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Oliva's P.O.V.

"I am just saying today was my off day and look at me," I say complaining to Derek as I am back in the hospital.

"At least your surgery was not rescheduled," Derek tells me as we enter Dr. Webbers' room so he can get discharged.

"And my cheating wife is not back in town," I say before I look at Dr. Webber as he is the one that called Addison to come here.

"It was not personal. I have heard your family loves intern." Dr. Webber says before I chuckle.

"Now that is personal," I tell him but not in a serious manner.

Gossip loves to move around fast but I already knew this.

"Now if you excuse me, a patient apparently has ten Judy dolls in his abdomen and I must go to the OR.... on my day off let me add." I continue to speak before I turn around and go do the work I was called to do.

I made my way to the OR where I am supposed to perform the surgery and then I can head back home and not see Alex for a bit.

I got into the scrub room before scrubbing in. Dr. Bailey was supposed to do the surgery but she asked if I could do it and she would deal with other patients. As I suck at saying no, I decided to come help assist.


"I knew you looked familiar," Jack tells me as we both walk out of the OR from the surgery.

"Well, this is a surprise," I tell him before he chuckles as I see Alex walk out of the OR doors.

"I was going to call you but I guess I'll be paging you," Jack says before I smile at him as I notice Alex is staring at us.

"Maybe do not page me tonight, I am off," I tell him before he chuckles once again, he sure likes to chuckle.

"What a coincidence as I am off too. Let me take you out actually out on a date tonight at 8 pm?" Jack says before I nod.

"She actually is busy tonight at 8 pm with me." I hear Alex say behind Jack before I look at him confused.

Alex is literally so confusing like one second he wants me and the other he does not. He can never make up his mind.

"I-I," I say confuse before Jack nods.

"He is the guy you were supposed to be last night?" Jack asks me before I nod and he looks sad for a second before he puts on a smile.

"Have a good night. Page me, when you do not have a date." Jack says before he looks between Alex and me and then leaves.

"Alex, weren't you with nurse Olivia last night?" I ask him before he shakes his head.

"Look I messed up, okay? I got scared that I was liking you too much so I took matters into my own hands. Olivia, I do not want to see you with anyone else, I want you to be with me." Alex tells me before I shake my head.

"Do you actually mean it or will you go back running to another nurse once you get scared again?"

"I actually mean it," Alex says as he puts both his hands on each side of my face.

"I will forgive you if you do this again."

"I won't, I promise. I'll pick you up tonight at 8 pm?" Alex says before I nod and he softly kisses my lips.

After Alex kisses my lips, he walks away as if nothing ever happened. I guess I will just have to continue my day into 8 pm to see if he actually shows up or not.

"You look hot," Christina says as I am showing the girls and George what I am wearing for the date with Alex.

I decided to wear a nice dress like a simple black sexy dress with red heels. I put on mascara and a light foundation.

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