The Ones Left Behind

444 17 7

25th February 2010

"Tokyo, huh. That's pretty far,"

Tobio nods as Kindaichi returns the form to him, "Doctors said that Kazuyo-san won't have long. Dad and nee-san will be there too but at least I want to be beside him for as long as I could. At least it's easier to see him in Tokyo,"

"Yeah..." Kindaichi looked unsure until Kunimi jabbed him in the stomach, causing him to groan in pain.

"Kunimi you—"

"We'll see each other during tournaments. You'll be there, right?"

Tobio's eyes softened at Kunimi's words, "Yeah, I'll be there,"

On impulse, Tobio hugs both Kindaichi and Kunimi, surprising them before they return the hug.

"See you again, Kageyama,"


As he walks around the school, his heart squeezes as he remembers all the memories he had of here, the good and the bad, everything.

"Hey, Kageyama,"

Tobio smiles a little as he bows at Iwaizumi, "Iwaizumi-san,"

Iwaizumi smiles as he gestures for them to sit on the bench, "I heard. So, you're really leaving, huh?"

"Yeah..." Tobio hesitates as he fiddles with his fingers, "Iwaizumi-san I—I want to—"

"Don't say that you're sorry," Iwaizumi's voice turns soft as he gently holds Tobio's hand, "Nothing is your fault. If anything, I'm happy that you're well, Kageyama,"

"I—" Kageyama stumbles as he looks at Iwaizumi, "I feel like I'm running away somewhat. Leaving my home, everything and—and him..."

"Everything he did is for you. He'll be happy to know that you're going to live your life from now on,"

Tobio stays silent as he gazes downwards. He seems to be in deep thoughts before he lifts his head and nodded with a small smile, "Yeah..."

Iwaizumi smiles as he brings Tobio close for a hug, "Good luck Tobio. I'll see you again,"

Tobio nodded, hiding his face on Iwaizumi's chest.


22nd October 2011

"The autumn leaves are beautiful, aren't they, Tobio?"

Tobio nodded solemnly as Kazuyo inspect the brown leaf that he had requested Tobio to bring to him. Right now, Kazuyo didn't even have the energy to went outside anymore.

"And in a few more months, the leaves would have all fallen which is such a shame... but that's fine because even more beautiful flowers will bloom,"

Tobio couldn't handle it as he reaches towards Kazuyo's hand with his own trembling one. Kazuyo smiles softly at him as he squeezes Tobio's hand, "Hold your head high, Tobio. That's who you are. Someone who always looks forward,"

Tobio nods as tears started dripping to his lap. He wipes them using his sleeve before lifting his head and looking at Kazuyo who's grinning.

"After all, you still have a lot you want to do, goals you want to achieve, and people you want to see, right?"


Kazuyo smiles before he let out a huge yawn and the nurse arrives just in time to inform Tobio that visiting hour has ended. He hesitates though looking at how tired Kazuyo is, he relents as he waves goodbye at the half-asleep Kazuyo.

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