What We Saw

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-x- Deku's POV -x-

Overlooking Yaoyorozu's shoulder, my eyes found the target on her tracker, a beeping noise emanating from the device.

"Okay, this is the spot the tracker is broadcasting from," Momo said, stopping at a corner.

Kirishima looked up. "So that's their hideout? Not a bad one, I guess."

"Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. According to the tracking history, the villain hasn't left this location for the past day. But that's all we know," she explained thoroughly, "One villain is hiding here, but that could be it. They might have Bakugou somewhere else. We're going into this operation completely blind for the most part. Please try to proceed logically."

Iida scrunched his eyebrows. "I don't like this. None of us are good at sneaking around. We need Hagakure or Jirou here. If I think things are going to be the least bit dangerous, we're done. I won't hesitate to call the police, either," he warned, "To make sure my friends are safe."

I let my hands full to my sides, releasing some of my tension. "Thank you, Iida." Quickly changing the subject, I added, "So what can we do with what's in front of us? Let me see here." My thoughts poured out into words, mumbles escaping my lips.

"It's been a while since I've seen him this weird," Kirishima mentioned.

Yaoyorozu nodded. "Yeah, this is true, peak Midoriya."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a glint of determination flicker in Iida's eyes. A smile crept onto my face as I continued my rambling, thinking of a plan. At least I know I'm not alone in this.


Yaoyorozu bit her lip, in a somewhat confused manner. "We've gotten pretty close, but I haven't seen anything move inside."

"And not a single light is on," Kirishima pointed out. "It doesn't look like anyone's home."

Todoroki turned towards the group. "They're hiding this lair in plain sight. It looks like any other abandoned warehouse."

The weeds under the front door are thick and undisturbed. There must be another way to get in. Maybe someone's quirk is hiding it. We can't just enter carelessly, it could be a trap. If we could just see inside somehow-

A voice interrupted me, my attention flipping to two clearly intoxicated men. "Hey!" one shouted towards Yaoyorozu, "You lookin' for a man, darlin'?" Ignoring Momo's clear 'No,' he continued. "Ditch these losers and drink with us."

The taller man slapped the back of the talking one's head. "C'mon, don't go pickin' fights!"

I got up in the short one's face, trying to keep up my facade. "Hey, you talkin' to us?!"

Ignoring the confrontation, Todoroki shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked away. "Let's get out of here."


Todoroki leaned against the wall, arms crossed. "It's not crowded but there are people around."

"We can't draw attention to ourselves, so what's our next move?" Yaoyorozu asked, keeping her voice at a low whisper.

"Let's go around the back," I suggested, "It might be the best chance we have to get some solid intel on this place."

As I glanced around the group, I saw them processing proposal.

Todoroki closed his eyes, giving a slight nod. "Sounds good."

"Yeah," Kirishima added, the rest of the group giving a collective nod.
Yaoyoruzu agreed, giving her own recommendation. "All right then. But we need to stay as quiet as possible. We should expect the worst so we can be prepared."

As we walked, the only audible noise was that of the surrounding area, along with the slight clack of our shoes against the pavement. Eventually, we made it to the side of the building, shifting sideways in order to sneak through the narrow passageway.

"This is so narrow," Yaoyorozu whispered uncomfortably, "I might get stuck."

I attempted to calm her down a bit, while also giving a small pep talk. "Just keep moving, we have to figure out what's happening inside. No one will see us from back here."Noticing a small opening at the building, I pointed up. "There! We should be able to get a look through that window!"

Todoroki voiced his concerns. "We'll be blind in the darkness."

"One second," Yaoyorozu said, "I'll make a night-vision scope."

Kirishima shook his head, pulling out a pair of goggles. "Wait, no need. I actually brought one along with me for this."

My eyes widened, somewhat surprised at his planning. "Woah really?"

His face became sullen, yet somewhat determined. "When I thought about what we'd have to do, I thought we might need it."

"Sure-but aren't those models super expensive?" I asked, "I did some research on them when I was thinking about my costume but... They cost like 50 thousand or something, right?"

Kirishima turned his shoulder towards me. "Whatever man, just drop it."

"Right. Then Kirishima will serve as our scout," Todoroki concluded. "Back him up Midoriya."

Almost immediately afterwards, we helped to raise Kirishima up, thought struggling along the way.

"Hold steady," I cautioned.

Iida gave a warning of his own. "Don't lean forward too much-we may have to run at a moment's notice."

Kirishima exhaled. "Iida can you move back a little?"

As Kirishima positioned himself, Iida reminded him, "Tell us what you see inside. Quickly. And be quiet."

"Got it," Kirishima replied, leaning forwards as he looked through his goggles. "The place is pretty trashed... Doesn't look like-"

Out of nowhere, Kirishima let out a quiet scream, falling backwards as he shook.

"Hey, you okay?!" I asked worriedly.

Todoroki's voice raised, clearly concerned. "What's wrong-you weren't spotted, were you?!"

"The back left. The corner, Midoriya. Look," Kirishima whispered hoarsely, his hands shakily handing me his device.

After taking the goggles from his hands, I pressed them up against my eyes, peering into the corner as told. For a moment, I was confused, but I felt my breath hitch as soon as I saw what he was talking about. "No way. Are those all...," my voice shook, eyes widening, "Nomu...?"



I'd also like to apologize for how similar these chapters are to the actual manga/anime. I promise, I do have some other things I'd like to go through. I just have to do all this other junk beforehand... e.e

Buuuut, I still hope you liked this chapter :)

Thanks for reading! <3

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