•Chapter 2-Part 2•

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You'd just walked in the door of your apartment when your phone vibrated in your coat pocket. Pulling it out, you glanced at the screen long enough to see it was from Tom, but you wanted to change into comfy clothes before reading it. You slipped your heels off and left them by the door, discarded you coat on the hook, and went to your bedroom to change.
The relief of throwing on sweats and a big t-shirt was one of the best feelings. You pulled your hair up into a messy bun and climbed into bed. Finally, you pulled your phone back out to respond to Tom.

-Hey so would u maybe wanna talk on the phone tonight?

A huge smile lit up your face at the thought of hearing Toms voice again. To be fair, you'd been watching old interviews of his ever since you found out he was the Tom Holland, but it wasn't the same hearing his voice over the phone. You were hoping this meant he was finally going to tell you the truth.

-I would love that 😊 I don't have any plans tonight, so call whenever.

You had barely hit send when Toms call popped up on your screen. You immediately felt butterflies in to your stomach. Excitedly, you answered the call.

"Well hello there!" Your voice smiled as you had a hard time believing you snd Tom were finalised talking.

His musical laugh filled your ear. "Hello to you, too! It's so nice to hear your voice again, Y/N.

"My voice is nothing special... you're the in e with the amazing voice, Tom. I could listen to you speak for hours." You cringed at how eager you sounded. Shut up, shut uppp!

"You really shouldn't have said that. My family always says that I can't shut up, so I wouldn't encourage me." He chuckled and cleared his throat. "Uh, but I actually called for a reason....

Your heart sped up. "Oh, it wasn't because you were dying to hear my completely average voice? You teased him nervously.

"N-well, I mean I really did want to hear your beautiful voice again-"

You guffawed at his use of the word beautiful.

"But I actually have to tell you something kind of important." He sounded so nervous. How could someone who goes on talk shows and perform in fishnets get this nervous to talk to you?
You tried to sound encouraging to ease some of his nerves. "Ok, I'm listening."

He cleared his throat again. "Well, let me start by saying that ever since our first accidentally phone call, I haven't been able to get you off my mind. I honestly wasn't sure why, but I felt drawn to you. And now that we've gotten to know each other some, I'm really dying to really get to know you, in person. I can already tell that you're special, and I really like you.
A lot. I'm telling you straight up how I feel because I have....a secret- and I've been keeping it a secret because I didn't want it to change anything- but in order to really see if there's something between us, I've gotta come clean. He paused and let out a breathe.
"My full name is Tom Holland."

You were holding your breathe through his entire monologue. As he told you all of that, the smile on your face somehow grew, which you didn't think was possible. Your heart was pumping so fast, your entire body tingling.
He likes me!!!!

Y/N??! Are you there!" Tom slightly panicked voice entered your ear.

Oh, shit!! I haven't said anything after he just confessed he's a super famous movie star.

"Sorry, sorry! I was just freaking out a bit because-"

And just as you "You said you liked me," Tom blurted out "I'm famous?"

There was a moment of confusion silence, and you both burst out laughing.

"Wait, so the big revelation of that was that I like you?? That's what you got from this?"

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