A man in his 20's run into a girl rushing to get somewhere, then they met a couple more times until the man decided to ask for her number...
no covid does not exist in this story cuz we don't like em
⚠️TW⚠️: sexual assault, cuss words, rape, abusive...
After we had settled into our rooms, I changed into short pants and a crop top since its hot as fuck in LA. I went downstairs with Wilbur asking what they wanted to eat for dinner "how about pizza?" Tubbo asks "If thats fine by everyone else" i said, the others nod in agreement. I had ordered 2 pizza and after waiting for about 30 minutes it finally came, after we finished our food we head to bed earlier at 10.36 PM bcs we knew needed to head to vidcon tomorrow.
Air BNB 07.15 AM
I woke up to the soft ringing of my alarm and shuffled out of Wilburs hug and head into the bathroom and to a quick bath. I had put on a black T-shirt and short jeans pants. I asked Niki which was already downstairs at the kitchen to take a few pictures for instagram for me at the shop a few blocks beside the air bnb.
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Liked by tubbolive and 57,946 others ynariee_: see you later <33
Comments: wilbursoot: we're all at the cafe right across the air bnb, go there w niki rn ;) v ynariee_: will do Mr. Soot ;)
User967: OMGG your hair is just goalss
User 567: she isn't pretty at all tbh -_- v User 576: yeah I don't see what her hype is
A/N: hope you enjoyed this chapter....i'm sorry i took awhile to post the new one but i've been saving drafts so that i can post even when i can't write, i've been getting loads of exams this week. ilysm <33 !! don't forget to eat and drink byee :))