Limits of Humanity

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As he always did every morning, he went to Tobio's house to walk to school together with him but instead of Tobio appearing behind the door excitedly as per usual, Ayane opened the door. Her face looks neutral as she is dressed properly for work.

"Tobio left already,"

"O—oh. Got it, Kageyama-san..." He frowns at this. He had told Tobio that he'll be inviting Tobio to go to school together every day except if he accidentally wakes up late. It's weird that Tobio would be leaving early. He didn't remember this happening in the previous timeline.

Ayane wasn't even acknowledging Tooru as she locks the door and walks away, "Ah, have a safe trip, Kageyama-san!"

Ayane stares at Tooru long enough to make him uncomfortable before she smirks, "Your good boy act really had everyone fooled huh, Oikawa-kun?"

Tooru stiffened though Ayane wasn't finished, "You're that desperate to steal Tobio from me? Tobio is my son. Don't think you can do whatever you please,"

She smiles, "Good day, Oikawa-kun,"

Tooru stares at the retreating form of Ayane and clenches his fist. He had felt a lot these days; sorrow, helplessness, and happiness from spending time with Tobio.

He hasn't felt this angry in a long time.

"Damn it..."

Turning away, he ran all the way from Tobio's house to school in order to cool his head. The image of Tobio crying yesterday during dinner appears in his head. He clenches his teeth at the thought of how such a simple thing that Tooru receives every day would bring so much joy to Tobio that it made him cried.

He had enough of people hurting Tobio.

Iwaizumi look up upon hearing the door to the gym open to see Tooru panting slightly, "Oikawa? Kageyama is not with you today?"

Tooru frowned, "Didn't Tobio arrived already? His mom said so..."

Kunimi chimes in, "Kageyama is in the bathroom,"

Tooru internally sighs in relief, "I see..."

At that moment, Tobio appears and Tooru immediately smiles upon seeing the boy and lightly jog towards him, "Yo, Tobio-chan! Why didn't you wait for me today?"

Tobio is trying to smile which only resulted in an awkward face as he averted his face, "I—I have to meet a teacher today. Y—Yeah..."

Tooru's smiles falters.

Tobio is lying.

"Tobio-chan, look at me in the eye,"

Tobio stays quiet and doesn't move which causes irritation to rose inside Tooru, "Tobio, why won't you look at me,"

Tobio flinches slightly at Tooru's cold tone as he slowly turns his face to look at Tooru. Upon seeing Tobio's left eye, Tooru's blood ran cold as he lifts his hand. Tobio closes his eyes the moment Tooru's fingers linger on the bruise under Tobio's eye. He could see a layer of makeup trying to hide it but he could see it up close.

"...How did you get this?"

Tobio hesitates and Tooru moves his hand to lift Tobio's chin and look at him in the eyes, "Tobio, who did this to you?"

"No—no one! I accidentally hit my face while practising!"

"I don't think a volleyball could do something like this and need to use makeup to cover it,"

Tobio frowns, "So what if I want to cover up a bruise? This is nothing,"

Tooru lower his voice as his face moves closer towards Tobio, "Why are you even trying to lie? It was your mother again, isn't it?"

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