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Olivia's P.O.V.

"That was unexpected," I tell Meredith as we both are sitting in her living room.

"I can not believe he not only invited Alex but Addison," Meredith tells me surprise before I nod.

"Derek can be an ass sometimes but he does like you Meredith. He really does and I know you do not want me here as Derek's sister but as your friend." I explain to her.

"We must get to work before we get there late. Do not want more gossip to go around." Meredith tells me before I nod.

"If he makes you feel any better. Derek did not look at Addison one bit that night." I say trying to comfort my friend.

"He still invited her." 

"He could have or he could have not. I have not talked to him yet, she probably invited herself knowing her." I explain to Meredith which is true as it used to happen back in New York.

Meredith and I get up from the couch before gathing our things to head to work.


"She did what!" I say surprised as Dr. Bailey told me that Addison just asked for Meredith to be her intern for the day.

"It'll be a fun day for her that's for sure." Miranda says responding to me before she looks at me confuse.

"Where is Dr. Karev? I thought he was your intern for the day." Miranda tells me before I nod.

I know I should have not gotten with my intern. I mean now I have to see him everyday and I can not get away from him or it is obvious as everyone here knows my routine. I am basically never going to be able to get rid of him. Not actually get rid of him but make him be with other surgeons.

"He is. I sent him to do some paperwork for me." I say trying to distract her from what really is going on.

"Dr. Ortega having her intern do paperwork? The world must be burning down before Dr. Orgeta makes an intern do paperwork instead of assisting her. When did you sleep with him?"

"Why would you assume I sleep him?"

"You like boys who are assholes. It was a matter of time."

"He slept with nurse Olivia while we were dating." 

"That is Dr. Karev for you."

"If you excuse me, I have a patient to get to." I tell her trying to change the topic.

"Who else knows?"

"Your interns and Derek."

"Do not let this get out of hand."

"I will not, I have to get to my patient," I tell her once again before she nods and I turned around and left to go attend to my patient.

I walk to my patient who is the one that has the earing stuck in her system. George ran the x-rays and we planned surgery for this afternoon. Actually, I am heading to get my patient and get them to the OR where George and Alex are supposed to scrub in. 

"Good afternoon, Rebecca ready for surgery? I assume Dr. O'Malley has prep you for surgery?" I ask her before she nods.

"Any questions before the nurses and I move you to the OR?" I ask her before she shakes her head.

"Good," I tell her before the nurses came into her room and started moving her things.

They move her to the OR while I head in to go scrub in. While I am scrubing in, I can see that George and Alex have already scrubbed in. I still can not get over the fact that George punched Alex, I think that is pretty bad ass especially coming from George. Never underestimate nice guys.


"Dr. Ortega." I hear Addison say my name as I leave the OR.

"What to you want, Dr. Mongomery?" I say calling her by her originally last name instead of my brothers. 

"I heard you won the Harper Avery award. Congralutations I know how hard to worked for it." She says as she follows behind me. 

"Cut the crap, you came here to play house? Because if so do not count me in. After all the suffering you put my brother through, 2 words will not cut it." I say after turning around to face her so she knows I mean it.

"I apolized countless of times, what else do you expect?" Addison says responding to what I said to her.

"Maybe you should have not slept with Mark in the first place." I say answering her question before I see her roll her eyes.

"Holding it against me I see? I know that if you had the chance you would have slept with him too.. I mean after you all you have been in love with him since he meet your brother in third grade." Addison tells me before I slap her.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that especially not in my hospital." I say after I slap her making people in the hall look at me.

I simply turn around and make my way into my patients room as the nurses are suppose to have brought her in. 

"Fuck." I whisper to myself after I enter Rebecca's room and see that she is stable.

"You okay?" I hear someone say from the room door.

I look behind me to see Alex at the door as if this day could not get any worse.

"It's fine, go do your rounds." I tell Alex before he shakes his head.

"I'm sorry." I hear Alex say before he leaves the room.

Their right. Never mix your personal live with your work live. 

This is going to be one messy year with all there's interns.

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