hugging her until she let go. I was thinking about a lot of things at that point...about how I had done things previously in the past. I'd never cared for a girl like I cared for TV...I guess it's because we were friends and I knew friends don't have to leave each other after the night is over..... I...

I was cut off when I heard her voice again, "David...will you stay with me?" Usually I knew what this meant, but I knew it meant something else to TV and there's a first time for everything I suppose. I nodded and dabbed away her mascara that ran down her cheeks. "I'll stay." I smiled and she finally aimed back softly. "How about we go get some lunch and then we can spend the whole day having fun and being friends?? We can watch movies and whatever you want to do...I'll make sure you're safe and always have a friend." I squeezed her hand and she nodded back.

We went out that day and had a nice lunch at a breakfast joint and then baked some brownies and watched a movie when we got back to her house she shared with her uncle, I later found out he was out of town talking with some record heads. For dinner I suggested we go to one of the restaurants on the beach and to my surprise, TV had never been to the beach!!

We both got the small shack's special fish tacos and went to the shore to eat. "What do you think of them?" I chuckled as she was shoving the food into her mouth. "SOOO good!" She said trying to chew and laugh at the same time. "Good I'm glad you like them, they're the best here! And what do you think about your first time at the the beach?" I smiled and finished eating. "It's really nice out here. I don't want to go swimming it's a little chilly tonight, but it's so beautiful..." She smiled and finished the last of her food.

After a while I got the idea to play something on a guitar I had in the back of my car. I wasn't as good as Eddie by any means, but hearing a little music is always nice. I went to get it and sat back down next to her. "Have any requests?" I smiled and tuned it a bit. "Uuuuum can you play me something by Janis Joplin?" She smiled and leaned back on her hands. I nodded and began to play Cry Baby while TV started to smile wide and hum along.

In a little bit I noticed TV was resting her head on my shoulder and had fallen asleep. I smiled softly and chuckled when she snored a bit, God this was the first time I ever bored a woman! I turned the guitar around and picked her up taking her back to her home.

I took TV to the couch  and tucked her in making sure she was covered all the way so she would feel safe and warm. I smiled at her softly as I watched to make sure she was sleeping okay...I wanted to stay, but I didn't want her to be scared.  "Sweet dreams TV, get some sleep kid..." I smiled and caressed her hair softly.

Just then she woke up and immediately i went to apologize, but she cut me off. "Don't go...stay with me...I need you, Dave..." she held my hand and sat up kissing me as softly as she spoke.  "...I'll stay...." I looked at her softly but inside I was shocked she felt the same as I did and I was smiling like a teen in a strip club inside my head.

I held her hand and laid down on the floor to make sure she was safe all night long.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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