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Olivia's P.O.V.

"Missed the library?" Mark asks me after we walked in.

"It's been a long time."

I used to come to this library every day when I lived here. Literally every day. Derek and Mark would have to come to get me late at night as our mom did not let me go walk back home alone. Reading books was always been a hobby for me, a way to relax.

"Didn't you work at this library in high school?" Mark asks me before I nod.

"How'd you remember? You were in med school."


"He can never keep my life a secret."

"It shows how much he loves you."

"Come on, let's go to the back room. That is where they use to hide all the good books."

"It is going to be a mess getting you to leave tonight," Mark comments before I nod.

I grab his hand before I make my way to the backroom pulling him with me.

I can not believe I have to perform 2 more surgeries and then I get to go back. To deal with Alex and Izzy and then Addison, Derek, and Meredith. I do miss my friends and brothers do not get me wrong. I adore them to death.

The backroom is my favorite room. Yes, it has the best books ranging from poetry to fiction. But it also has the best vibes and most comfortable couches. Also, not a lot of people know about the backroom so usually is empty.

Once we got to the backroom, I let go of his hand so I can see which room I want to read.

"Heading for a classic?" Mark asks me as he goes to sit on the big couch.

Mark has never been one to read books for fun. After all, he is a plastic surgeon doctor. Not sure if it has a correlation or not but it is just Mark.

"Pick one for me."

"The Great Gatsby."

I quickly look for the book he told me before I found it. Mark always thought this is my favorite book and honestly, it is because he thinks it is. Do not get me wrong, it is an amazing book but I am not sure it is the one I would pick if I could pick from any book.

"You know his wife actually most of it," I tell Mark before he nods and I head over and sit beside him.

"I think you've told me." He says as he puts his hand around my waist to bring me closer to him before I rest my head on his chest but still be able to see the book.

"Read me your favorite line." He continues to speak before I nod.

I opened the book and passed the pages into I found the correct one. I could say any line from this book at the top of my head.

"His hand took hold of hers, and as she said something low in his ear he turned toward her with a rush of emotion. I think that voice held him most, with its fluctuating, feverish warmth, because it couldn't be over-dreamed —that voice was a deathless song." I say reading from the book before looking up at Mark.

"What?" I ask him as he is having eye contact with me but will not say anything.

"Nothing." He says before he leans in and kisses the top of my head.

"What is your favorite line?" I ask him before he chuckles.

"You know I do not read." He says before I shake my head and smile at him.

"His heart beat faster and faster as Daisy's white face came up to his own. He knew that when he kissed this girl and forever wed his unutterable visions to her perishable breath, his mind would never romp again like the mind of God. So he waited, listening for a moment longer to the tuning fork that had been struck upon a star. Then he kissed her. At his lips touch, she blossomed like a flower and the incarnation was complete." I say from the top of my head another quote from the book.

"Are you trying to serenade me with Great Gatsby?" Mark asks to be before I chuckle.

"Is it working?"

"Take off your clothes and try again." He says with a smirk before my eyes become big.

"You only live once," I say before I get up from the couch to get undressed.


"Who is calling you so late?"

I pick up my phone as I realize the hospital is calling.

"Hey, chief. Is everything okay?" I ask into the phone as it extremely changes he is calling.

"The last two patients died from infections." He says before my eyes get big.

"I-I." I freeze not knowing what to say.

Why did I not operate today? I had the time. I could have saved them.

"It was not your fault. We did not have all nurses and doctors for the surgeries to perform them today. You are allowed to head back to Seattle."

"Thank you, have a nice night," I say before I hang up my phone and look at Mark.

"My two patients died from infections or inside wounds. I have to head back to Seattle."



"I am sure they'll need you more here than in Seattle."

Is he giving me a reason to stay? Like is he trying to tell me that I should stay? For him not like for the hospital.


"You should start packing."

What? Why is he being so confusing?

Honestly, I always finish falling for the asshole guys. Like I honestly thought Mark finally change from being that big ego fuck boy. I guess they never change no matter how much they 'mature'. Mark is basically New York Alex.

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