•Chapter 5-Part 1•

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You couldn't take your eyes off the screen, staring at the Instagram post in awe. It was real now. You and Tom were a real couple, and the whole world knew. You liked the photo and commented a red heart. I'm just a couple of minutes since Tom posted, you'd received hundreds of follows and Sam requests. Ignoring those, you scrolled through the post of comments amazed that they were overwhelming not awful.

Unsurprisingly, they were all confused, since to them, this was all sudden, and you were this completely unknown person

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Unsurprisingly, they were all confused, since to them, this was all sudden, and you were this completely unknown person. To be honest you'd expected to see a LOT more hate..but maybe this wasn't going to be as bad as you thought. His fans wanted him to be happy, right? A disconcerting feeling of both relief and anxiety was building in your body. You pushed down all your anxious thoughts, choosing to focus on the positives. You looked up to find Tom studying you, gauging your reactions with slightly worry in his eyes.

"So far, so good..." You tried your hardest to sound upbeat, burying the looming sense of dread. The hate would come, of course it would. Do was just a waiting game now.

"So how should we celebrate being Instagram offical?" Toms voice lifted, mocking the term'Instagram offical.'

You thought for a moment, trying to come up with something worth of the monumental occasion, but the simplest plan was actually the most appealing to you. "I'm dying to get some fresh air..wanna go for a walk? I know it's not an elaborate celebration.."

Tom grabbed your hand, pulling you up off the couch into his arms. "Sounds perfect, love." He kissed your temple before letting go.
There was a park not too far from your apartment, so bundled up fo brave the frigid winder air, you headed in that direction, strolling hand in hand with Tom. This was the first time you were going out together as a couple, snd the normality of it was beautiful. You'd never been so excited to be outside walking during a New York winter. Usually
you avoided being outside at all costs when the temperature was this cold but the bliss of not being hidden away or having to constantly worry about being noticed made you completely unaware of how cold it was. You could just enjoy each other's company like a normal couple and you'd never truly accepted that kids of simplicity before.

Once at the park you wandered aimlessly along the path, relishing your newfound freedom. There was a few kids building snowmen on the open space-taking full advantage of the fresh show that fell overnight- and their joyous laughter and chatter only added to your giddiness. You and Tom prattled on about random stuff and exchanged funny stories form your childhood. All the time, you kept meandering through the park, unconcerned with anything beside Rom.

You were in the middle of telling Tom about the time you'd broke. Your arm when you felt him tense a little bit, his hands grip tightening on yours. Your brows knitted together, eyes quizzically studying Toms face.

You lowered your voice, "Babe, what's wrong?"

Tom shook his head microscopically and offered a reserved smile. "Nothing, was just recognised by a fan I think."

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