Chapter 21

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Annoying as always Chaeyoung , goodnight ! Don't talk again I'm sleepy that bullshit girlfriend of yours doesn't know how to get a proper timing teach your girlfriend how to be nice to me , then I'll be nice to her .
If she will mess up with me I'll make her world as hell as it could be
Now shut your eyes and your mouth !
Goodnight !

Chaeyoung chuckled she obeyed Mina not replying so that their conversation won't be too long and Mina can get back to sleep for at least 4 hour's before their OJT .

Mina is in her dreamland while Chaeyoung is exploring her room as she promised she will be here angel for tonight , she's looking at Mina's room in every corner , then her eyes landed on the picture frame of Mina and Bambam on her night stand

She looks so happy with her boyfriend before    I rarely saw this beautiful gummy smile of her when she's with me . But look at her in their picture frame she's so happy holding hands with her boyfriend she's so lovely . This guy must be crazy lucky to have her tsk shameless that he let go of this girl
Her girlfriend have an ineffable beauty in this world , look at her sparkling eyes it's so perfect specially when she smiles she's showing her eyes smile ! I would be the luckiest person if I saw that eye smile everyday , her girlfriend is not just pretty in her physical appearance but I think she have this beautiful soul inside of her .
She's arrogant sometimes I mean most of the times ?
But .. maybe it depends on her mood ?

Well I can't blame her for being like that even myself I'm not in the mood everyday but then I met this penguin my day was lightened what I mean is I felt comfortable and happy when she's with me .
It's different she's different to my friends that I have , is she my friend already ? Did she accepted me as her friend ?

I have to ask this penguin tomorrow when she walked up ..

Chaeyoung gets the picture frame and again just like what she did to their picture in the living room Chaeyoung throw it in the trash can outside not in Mina's room .

She's checking the time and it's now 5am in the morning enough for Chaeyoung to explore Mina's room

I have to go penguin see you later ,
Chaeyoung went out from Mina's room she waited Mina's mom to wake up for her to finally went home .

A minute had passed Mina's mom is now waiting to their living room when she saw Chaeyoung is already awake " Chaeyoung you're too early you're going home now ? Let's have breakfast first , anyway where's Mina ?

Thanks but I think I have it in our home Mrs. Myoui .. Mina still in her room she's not yet awake , I don't want to disturb her so I didn't wake her up .
I have to go Mrs. Myoui , thank you
Chaeyoung bowed to Mina's mom before leaving the house


Mina's parents are so cool they're not like my parents I mean when Mina told me they are so strict with her I think it's not true maybe she find them strict in other way .
They're nice very accomodating , well.. My mom and dad are accomodating too but it's also different from the way Mina's parents handed .

I'm so tired and sleepy , this is crazy . This is the first time I promised to someone that wouldn't sleep hahaha , I fulfill it right ?

I did a good job !

I hurriedly went to our dining table to look for something to eat I need to eat faster so I won't be late ,then I found my parents wearing a suspicious smile waiting for me in the table " Where did our daughter slept last night ? My mom ask me

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