A man in his 20's run into a girl rushing to get somewhere, then they met a couple more times until the man decided to ask for her number...
no covid does not exist in this story cuz we don't like em
⚠️TW⚠️: sexual assault, cuss words, rape, abusive...
07.38 AM y/n's apartment Y/n woke up to the sound up her alarm blasting. She sets it off and gets her phone from the bedside table checking her notification center.
ll 367 notifications from Twitter (open) ll 106 notifications from Instagram (open) ll 487 notifications from Twitch (open)
She opens her Twitter and decided to tweet something since she'll be streaming today.
Twitter: II ynariee: heyy guys today I'll be streaming make sure to catch up on the stream...see u guys soon ;)
837 Comments 4.867 Likes 678 Retweets
yn gets out of bed going towards her dresser to pick out an outfit and head into the shower for a hot shower...30 minutes run along and she gets out and heads to thr kitchen for breakfast, she made eggs and waffles for b'fast, she ate her food sitting on the counter table while scrolling through instagram. Not long after that she decided to clean her plates and prep for her stream coming up in 2 hours. Soon enough she decided to jam to music to kill time, 1 and a half hour pass and decided to tweet out something before streaming...
Twitter: II ynariee: streaming in 10 mins...see u guys soon :)
167 Comments 1.567 Likes 789 Retweets
5 minutes later she starts the streams with the "Starting Soon!!" screen
"Heyy chat how're you guys doingg?" She asks to chat w the normal bubbly self, she takes time to read the chat and start her webcam to start her video
User178: hiii yn its so great to be seing you stream againn YNARIE'S_fan: OMGG U HAVENT STREAMED IN 2 WEEKS ITS SO GUD TO C U Kayla_bree: donated $40 HII WONDER WHT STREAM THIS WILL BE!!
"Thank you Kayla_bree for thr dono, I appreciate it!! Alright do I was wondering if we could just to some light bedwards with Mr Tommyinnit!!" Yn goes back to reading the chat for a a few seconds until she decided to call tommy since last night they've agreedd to play bedward together "heyy tomsss its kinda time to play...call me on discord" yn says "alright WOMAN I will call you on discord BYEEE" he says "bye to-" tommy ended thr call before yn could say bye, a few seconds later Tommy called her on discord "HELLOW WOMAN ARE YOU LIVE YET?" He hums..."yes I am live child, r u?" She hums back "nope I'll start the live rn then!!"
A couple hours pass...
"Toms I think I'll head out now I hv dance soon and its already 4pm byeee tomm" she hums "BYE BYE WOMAN" he hums back...they both ended the call and yn starts talking to chat for 5 mins "alright chat I'll get going now, I'll try to keep up w the social media baii love you alll!!" She ends the stream
Yn start to put on some better clothes to go out for dance class
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This is the outfit that she chose She runs to her kitchen to grab her keys and heads out, she decided to run since she's running pretty late and she bumps into a man on the way to her dance class
"Ohh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" she got cut of by the man who's face was inches apart from hers..they sat there on the concrete staring at each other each face turning red and started to heat up "Its alright I was the one who bumped into you anyways" ??? Says with a bright smile on his face "I think I'll get going now...really sorry for bumping into you though" she runs off to her dance class
611 words
A/N: So sry if there are any typo mistakes hope you enjoy this chapter, I'll be posting the next chapter soon!! Hope you enjoy this one and in the next chapter things will gets spicy real quickk😩🤚🏻 I'm sorry if this chapter is too short I'll try to make the next ones a lot longer :)