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-x- Bakugou's POV -x-

"Master, lend me your power," the freak with the hands said, his cracked voice saying ominously.

I felt as fright welled up inside me. "A master," I commented, attempting to sound confident, "I thought you were the boss around here. But you're a sidekick."

Ignoring me, Hands ordered around his minions. "Kurogiri. Compress. It's time to put him back to sleep."

Sighing, Magic Man stepped forwards. "I can't believe he's such a bad audience member. It's almost embarrassing."

My eyes traced him as he walked towards me, my thoughts becoming more frantic. "If you want me to listen, then get on your knees and beg!"

I wanna blow them away with maximum firepower, but that warp guy is way too fast. Think... I need to make an opening somehow. And get to the back door!

A knock on the door interrupted the moment, everyone becoming deathly silent as each of us turned towards the source of the sound.

"Hello? I got a pizza delivery here," a man's voice said, seemingly confusing everyone.

However, nobody had much time to think about it, as the wall was suddenly sent crashing down with the power of several pro heroes.

"SMASH!" All Might called out, flying out of the dust clouds.

"Kurogiri, gate!" ordered Hands, who was clearly worried.

Interrupting him, however, Kamui Woods flew in, calling out his signature move. "Preemptive! Binding! Lacquered chain prison!" As he spoke, his limbs wrapped around each of the villains, holding them in a tight bond.

In an attempt to break free, Patchwork activated his fire quirk, but was quickly knocked out by the kick of an old man. "Don't do anything foolish! It's in your best interest to cooperate with us!" he shouted.

"Just what I'd expect from a competent new hero," All Might complimented Woods, then turned to the old man, "And a veteran pro who is faster than the eye can see!" His eyes glowed with determination as he spoke. "You can't hide anymore, villains! Understand?! Because we are here now!"

"Right after the press conference?!" Magic Man struggled, "They had this ruse planned the whole time!"

"Tree Man, you're hugging me too tight! Harder!" Split shouted, the crazy one groaning as she attempted to break herself free.

"One tends to neglect defence when you're on the offence," Edgeshot revealed himself, opening the door next to him, "But we didn't come alone. Take a look." A quick glance out the door showed several SWAT men, prepared for battle. "You're surrounded by the police. Not to mention powerful heroes like Endeavor."

Though I was impressed, I couldn't help but scoff. Do they have to be such show-offs?

After a few moments, All Might got up, addressing me. "Oh, you must've been scared! But you stayed strong! I'm sorry, you're safe now, young man."

I felt my blood boiling with each of his words. "WHAT?!" I snapped, "I WASN'T SCARED! NOT EVEN CLOSE!"

Ignoring my shouts, All Might simply stuck his thumb up, letting out a slight chuckle.

Everyone's attention turned towards Hands as he began to speak. "After I went through all the trouble of preparing this," Hands' voice dripped with anger as his eyes narrowed, "The final boss goes and shows up on my doorstep."

I stared at him, his body shaking with rage. "KUROGIRI! WARP OVER AS MANY AS YOU CAN!" he shouted frantically.

"The Nomu, right?" All Might scoffed.

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