Silent Saviors

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Stepping forwards, I cupped my hands over my mouth. "DON'T LET HIM CONTROL YOU!" I shouted, internally pleading that my cry would do something.

Silence was like a thick blanket, wrapping everyone in its clutches. I felt eyes from every angle as if they were peering into my soul, waiting for something, anything else to happen.

As I scanned the area, my eyes landed on Midoriya, his eyes shooting daggers towards me. Gulping, I took a step backwards, hoping that I didn't make the wrong decision.

Footsteps against the pavement broke the silence as Kirishima appeared suddenly beside me. "Yeah Midoriya, c'mon! We know you can fight him!"

I tossed him a quick smile, receiving a thumbs up in return.

Turning to the side, I saw as Iida closed his eyes for a moment, an exhale escaping his lips. Joining us, he stood firm, determination emanating off of him. "Midoriya, out of anyone I've met in our class, you've inspired me the most. I have no doubt that you can get through this."

All For One chuckled, Midoriya's scowl growing by the second. He inched forwards, a blood lust in his eyes.

Ignoring them Yaoyorozu piped up. "Yes, Midoriya. Although we haven't known each other for long, I have a firm belief that you are a good person. I know you don't want to hurt us."

"Young Midoriya," All Might said, "You're strong. I know you can do it."

Each of us looked at him expectantly as he wavered, his features twisting into a pained expression. As he looked down, he held his face in his palms, his body racking with sobs.

Relief washed over me as I watched him, though I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

"How pitiful," a voice came from the young boy, yet it didn't sound like Midoriya. As he looked up, his crazed eyes began to glow a deadly green. Hatred seemed to swallow up his entire being as he stepped forwards, laughter ringing throughout the destroyed landscape. "You really thought it would be that easy." He smirked, turning towards Yaoyorozu. "'I know you don't want to hurt us,'" he mocked, giggles replacing his previous cries.

Fear began to course through my veins each time he took a step, the darkness surrounding him almost visible. My smile dissipated into nothing as I sensed the pure evil coming from within him. A familiar sensation overtook me as chills ran down my spine, my eyes widening when I placed the feeling. When we fought Stain, the Hero Killer.

"M-Midoriya," I couldn't help but stutter, "It's not too late-"

Hair hanging over his eyes, he swiftly sliced through the air with his palm, directly aimed at me. Almost instantaneously, a shockwave caused me to fall backwards. My throat became dry as I watched him. He wasn't the same. His raw power had nearly doubled. Evil came from inside of him. It's almost too late. We have to help him, and fast.

With a wild smile, he moved closer, my heartbeat becoming more rapid with each step. Suddenly, he lunged upwards, leaning downwards only a few inches from my face. I shivered as his breath tickled my skin. "Hey there, Todoroki," he teased, "What a nice day, huh?"

Shaking, I forced my hands to push towards the ground.

"Not so fast, Todoroki," he sang, wrapping his fingers around my throat.

I clawed at his fingers as my airway was cut off, unable to think. My head pounded, becoming foggy with each growing second. No, no, no. I squeezed my eyes shut, begging for him to let go as I attempted to activate my quirk.

But there was nothing.

I felt myself drifting into unconsciousness as a voice cut through the air.

"SNAP OUT OF IT, YOU USELESS NERD!" Bakugou shouted, his voice echoing throughout the landscape.

Suddenly I found myself able to breathe, instantly scooting away from the boy. My eyes widened as I stared at him, the boy looking down silently, a stoic expression plastered on his face.

Freezing, I worried about how detrimental Bakugou's comment could be. Why would he anger hi-

"Kaachan," Midoriya whispered breathlessly, tears sprinkling down on the pavement as he fell backwards. He grabbed his head in his hands, rocking back and forth. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...," he continuously apologized.

For a moment, I felt glad, but it was instantly interrupted by an angry, booming voice.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" the voice commanded to know the answer. My gaze drifted upwards, only to see an enraged All For One.

Switching my sight back to Midoriya, I saw as he froze, his teeth clenched. Without any notice, he began crying out, agonized screams filling the air.

He looked up, tears flooding his eyes. "Please, save him," he croaked. His voice was strained and hoarse, and I couldn't help but feel awful for the pain he was going through. "Use... Use your quirks," he said through heavy breaths, "Kirishima... It... It needs to be you...,"he finished, writhing on the ground.

We stared at him in silence for a moment, spurring into action as soon as he spoke. "Get... Away...," he ordered, shooting his hand out, "DO IT NOW!"

Without thinking, I stepped backwards, creating an icy pathway into the air. "Iida, carry Kirishima to the top. Kirishima," I turned towards the red-head, "Get Bakugou to come. Then, all of you can get away safely."

Nodding, Iida quickly scooped up Kirishima, the two of them moving at lightning speed up the icy path.

"Yaoyorozu," I addressed her, "Make sure no one gets to them."

"Right," she said, creating a cannon.

I watched as Midoriya continued to twist and turn on the ground, sorrow plaguing me. "I'm sorry," I whispered as ice crept up his body, the flakes of frost slowly inching upwards.

He remained still, only his head unfrozen. Luckily, the ice froze before he reverted, leaving him incapable of causing further damage.

After making sure Midoriya was bound, I switched my attention towards Iida and Kirishima, leaping off the edge of the path.

"C'MON BAKUGOU!" Kirishima called, his hand stretched outwards.

As the villains circled around him, Bakugou pointed his gaze downwards, suddenly propelling himself into the air using his explosions. Smoke trailed behind him as he flew through the sky, latching onto Kirishima's hand as he made it to them. "I could've saved myself, y'know," he said, a small smile disrupting his annoyed facade.

As soon as they were safe, I glanced down towards All Might, giving him a small thumbs up as the go ahead.

The bulky man turn towards his opponent, rage bubbling up inside of him. "Now," his voice boomed as he cracked his knuckles, "I'm free to use my full power."



Aha, finally! Everything's going according to plan...

Probably? ;) [I'm sorry lol]

Anyways, Idk if this is important to mention, but when Todoroki freezes Deku he makes sure to use slightly warmer ice so he doesn't like... Die from hypothermia. I uh.... Just didn't know how to work this in without sound stupid.


Buuuuuuuut as always

Thanks for reading! <3

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