The Beginning

196 23 7

2 years earlier


"You are so beautiful baby.", I told Lani. We were at Central Park in New York. Kayla asked if we could go to the park. I mean we didn't have any plans so why not. It was about 64° out. My kind of weather.

"Well your not so bad yourself.", she joked.

"Daddy look!", Kayla said. I got up and stretched then walked over to Kayla. "Catch me.", she said.

"Tell me when you're ready.", she nodded. She adjusted in the seat a little then did a thumbs up.

"Wun(1)-to(2)-dwe(3)", I put my arms out for her and caught her at the bottom.

"Yay!", she yelled as I picked her up and spinned her around. I saw a flash of light hit my eye making me turn around. Lani had her camera out taking pictures of us. I went over and stood next to Lani to see the pictures.

"Lemme see!", Kayla said as her head kept going all over the place.

"We look fabalis (fabulous).", Kayla said clapping her hands making me and Lani smile. I put her down and she ran off to play with some of the kids that were here.

"She's growing up." I said as we sat down at the benches.

"Yeah in two more years she'll be in day care.", Lani said like that day would come tomorrow.

"Uh uh, no. 2 more years baby girl then you can start all that crying. You so funny Lani.", I said shaking my head.

She looked up and smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Babe you pregnant?", I joked.

"No cus someone is being selfish.", she pouted. I flicked her lip and a smile spread across her face.

"You can wait.", I told her.

"Ugghhh whatever.", she said playfully. I fixed my eyes and started searching for my baby.

"Umm where is Kayla.", I said getting a bit worried.

"I'm sure she's just playing with all the other kids.", Lani said shrugging.

"Come on, I'm ready to go anyways. Help me look for her.", I said. She got up and we looked together. I went up to one of the kids that were playing with her. He looked about 6, Kayla is only 2 why?

"Hey.", I said getting his attention. "You were playing with a little girl with a blue and green shirt on. Correct?", he nodded slowly. "Okay where did she go.", I asked him.

"Your kid not mine but if I were you I would get her away from those guys over there.", he said pointing at a black car.

"Thanks.", I said and he ran off somewhere.

I grabbed Lani's hand and pulled her over to the car.

"Bruh what the fuck. Why in the hell do you have my daughter.", I spoke. Lani stood closely behind me.

"Now wait lil fella, lil mama came over here to pet my dog." He said. "And you still owe us.", he mumbled in my ear. There's a whole story behind this. Before I met Lani, I would say around 17, I got kicked out the house for gang activity. My mom found drugs and weapons in my closet trying to look for something. That night I had nowhere to stay. I went to the place we usually meet at and started packing up, I was like the leader. Very loyal to everyone, had rules that everyone followed. I had to leave, I once knew what my goal in life was, to prove my momma wrong. She thought I was just another dangerous and uneducated male. She didn't look behind that because all of my other siblings were perfect. I don't fuck with them anymore, Very fake beings. That night I stole about 40,000 dollars from the safe. As soon as I zipped my book bag up, August barged into the room.

"Bruh them fuc-", he cut himself off. "Where you going man.", he asked once he saw my bags.

"I gotta go. I want you to hold it down in here for everyone. I don't think that I would be coming back.", I told him as I walked to the garage to let myself out.

"Man wait.", he said catching up with me. "What you got in your bag?", he asked suspiciously.

"My stuff, but I gotta go, tell everyone I said bye.", he looked at me and shook his head.
"Don't tell me you took the money.", he said.

"I don't have time for your games. I need to leave like now.

"How much you get. Weren't you the one who came up with the rules?", he said looking at me disgusted. I ran out and hopped in my car, I had to go. He ran back inside and I took that opportunity to drive off. I looked back and saw all the boys shooting at my car. I got on the highway and drove off.


"Lani get Kayla.", she nodded and reached for Kayla out of John's hands.

"If you touch her.", Aug grabbed Lani by her neck, and held a gun up to her head. "I'll blow her brains out.", he said chuckling evilly.

"Man what the fuck do you want.", I yelled annoyed.

"Man look, I would let you get away with the fact that you owe us but, you want your baby right?", he said. I just glared at him. "All you have to do is listen to everything I say. If you fail to do so, your lil girlfriend and your adorable baby would be dead. Let's start tomorrow evening", he said.

"Is that a threat.", I said.

"Naw its a promise Chris and you know I keep my promises. Like I promised that we would find you. Ain't that right John?", Aug asked him. He nodded as Kayla was whining in his arms.

Aug let go of Lani and got Kayla from John putting her in the car. Lani ran over to me and gave me a hug.

"Babe hurry and call LAS. Tell them to meet us here quickly", I whispered. Its a code name for our Lawyers and Security.

August started getting in the car.

"Wait!" I shouted running over to him before he could pull off.

"Let me atleast say bye.", I said.

I went over to Kayla's side as John was on his phone laughing at a video.
I opened the door and pretended like I was hugging her but I slowly unbuckled her seatbelt making sure John stayed on his phone.

"Lani, you wanna say bye now.", I asked her and nodded lightly.

"Oh uh yeah.", she ran over and I poked my head out of the car to see if they were here. I saw them parking in the parking lot. I stuck my head back in the car.

"Lani they're here.", I said in a hurry.

"Who's here", Aug said finally looking back and John looked up. I grabbed Kayla out of her seat and me and Lani ran to the white truck that was here for us. I looked back seeing August's car chasing us. I got in the car with Kayla on my lap and Lani got in on the other side.

"Go!", I shouted and they pulled off.


"Babe, who were they?", Lani asked as we made our way on to the private jet. Kayla was asleep on my shoulder. We sent some people to our house to pack up enough clothes for this trip.

"Take us to Atlanta Georgia.", I told the pilot trying to avoid Lani's question.

"Chris who were they?", she asked more demanding.

"Babe I'm tired.", I said putting my chair back. She huffed and put her headphones in her ear laying back. I chuckled and closed my eyes.

I felt my phone buzz against my lap. I took it out of my pocket and unlocked it. I had a text from an unknown number.

The text said: Hmm....... Georgia? Sounds fun.

Someone is following me and I don't believe that August is that smart.

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