Meet Odette

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Once charlie announces we will be landing in France in an our,I get up and head to the bedroom to get changed,when in France I use my alias Odette. I'm just a basic run of the mill bar singer here, but I go to one bar in particular one that I own, and have to check on it every time I'm here and I heard about a problem, uncle Phil told me that it will be a side mission and to make sure I take bodyguards with me when I enter,looking for a rich one who is trying to dirty up the place with his drug dealing ways. Can't have that now can I so I go and change pink wig,pink contacts, black skinny jeans with off shoulder black and pink shirt,with black heeled boots. The boys won't see this coming, oops did I forget to mention the side mission on our way to Greece.
Upon leaving the bedroom, the guys notice and just gape, I say hello boys meet Odette, french club owner, I tell them we have a mission to complete while we stop over in France and ask them to act as my bodyguards. They ask why and all I say is cause when I step off that plane,I'll need them. They look at me confused but agree, I tell them there is a change if clothes in the bedroom for each of them. And they do as I told them.
When they have changed into appropriate attire, charlie says that we are coming in for a landing.
After the plane touched down, the door was opened and sure enough Ryan was waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me,I whispered to the guys to just play along, to which they nodded,I gave them earpieces, and put mine in,told them to just talk normal and we could hear what each other was saying.

As I descended down the stairs I greeted Ryan with a double air kiss and he says welcome back Odetta, I thank him and we proceed to the limo that is waiting for us, the guys decided to put one up front and two in the back with me and Ryan, he asks where too and I tell him to the club after all it is Paris at night and with that we head off.


I couldn't believe it when Sang came out of the bedroom,she looked nothing like herself,she had pink hair and what was with the pink eyes. But she still looked gorgeous as ever. Then she told us about a. Side mission and asked us to change and that we were her bodyguards, we just did what we told after all this is what we signed up for, Michael did say to keep her close but watch from afar. When we got to the airport we were greeted by some french guy, and he called her Odette. And now apparently we were headed to some club. When we arrived at the club, I thought we were going in as customers,but when Sang I mean Odette stepped out of the limo,the crowd just screamed, she walked right up to the doors bypassed the massive line and with a nod to the security guard,and she whispers something to him and we pass by with her and this Ryan guy, once we enter it's loud and dark,but lights are on everywhere signifying it's definitely some kind of dance club.

Once we are in their she goes to the bar behind the counter and speaks to the bartender he just nods his head and points in a direction,she gazes over and spots some guy sitting there, and starts to walk over.


Once I spoke to Eric who was working the bar tonight, he points me to the guy in question and then I head over, when I approach the man in question is none other than Blake Coalter and he's not alone, with him is a man I don't know, I've had problems with Blake in the past, usually he would come in to see Odette trying to take her out to places,but she always refused. When I get closer he just smiles and says hello Odette, I greet him with a smile and he introduced his friend as matthew Tyler, somewhere in the back of my mind that name sounds familiar. I greet him and Blake asks me to join them in which I did.

I turn to Blake and say so I here your stirring up trouble looking for me. He says yeah wasn't sure how to get a hold of you. I ask what he wanted and he says he's looking for a silent business partner in selling a new drug called jh-14, I tell him I'm not into that stuff and he knows that, he says yeah but I was hoping to get your help to spread it around, I ask him for a sample and he agrees, I told him I'll get back to him,but for now to leave his number and to please dismiss himself from the club, as this is not the place to be doing this stuff, this is a clean club and he knows it. And with that him and his friend leave but not before whispering in my ear, that he's still waiting to show me a good time, I just shiver, I never felt comfortable around him so why would I want him in anyway. So with that I wave to the boys to follow me up to the office, I tell them to wait here I have to do something and with that I take to the stage and sing for the crowd.

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