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"Carter what's going on?"

"It's D-DJ." I managed to hear between sobs.

"He got in a car accident, he's in the hospital." She clarified. My heart began to race, the panicking feeling slowly started to take over me. So many thoughts and 'what ifs' starting wracking my brain that I didn't even realize Carter was still talking to me.

"W-What?" I stutter.

"I said we need to go now!" She half yelled anxiously.

"But we can't just cut school, it's my first day!" I hindered.

"Your cousin just got into a freaking car accident and you care about SCHOOL!" At this point she was yelling. She had a point. He could be in critical condition. Plus if anyone asked I would have a really good reason.

"Alright let's go." With that said, we speed walked toward the back entrance discretely trying not to cause a scene so we wouldn't get caught. Once we got outside, we sprinted to her car and zoomed out the parking lot.

As we walked into the hospital waiting room, we saw Aunt Marie, Uncle Dave, James, Pops, Grams and a girl that I couldn't recognize. They greeted us with a warm comforting hug. While I gave each of my grandparents a hug, I could only think about how I'm disappointing my dad, since he doesn't like me talking to them for some ik own reason. But I didn't care, he disappointed me when he married that hooker. The unknown girl stood there looking uncomfortable and awkward. My Aunt introduced me to the her who I learned was Sky Feilds, DJ's girlfriend. Sky was actually in most of my classes.

"How is he?" I asked twiddling my fingers afraid of what the answer might be.

"He's in a very critical condition. He's not stable, we're running tests on him now for brain trauma." Doctor Martain said.

At that moment, life starting to slow down, everything around me went in slow motion.I can already feel the tears starting to pool on the linings of my eyes. I couldn't believe this was happening or what I was hearing. My heart became heavy, my cheeks burned as the hot tears started to slowly roll down my cheeks. Carter caressed my back soothingly.

"I know he's going to be okay, I know it, this is DJ we're talking about, he'll pull through." She encouraged.

"I think every one should go home and get some rest, we won't be able to see DJ until he's stable. Carter and Dani I'll call the school for you." Aunt Marie says. We all flock to the elevator in silence. I couldn't go through another tragedy, I'm still trying to recover from my mother and sister. I feel my eyes start to water again and blink the tears away.

Before coming to the hospital, I actually thought about going back to school. But I knew at this point I couldn't bare to face anyone except for my family. I wasn't in the mood. The car ride home was silent. It's not like Carter to be this quiet so I know she's in deep thought. Which she rarely ever does.

"How bout we go to Grams and ask her to make her chicken potpies." Carter says, breaking the silence. She turns to the street, knowing that I would agree. Ah, she knows me so well.

When we step in the house, the smell of roasted vegetables billowed out of the kitchen. She's already making the potpies. My body lightens at the savory smell. I love coming to Grams house, it wasn't your average old-person house with the overwhelming smell of prune juice and despair. It gave off such a homy feel.

"Hey girls, the potpies will be done soon." She yells from the kitchen. We simultaneously yell an 'ok' and turn on the tv in the living room.

"Let's watch Mean Girls." Carter holds up the DVD. No.

"You know I hate chick-flicks Carter." I answer rolling my eyes. We could never agree on a movie, ever. She always wanted a romance chick-flick, and I always wanted just a good action movie.

"Ugh, why are you so difficult...why can't you be a normal girl for once." She groans.

"Ok I'm perfectly normal, and I like the way I dress for you information." I tell her. Maybe I wasn't a normal girl, but I feel much more comfortable in the clothes I wear. While Carter, wears these tight short skirts and low cut shirts. Not my style, never will be...ever. I'll never be one of those girls.

Carter sighs and rolls her eyes at my statement. I don't know why she always tries to have these little 'talks' with me when she gets the same response from me every time. It's just pointless.

"Well that's too bad, Mean Girls will help cheer you up believe it or not." She tells me. I roll my eyes and huff knowing she will put up a fight if I say anything to object. So I just sit and watch the movie.

This movie actually isn't that bad, but I'm not going to let Carter know because I don't feel like listening to a never ending speech on 'I told you so' I make sure I stifle my laughs so she couldn't hear. I couldn't let her know that I was actually enjoying one of her dumb movies.

"Dinner will be ready in 45 minutes girls." Grams says as she takes the love seat in the living room. We give her a quick nod and bring our attention back to the movie.

The movie finishes at the same time dinner is ready ironically, so we all gather at the table. The potpies are piping hot. These were always my favorite when I was growing up. Once I took a bite, I felt like all my worries were being melted away as I chewed the succulent chocked mixed with the savory veggies. It's like heaven in a bowl I'm telling you. Everyone eats in silence. I still have the feeling of anxiety every time I think of everything that happened today. From starting a new school, to meeting West. West. I haven't even thought about him ever since lunch, just thinking about him made my heart drop. I couldn't describe the feeling I was having for him.

But I didn't have time to think of him right now. My cousin is in the hospital in critical condition. I start chewing slower, my mind full of 'what ifs'. I hate when I do that, overthink things. Suddenly Carters words re-enter my mind. "This is DJ we're talking about, he'll pull through." Gloominess is still present in the air as we continue to eat our dinner.

"Grams I swear it gets better and better every time you cook this." Carter breaks the silence.

"Thank you dear, you girls can head home when you're finished." She quietly says.

"Daniella you missed the rest of your first day too." She adds. Ugh I hate it when she calls my by my full name. She only says it when she's mad, or when she wants to get her point across.

"Yeah, well the first half was good." I answer.

"Did you make any new friends?" She questions.

"Uh well yeah I talked to this guy named West, he was really nice to me." Carter chokes on her soda.

"West Feilds?!" Her eyes were about to bulge out of her sockets. I give her a slow nod and she gasps.

"Oh-my-god are you kidding me? Dani he's like the Aaron Samuels of our school, total hottie." I see Gram smiled grow.

"Yeah he was pretty cool...I guess." I discreetly respond, I didn't need them to know how I really felt. Even I don't know what I'm feeling right now to be honest. It's all new to me.

"Aww your blushing!" Carter points out. You've got to be kidding me.

"Somebody's got a crush." She sing-songs. I let out an exasperated groan.

"Let me find out."

"Oh come on your cheeks are more red than that tomato over there." She continues.

"Ok can you just drop it! I just met the boy ok?!" I didn't mean to yell it. It's true, granted he is really hot and super cool but I literally just met him. It was too soon to feel like that.

"Ok, Dani calm down, both of you go home and get some rest, we all need it." Grams steps in. She was right. I just need to sleep on it. This whole day has been crazy.

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