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It was my first day at Jefferson high , in my new skin I felt all eyes on me which kinda made me feel uncomfortable. At my old school I only had 4 friends which were majority guys . Now I have 2 friends whom I share half my DNA with, the class I didn't have with Carter was math I was in the honors class, Math was always my strongest point. While Carter basically cheated her way there.

When I walked in, everybody cut off their conversations and stared at me like I was more important than what they were all talking about. I now have 20 pairs of eyes on me. I heard a series of whispers I couldn't quite make out, but I'm almost positive it has to do with me. I got sympathetic eyes from some girls and even glares and daggers from what I presumed the "populars". After eyeing the room, I found an empty seat in the back. While walking, I can practically feel everyone's eyes burning in my back. God, these people have problems.

There was one pair of eyes that caught mine. They were blue to be particular. They reminded me of the vast ocean and you could find yourself drowning in them. He had these beautiful dark voluminous eye lashes that I instantly became envious of. His neatly styled quiff was chocolate brown. Clad in a white tee, leather biker jacket, deep washed jeans and combat boots he looked like every girls dream, my dream to be exact. I took a seat behind him.

To be honest I haven't seen a more beautiful boy. With his tan skin, dreamy eyes, his eyel-
Suddenly the door slams shut making me flinch pulling me back into reality.

"Good Morning, there's a do-now on the board for you guys." A short brunette said. She's really pretty. She stares at her computer until she raises her head, looks at me and beams a smile, and says the words that every new girl dreads.

"Well would you look at that, we have a new student." As if there wasn't enough attention payed to me already.

"Daniella Philips" she continues.

"Y-you can call me Dani." I stutter. I'll admit I was nervous but not to the point of stuttering. Maybe it was because "dream boy" was sitting in front of me. Mrs. Scott, called the rest of the attendance. I learned names quite fast actually, like the girl who stared at me like I have 5 heads earlier is Lexi Sommers and the dream boy's name is West Feilds. Good to know. Class was pretty easy for me since it was my first day.

When the bell rang, I gathered my freshly written on notebook and started to put it my bag when West turned around.

"Hey can I copy off your notes?" He asks me. Maybe if you weren't too busy texting on your phone and mouthing words to Matt, you wouldn't need them. I hate when people do that but I couldn't say no to West.

"Uh yea sure" I responded. His smile became stronger which only made my knees go weaker.

"Thanks I'll look for you at lunch." He sends me a quick wink as he walks out. I don't know why I haven't collapsed to the ground yet to be honest. That smile...

I walked to my assigned locker and began to open it when I seen Lexi walking towards me. What the heck does she want with me? As I'm putting in my unneeded books she begins to reach my locker. Oh god.

"Hey it's Daisy right?" She asks.

"No it's Dani." I correct her. That's a first, nobody's called me Daisy. It definitely doesn't fit me considering I'm wearing army printed cargo pants, a black tee and black converse. It was way too...girly.

"Oh sorry, anyway I just wanted to welcome you here to Jefferson High. I seen you talking to West by the way," Oh no, this couldn't be good.

"We're not a thing...anymore, but I just wanted to let's you know he's a red flag sweety, trust me I dated him and I know his ways. So," She puts her hand on my shoulder. I look at her french manicured hand, then back at her face.

"Just stay out of this way...for the both of us." She concluded. After she said that last sentence makes me wonder if I should thank her or just ignore her.

"Uhhhh I- " I faltered not knowing what to say.

"Great, I'm glad we had this talk Daisy." She cuts me off. Ok what is it with her and the name Daisy. It makes me cringe. I shut my locker, look at my schedule and begin to walk to my class. I haven't seen Carter seen we came to school. Maybe she's with her friends or something. I shrug off the matter and walk to English.


Walking to into the cafeteria a gust of cold wind blows back my curly hair sending more shivers down my spine. I look around for Carter but I don't see her anywhere.

"Heeey Dani!" I hear a familiar voice call my name. I realized it was West. Dream boy. Oh yeah the notes.

"Hey sorry I forgot my notes in my locker." I said.

"No prob, take me to your locker." He smiled. Oh that infamous smile. Suddenly Lexis words seem to be on loop in my mind. I decided to ignore my words. I mean look at me how in the gods name does she see me as threat? He thinks nothing more of me than his "buddy."

We begin to walk down the now vacant hallway. Neither of us spoke, it was awkward. Here I was with this boy who looked like he walked out of a GQ magazine while I'm here looking like I have the style of his brother, if he even has one.

"My brother has those pants." He started. I didn't know what to say to that although I am a little embarrassed. So I stayed quiet until he spoke again. "But I like them on you better." There he goes sending me a wink. My cheeks start to turn a bright red. Instead of killing the vibe, I decide to go along with it.

"Thanks, I like to call it 'I couldn't find anything else to wear' look." I hear him chuckle.

"Well it works for you." He compliments.

"Hey, I try." I smile

"Ok not really...I'm don't like taking 5 millenniums to get ready like most of these girls." I add.

"Your funnier then I expected." Making me blush to the max. I don't even blush. What.the.heck.

"So I take it that your not the most girly girl." He says holding his index finger up. The more we conversed, the more comfortable I felt around him. I don't know that Lexi was talking about.

I dramatically gasped. "How did you know?"

"So your a video gamer too?" He questions

"Sometimes I play COD." I answer. I'm not addicted to it but I'll admit it is fun.

"You're really cool Dan, one of the first girls I know who actually knows what that game is. We should hang out sometime." He says. For what seems like the umpteenth time, I started to blush. I was just feeling comfortable talking to him, like he was a guy from my old school. But then he smiles and winks which basically make me putty in his hands. We go quiet for a while. But this time it's a nice type of silence.

We finally turn the corner, and my locker is the first one on the right. I start to open it until Carter comes running towards our direction hysterically crying. I'm dumbfounded. What's she crying for? Where has she been? I turn to West about to tell him to just wait a second, but he's gone. It's like he disappeared in midair. But I shrugged it off and focused on my now weeping cousin.


A/N>> So this is one of my better chapters, tbh I think some of it was cheesy but this is my first book and I'm trying. The more you read the better it's going to get.

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