Chapter 2: Talking to the guys, Singing for Gus

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While I was at the bar, a hand tapped my shoulder and Kev was smiling. I then turned around and almost lept from my chair. It was my boyfriend of 2 years and he was the only one who knew that I moved to Chicago. "Gus!!" I exclaimed as I hugged him and he picked me up off the ground and spun me around while kissing me. " I've missed you." I told him once he put me down and he pulled away from kissing me so our heads were touching each other. "I've missed you too." He told me not wanting to let go of me. "Ok Gus, our turn to see her." I heard an all too familiar voice say. "Tony!!"I exclaimed as I hugged him. I then hugged everyone else but then I came to Joey and just said Hi. "Starr, sorry to break this up, but you gotta get back up there." Kev told me. "Ok, thanks Kev, you guys gonna watch me?" I asked. "Of course." They said and I smiled. "Alright everyone, this next song goes out to a special someone in my life. I love you." I said and started singing.
^^Play the song up top.^^

Once I was done, I saw my Big sister walk into the bar with Frankie and I smiled. "Alright everyone, this song goes out to my beautiful big sister. She used to sing this song to me growing up as a lullaby. I love you sissy." I told her and I see Mickey walk in with Ian and the kids.

The song I sang.

"Now, for my last song. I'd like to sing to my kids a song I used to sing to them when they were babies." I said and I grabbed Giselle and put her on one hip then grabbed Joey Jr and did the same. I then walked to the stage and I put my baby girl on one lap while my baby boy was on the other.

The song I sang to the twins.

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