Voltron PidgexOC

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As Ella walks into her house she sees the characters from her favorite show , Voltron, were standing in her living room. "I must be dreaming!" Ella exclaims in shock. "You're not my dear." Allura says as she slowly starts walking towards Ella. "What do you mean?" Ella asks as Allura starts running her fingers through Ella's hair. "You are my younger sister, the second princess of Altea, and Pidge's girlfriend." Allura explains, ready to catch Ella in case she falls over when her memories come back. "So that's why I felt like I knew you personally." Ella says as she gives Allura a hug. "Glad to see you back to normal." Pidge says after giving Ella a kiss on the cheek. "Good to be back to normal." Ella says and then kisses Pidge on the cheek as well. "Good to have you back on the team Ella." Lance says as he ruffles the girl's hair. "Hey!" Ella exclaims as she ducks away and tries to fix her hair. She then asks "How did you find me though?" "We were able to track your quintessence down and them were able to use a wormhole and get here." Coran says explaining how they were able to find his adopted daughter. "So how long did it take you to find me?" Ella questions as her curiosity got the better of her. "7 months." Hunk responds not wanting to keep her in the dark. "Fuck the galra." Ella says, upset that they kept her away from her family for 7 months. "I feel that everyday." Keith says trying to lighten up the mood a bit. His plan succeeded as he got everyone to laugh. "So how's Kosmo Keith?" Ella asks as she starts going around her tiny house in the woods gathering everything she wanted to take with her back into space. "He's good." Keith responds. "That's good." Ella replies as she starts putting her mythology books in a bag. She then grabs her A Series Of Unfortunate Events books and puts them into a bag as well. She then grabs a bunch of notebooks and puts them into a different bag. All the while she was doing this the rest of the team was confused as to why she has so many books and notebooks. She then grabs a mini backpack that has Hogwarts on it and grabs a glasses case and puts it in the bag along with a phone, an Ipod touch, a portable charger, the portable charger's charger, the phone charger, a pair of earbuds, a pair of offbrand pink wireless earbuds, a pair of black headphones, an orange charger, a pair of pink headphones, a yellow circle pop it, a bile tire fidget toy, and a ton of bookmarks. "How many things are you taking Ella?" Shiro asks concerned about the amount of things she is taking. "A few stuffed animals, two pillows, and two blankets then I'll be done." Ella responds as she climbs onto a loft bed then trows down two pillows, two blankets, and a ton of stuffed animals. Ella then looks around after she put all the blankets, pillows and stuffed animals into a suitcase and says "I think that's everything." She then proceeds to put the backpack on her back l, the duffel bag full of books and notebooks over her shoulder and then push the suitcase outside. "This way to the castle Ella." Shiro says as him and the others lead Ella onto the castle for the first time in 7 months. "Welcome home Ella." Allura says as the two of them head towards Ella's room. "Feels good to be home." Ella responds as she starts unpacking everything she brought. "Alright. I'll leave you to it. Come to the bridge when you're ready. I love you little sister." Allura says. "Alright. I love you to big sister." Ella responds as Allura steps into the hallway. Ella then starts unpacking the millions of books that she brought. "Alright. So let's put Percy Jackson here. Kane Chronicles here, Magnus Chase here. 39 Clues here. The extra books here. And that's all." Ella mumbles talking to herself. "Now it's time to head to the bridge." Ella says as she finishes unpacking everything. Ella then walks out of her room and to the bridge. "So what did you need me for?" Ella asks her older sister. "We all wanted to know if you wanted to hang out tonight?" Allura admitted to Ella. "Of course! I haven't seen you guys in 7 months!" Ella replies enthusiastically. "In the time we had to wait on you to get back we were able to get a few card games, video games and board games for us." Hunk says as him and the others start bringing out games like Life, Monopoly, Jenga, Uno, Trivial Pursuit, Zelda:Link's Awakening, Zelda:Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart, Mario Bros, Luigi's Mansion 3, Clue, Relative Insanity, Cards Against Humanity, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, Scattergories, Scrabble, a deck of cards, Little Nightmares and even a few movies. "This doesn't look like you had a little time!" Ella exclaims in shock. "Well you were still at school so we had to wait until you got back." Pidge explains to her girlfriend. "Sorry! I had to do something during the day!" Ella says. "Chill out! You're fine!" Keith says. Later that night after they beat all the games, watched all the movies and were watching Markiplier play Five Nights at Freddy's Keith and Ella were the only ones left awake. "So have you asked Lance yet?" Ella asks Keith with Pidge laying on her lap eith her arms wrapped around Ella's waist. "Not yet bit I will soon." Keith responds blushing so much that his face was redder than the red lion. "You better do it soon dude." Ella says trying to help Keith build up the confidence to ask Lance out. "I know but I'm just nervous." Keith says. "I know dude I know." Ella responds as she turns her attention back to the screen where Markiplier just got jumpscared by Night mare Chica. When she felt a weight on her shoulder she knew that Keith had fallen asleep.

Hey there my stars! I hope you enjoyed this. Here shortly I should post a Sander's Sides Prinxiety one. I'm also going to see if I can write a somewhat decent Peter Parker goes on a field trip to Stark Industries. I also might end up writing some Drarry and Solangelo in here at sometime. If you have any requests just comment them down bellow and I will research it if I don't know either the fandom or the ship. Just a few head ups, I do not do smut no illegal ships please do not ask for Roman x Remus unless it is BROTHERLY love. Thank you for taking the time to read this! Klancechild15 1154 words

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