•Chapter 2- Part 1•

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Tom didn't know it was about you, but he could get you out of his mind since that accidental phone call. You'd just sounded so cute? He knew it was risky to text you again, but couldn't resist.

- Hey just wanted to thank u for it help tonight. Reception brought a bandage up right away so I'm all fixed up now.
-No thanks to Matt lol.

Yeah you could turn out to be a crazy staler fan, and he might need to change his phone number, but you hadn't seemed to recognise his voice over the phone, so maybe you didn't know who he was? He figured you'd take a while to text back (if you even did), but surprisingly, the dots popped up almost right away before a text appeared.

-Sounded like you were bleeding a lot, so I'm glad you didn't bleed out. If you had died, I would've felt responsible. At least now I won't be hunted down by the police for being an accomplice of murder....orange isn't really my color, so I usually tie to avoid going to jail.

Tom grinned at the glowing screen and shook his head slightly. So she's funny....

-Yeah I was in bad shape
-But I've had worse.

-Oh? What, are you going to try to impress me with how tough you are?

- Not anymore...

-No, no I want to hear it now.

-Well I guess I've never had anything that bad happen before.
-just a few broken noses and other sprains
-That kind of stuff.

Typing it out, Tom realised how stupid it sounded. Broken noses and sprains? That wouldn't impress anyone.

-It's not actually as impressive now I think about it.

Div! That's it, she's not gonna respond.
But Tom let out the breathe he'd been holding when you began typing your reply.

-It's really not 😂 but I mean, how'd you break your nose? BecUse the story might make it a bit better?

He began typing immediately and hit send without thinking.

-Oh all three times was while working
-so not that exciting

-How do you break your nose while working?? Do you do construction or something?

Shit, shit shit. What am I supposed to say? I can't tell her I'm an actor- oh why'd I mention work? Maybe I'll lie and say yes... But in the end Tom decided it was safer just to be super vague.

-Not really.

Reading his reply again, he realised how strange it probably came across. Shoot, now she probably thinks I do something sketchy, and that's why I'd don't want to tell her. Oh my Quason I didn't think that through. Before To
Could figure out a better response, or how to save the conversation, a new text appeared.

-Ok... so you're a wold-champion boxer and broke it in fights?

He sighed in relief. So you weren't scared off yet at least.

-Lol yeah that's me.

Not technically a lie. Since he did box... well he wasn't a world-champion, but there just a minor detail.

- Well maybe *you* can't.

Tom rolled his eyes at the phone, chuckling to himself. Your sense of humour matched so easily with his. Even over text, he could feel the sarcasm and wished he could just call you to hear your beautiful voice again. But giving you the chance to hear his voice again?... that would be way too risky.

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