Chapter 10: Disapearance

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                               ~3rd POV~

Morro woke up at 6:00 am. He felt the rough wood of the chair he was sitting in. A sigh filled his lips when he sat up and saw Lloyd laying in his bed.

The green ninja's chest rose and fell with every breathe that escaped his lips. 
Ay yes those lips.
The same lips that connected to Morro's in such a way that gave him temptation to want it to happen again. Morro quickly shook his head in denial.

"Maybe a walk will clear my head." The former ghost decided.  He left the room and climbed down the stairs.

Morro walked into the empty kitchen and opened the fridge.

The sound of crickets and the AC on full blast was the only thing sound Morro could hear.

He grabbed a carton of strawberries that sat untouched in the fridge.  The wind boy didn't waste time to cut up a few strawberries and put them in a small bowl.  Morro added a pinch of sugar for the final touch and his meal was perfect.

He sat and started to dig in when the sound of two pairs of footsteps could be heard behind him. Morro turned around to see Jay and Nya arriving to the kitchen in their nighttime outfits.

"Hey Morro." Jay whispered, hoping not to wake the sleeping teammates, followed by Nya waving at him.

"Sup." Morro said with a mouthful of strawberries.

Nya sat next Morro at the kitchen bar while Jay went over to the coffee machine.

Jay grabbed two mugs out of the pantry.

"You want a cup o' joe?" Jay asked Morro with a yawn.

"Sure but don't call it a cup o' joe. what are you 60?"Morro joked bringing a snicker out of the  girl next to him.

Jay didn't give a proper response and only gave Morro a tired thumbs up.

There was a comfortable silence that sat other than the crickets and the air conditioner and now the coffee machine.

Jay grabbed the three cups and brought them to the table.

"Thanks." Morro whispered as he took a long sip of the coffee.

"So how is Lloyd?"  Nya asked concerned.

"I'm not really sure, I can't tell if he is getting better or worse." He responded.

"M-" Jay was about to speak before the sound of glass shattering erupted from upstairs.

The three made eye contact before racing up the stairs.

The sound had come from the green ninja's room.

Jay knocked on the door.

"Lloyd? Are you ok?" Jay asked through the door.

No reply.

Morro walked up to the door.

"We're coming in Lloyd." The wind boy said as he attempted to turn the doorknob.

"Shit." Morro muttered under his breathe.

"What is it?" Nya asked.

"It's locked." Morro said in frustration.

"Let me handle this." Jay stepped forward.

Jay bent down and electrocuted the doorknob right off.

"Great. There goes his privacy." Nya muttered.

"Cmon at least the door is open now." Jay whispered.


The door opened slightly and the sight of the inside was a bit shocking.

Scratch marks covered the walls and broken furniture and some of Lloyd's belongings were scattered across the floor.

The three rushed inside.

"Lloyd?!" Nya yelled as she started to search the room.

"Where are you buddy!" Jay screeched.

Morro was in complete shock. He knew just what was wrong but he didn't want to accept it. He wasn't totally sure until he noticed all the broken glass around the window. Morro stepped around the glass to the window. The curtains moved as the wind from outside blew.

"Guys! What's happening!" The sound of Kai's voice erupted behind them. Morro turned around and saw Zane, Kai, Cole, Misako, and Wu standing at the door.

"It's Lloyd! He's gone and his room was like this!" Jay cried.

Everyone rose in panic checking around the room.

"Guys..." Morro breathed.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and faced Morro's back.

The wind ninja pointed out the shattered window and a gust of wind shook the curtains.

Kai's face was filled with fury. His head looked like it might have exploded in rage.

"Kai wait-" Nya called out to her brother but it was too late.

It was almost as if fumes were coming out of Kai's ears.

The fire ninja grabbed Morro's collar and yelled in his ear.


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