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When we got home, DJ's words wracked my brain filling my mind with deep thoughts. Carter and I tidied up the kitchen before she went to pick Sky up. James and Charlie were taking a nap in there rooms. When Carter left, I wash and slice fresh strawberries and spread Nutella on them. My favorite snack in the world. I turned on the tv to see what's on. 'The Notebook' was on, so I immediately switched to the next channel. I don't have time for sappy love stories. I hate chick-flicks. I settled for watching reruns of Law&Order.

It's been an hour since Carter left. Sky's house is only 10 minutes away, it shouldn't take an hour. Soon as I picked up my phone, it began to ring with Sky's name flashing on the screen.

" Hey where are you guys it's 7:00." I began.

"What are you talking about she never came, I've been waiting for an hour." She replies

"What? She left at 6!" I raised my voice.

"Well nobody's here."

I shoulder my phone while grabbing my keys. "Alright I'm coming to get you." She agrees and the line goes dead.

So now I had to drive to Sky's house and figure out where Carter is. I didn't want to wake James and Charlie from their slumber, so I quietly leave the house. Of course I have to do it. I'm always the one who has to clean up her mess and I'm sick of it.

My tires make a crunching sound as I drive up her graveled driveway. Oh my god. I whispered to myself. Her house it's beautiful. It's tan with red shutters. As I practically marveled at her house or mansion I should call it, the door swings open.

Sky comes out clad in distressed jeans and I 'PINK' sweatshirt. A boy follows close behind. Why was he coming? I wondered. I realized that it was West. Oh that's her brother, West and Sky Feilds. Why didn't I put that together?
I thought to myself. But why is he coming with us?

"Hey its you, the cute new girl." He smiles as he hops in the back seat, while Sky rides shotgun.

"Oh my god would you stop calling her that!? Geez, she has a name." Sky half yells, throwing her hands up in frustration.

"Yup it's me." I giggled. I started the route back to my house when West starts a conversation.

"So when did you start hanging out with my little sister?" He questions

"She's dating my cousin DJ, she's going to stay at my house while he's in the hospital." I explained.

"She what?!" He yelled. I saw Sky pinch her eyes closed and face palmed. Oops.

"Yeah, he's in the hospital becau-" I begin to clarify further but he cuts me off.

"Yeah I got that, but what I want to know is why I didn't know about this little boyfriend of hers." Ah, so he's one of those older brothers, the overprotective ones. How cute.

Before Sky could even explain herself, West beats her to the punch.

"We'll talk about this later." I've never seen him so adamant. Then again, I barely know him at all.

"Carter still won't answer her phone, I don't know where she is." I try to change the subject.

"Really? Matt just posted a snapchat with Carter chugging 3 beers. You should really see this, she's got some skills," He chuckles.

"What?!" I shout. We're at a red light right now, so I snatch his phone out his hands and look at the video. Carter continues to drink beer after beer with everyone chanting her name and clapping in the background.

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