Chapter 15

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Mommy where's dad ?  I need money mom

" In his office honey his not picking up his phone his busy just understand your dad

Mommy I need it now I need to go out tonight .

" Why ? Is that important ?

Ofcourse mom it is

" Just sleep early honey I don't know when your dad will coming home tonight .

Aish that can be mom I need to go them . There meeting each other tonight

" Who ?

Jeongyeon , Mina and Nayeon

" What's the matter ?

Mom ! I need to go to them I need to know where are they going tonight .

" For what honey ?

Mommy ! Aissshh

Her mom chuckled patting Chaeyoung's head . I think you have a crush on Mina honey
You keep on mentioning her , you send her home .
You're worried about her the last time she's here
Is my daughter having a crush on her ? I'm your mom you can tell me Honey

" Seriously mom ? Hahahahah I don't know you have this side of yours you're kidding me hahahaha I don't have a crush on her . I want to become her friend that's why I'm protecting her

She's with Jeongyeon that kid knows what she's doing honey I trust that kid she's a good influence no wonder why Mina wants to go out with her . Unless you're worried about something that makes you jealous

" Nahh hahahah why would I ? She's not my girlfriend , I need to go mom
I love you

I love you honey don't come home too late ok ?

" Alright !

We're should I go ?

Were did Jeongyeon take them . There's a lot of amusement park here this is crazy I couldn't find them if this is the case
Why I forgot to ask Mina earlier I would be easy for me thou .

< To Myoui_Mina >

Where's amusement park is that ?


[ From Myoui_Mina ]

Dunno Chae ~ we only consume around 20 minutes going here . Why did you ask ?

< To Myoui_Mina >

Nothing just asking .. Is Nayeon already there ?

[ From Myoui_Mina ]

She's not here 😟 she texted me she can't go with us her mom called her for emergency .

This is it this is what I'm talking about 
They're having a date !

Chaeyoung search for a nearest amusement park near their location not that long she found one which is 15 minutes away from their house . She hurriedly drove fast to her destination

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