•Chapter 5-Part 2•

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You hadn't seen him for over three months, and you didn't care what anyone thought- you were going to kiss your man. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close. As your lips pulled apart, you felt his turn up into a smile. You drank in his appearance, a sight your eyes had been craving ever since he's left New York a few months ago.

"And hello to you too, "Tom laughed, eyes glinting with desire. You couldn't wait to get back to the hotel.

So focused on Tom, you'd almost forgotten the screaming crowd, but a renewed burst of energy bought them back to the forefront of your consciousness.

"TOM!!" Spider-Man!!!!" Over here!!" Tom Holland!"

Fans were pleading for his attention, calling his name over and over, hoping to score an autograph or photo. Airport security had somehow managed to control the crowd, keeping them behind a makeshift barrier- again, how did you miss all that going on??

You clung to Toms side as you headed past the crowd. The memory of the cafe incident still had you shaken so much attention from fans had your system on high alert. Tom stalled in front of the fans, pulling away a bit to go greet them, but you held tight to his arm not wanting him to go. He looked at you, a bit confused since you were totally cool stopping for fans but the second he saw the anxiety I. Your eyes he understood it wasn't something you could handle today.

He waved to his fans calling an apology, saying he had a very important meeting he was running late for, and you walked swiftly towards the exit. Relief flooded your body as you stepped out into the fresh air. The driver was waiting right where you'd left him, and you climbed in followed by Tom. One step closer to having him all to yourself.

"Sorry about that, Y/N...I forgot to warn you that would probably happen. I don't understand how they find out when I'll be at the airport." He shook his head, a bit disgruntled.

You tried to laugh it off breezily, but Rom already knew something was off today since you normally didn't mind stopping for fans.

"Oh, it really nothing. Just some woman- a fan- wanted a photo with me for some reason..and when I told her no she kinda flipped out, and called me a bitch...and it just kinda shook me up I guess."

"What the fuck, seriously?? Are you ok"

"Yeah Tom, I'm fine. Just a bit shaken..never thought any fans would care about me enough to want a picture. I'm not the famous one after all..."

Tom kissed your cheek reassuringly. "I'll talk to my people and figure out if we should do something. Maybe a bodyguard when you're out in public or something. I'll look into it."

"Honestly, Tom...you're making way too big of a deal of this. It was just a comment, and it's only happened once..I'll be fine. Really, no need to worry." You tried to talk him down. The last thing you wanted was to be stuck with a bodyguard following you around. That would be way over the top.

He didn't look convinced, but he dropped the topic for now at least. Instead he distracted you from what had happened by telling you all about a new script he'd been sent and a few potential projects he was excited about. A little bit later, he mentioned he had a surprise for you.

"A surprise?? Tom, you know I'm not big on surprises..."

"I have a feeling you'll like this one though. Just wait-we're almost there."

"Wait where are we? Just tell me now, Tom." You we're on edge. Wha ton earth could he have done now? You looked out the window, actually focusing on your surroundings for the first time since the airport and realised you were on a street with a bunch of brownstone houses. "What are we doing out here Tom? I thought we were going to your hotel, order room service just have a chill night in?"

"I didn't get a hotel this time, love..I got something much much better." The car stopped outside a beautiful 2-story brownstone and Tom opened the door to hop out.

"Wait were stopping here? What did you do??" You felt like you knew the answer but asked anyways.

"I may have purchased a house here in Brooklyn...just maybe." His eyes smiled.
"Why don't you get out of the car and we can check if this key works."

You squealed and clambered out. Tom motioned for you to climb the steps to the front door. He followed and at the top wrapped one arm around your waist from behind, while he used his other hand to insert the key. "Do you wanna do the honours?"

Without hesitation you turned the handle and pushed open the door to revel the most gorgeous home you've ever seen. It looked like it perfect mesh of old and modern all of the elements blended seamlessly together, not a single bit of furniture looking out of place.

"Oh, Tom! It's beautiful!! When did you buy it?"

"Harrison worked on all the details while I was away. I was tired of always getting a hotel room when I came to visit." He shrugged nonchalantly, but you could see he was brimming with pride, loving that the surprise paid off.

"You basically always stayed over at mine anyways...and you never had to get a hotel, I always love having you stay with me! You didn't need to go out and buy a fucking house!" You gasped in awe as you continued looking around. You'd never been in such a nice home. "You're house is incredible Tom.. I mean-wow!" You tan your hand along the wooden banister as you began ascending the stairs pausing halfway up to admire the banister.

"Well there was something I kind of wanted to ask you..when I bought it, I really only got it basically because it reminded me of you...something about the architecture just screams 'Y/N.' So it wouldn't be right if I lived here all alone when it quite literally screams your name."

Your foot missed the next step, causing your to trip up the stairs. "Shot!" You caught yourself and turned towards Tom. "Just spit it out Tom."

He was standing at the bottom i the staircase beaming. "Y/N, would you want to move in with me?"

Your heart did a backflip as you squealed, "Is that even a question?!" You practically flew into his arms causing Tom to stumble backwards."

"So I'll take that as a yes then?" He laughed at your enthusiasm.

"Hell yeah, it's a hell yeah." Happy tears clouded your eyes as you went to kiss your boyfriend. "I love you so freaking much!"

"I love you so freaking much too! But I haven't even gotten to the rest of the surprise, love."

You did a double take. "What more could there be??"

"Well, remember how I mentioned that rom-com I was thinking of signing on to?"

"Yeah...? That one set in San Francisco."

"Turns out they really wanted me, so when o said I'd only do it if we could film in New York they rewrote the entire script. We start filming in a few mounts, so looks like you'll be stuck with me for the next three months."

You couldn't possibly smile any bigger.

"You like me that much huh? Even more than this stunning house?" His voice was smug with confidence.

"I love you more than anything. I can't believe we'll be in the same city for more than a few weeks in a row!!"

"You're not getting rid of me anytime soon, that's for sure." He reeled you into him, wrapping his arms around you and holding you tight. "Welcome home, love."

Wow hey guys how is every I'm so sorry that I have taken so long to upload this anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter don't worry it's not over yet love you all pls vote xx

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