Chapter 7 Hot Kisses in the Desert

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It was like walking up from a deep sleep as Brook's car plunged out of the darkness of the cave into the golden red light of dusk

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It was like walking up from a deep sleep as Brook's car plunged out of the darkness of the cave into the golden red light of dusk. He glanced at Michelle.

"You ready?" he asked. Michelle nodded.

"Let's do this." She said with sparkling eyes. Brook smiled. He kicked the gas pedal hard and the engine roared as the car shot down the road.

"Whoa!" Michelle squealed in pleasure. She clutched the handlebar as she felt the ground vibrate below her feet. Brook was right; it was like flying.

Michelle glanced at the speedometer – it showed a hundred and ten and climbed. She gazed ahead at the road as it ran beneath the car. She turned and looked out of the window as the wide, open desert blurred past. The horizon was nothing but an orange stroke of light as the car headed south.

"You good?" Brook asked. Michelle turned to him with a look of pure ecstasy.

"Never been better." Brook turned the car slightly as the road curved left. He took a large circle and headed east. After a while, he slowed down and eventually came to a stop. They got out.

"So whatcha think?" Brook asked. Michelle spun around with her hands flying out.

"That was incredible." Brook grinned.

"That was only the beginning. Now it's your turn." He gestured for her to sit in the driver's seat. She bit her lip.

"Are you sure?" she asked. He nodded. He helped her in and came around to the passenger's side.

"Okay, you're working with an all-wheel drive here so if you feel the need to break, do it on the open road." He said.

"What happens if I don't?" She asked. Brook laughed nervously.

"Let's not go there." He said. Michelle gripped the wheel and let a breath out of her mouth.

"Hey, relax. You're supposed to enjoy it. if you're not, you've kicked the fun out of driving."

"Got it."

"Breathe. You're in control now. You've got this." Michelle tuned herself to his words and nodded.

"Now try the gas pedal. Slowly." He said. Michelle pressed the gas pedal letting the vibration of the car align itself with her heartbeat. The car rolled forward and Michelle began to relax.

"Good. Now head west."

"West? You want me to drive towards the sun?"

"You'll see why." Michelle obeyed and turned the car in one smooth curve. The car faced the wide open desert road which stretched for miles.

 The car faced the wide open desert road which stretched for miles

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