Sanders Sides little kid AU

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A five year old sat on the floor putting together a puzzle as his parents were sitting on the couch. "Hey papa?" The five year old said. "Yeas buddy?" The taller male who had brown hair with a red streak asked. "When will Uncle Patton, Uncle Logan, Uncle Dee and Uncle Remus get here?" The five year old asked. "They should be here any minute now Thomas." The smaller male responds as two cars pull into their driveway. "They're here!" Thomas shouts jumping up from the floor and running to the door, with his parents following behind. The door opened to revel a short boy with light blonde hair with a light blue streak, a tall male with black hair that has a dark blue streak, and two men who both had chocolate brown hair, the only difference being one has a yellow streak and one with a green streak. "Uncle Pat! Uncle Lo! Uncle Dee! Uncle Re! I thought you would never get here!!" Thomas says running outside into the snow and jumps into Remus's arms. "Whoa there little man! You can't go running out here in the winter with no coat and no socks and shoes!" Remus says as he walks into the house carrying Thomas. "Sorry Uncle Remus." Thomas says looking down. "It's ok. We just want to make sure you grow to be big and strong like me and your papa!" Remus says sitting Thomas down and taking off his shoes. The other three walk in and take off their shoes as well. Then all 7 of them walk into the living room where Logan sits down to help Thomas with his puzzle and the rest of them watch as Logan gives Thomas some tips to help him. "Hey papa, dad? Can you tell me the story of when you guys got together?" Thomas asks as he sits on the couch after putting up his puzzle. "Really? You hear it every year." The red haired man states. "Please papa?" Thomas asks giving him the puppy dog eyes. "Alright. It began when the 6 of us were in Kindergarten. It was the last day pf school and all of our parents agreed that everyday during the summer they would drop is off at one of the other's house. The day we got together we were at your Uncle Patton's house." Logan had shown up first. "Hey Logie!" Patton says as Logan walks into the house. "Hey Pat!" Logan says taking off his shoes. Next was Roman and Remus. They run into the house like the wild hooligans they are. "Ro! Re!" Patton exclaims giving the both of them a hug. "Is V here yet?" Roman asks hopefully. "Not yet but him and Dee normally get here at the same time." Logan says. "Oh. Okay." Roman says looking slightly saddened. "Hey! How about we play princess when Dee and V get here? We can go ahed and set up!" Remus suggests. "That's a good idea Re!" They spent the next fifteen to twenty minutes building a pillow castle and getting into costume. Dee and Virgil finally show up. Dee gets tackled by Remus in the driveway, while Virgil continues into the house the find Roman waiting for him with a purple princess dress and something clutched tightly in his other hand. "Fine." Virgil says knowing what Roman wants. "Yay! Thanks my princess!" Roman says as he hands Virgil the dress runs and gets the shoes and tiara and comes running back. "Do I really have to put all of this on?" Virgil asks. "Please?" Roman asks, giving him the puppy dog eyes. "Fine." Virgil says giving in. He walks to the bathroom where he put on the purple dress, slips on the little slippers and puts the tiara on his head then walks out. "You look amazing V! Just missing one thing." Roman says walking up to him. "What?" Virgil asks confused as Roman unclips a necklace then clips it around Virgil's neck. "Perfect! Now come on! We can't play princess without the princess!" Roman says pulling Virgil over to the pillow castle. "Here you go V." Dee says as he lets Virgil in so he can go to the tallest tower. "Now I shall save the princess!" Roman exclaims dramatically as Remus falls to the ground 'dead'. Roman then continues to carefully climb his way through the pillow castle and find the tallest tower where the fair Princess Virgil awaits his one true love. Roman then scoops him up bridal style and carries him back to where King Logan and Queen Patton await on their thrones. "Oh thank you for saving our som from the dreaded Dee and his dragon Remus." Patton says as he gives Roman a big hug as a thank you. "Do you have any requests from us Prince Roman?" Logan asks. "Only one. That you allow me to marry your son." Roman says, scooping Virgil back up into his arms. "That is a simple enough request. So yes, you may marry Princess Virgil." Logan says. "Thank you." Roman says as he walks away with Virgil to his kingdom with his love. "Alright kids. Now that you've had your adventure who wants lunch?" Asks Patton's mom. "Me!" All the kids exclaim as they rush to the kitchen, all of them still wearing their costumes and Roman still carrying Virgil. Not that either of them cared. "Wow! So that's how you guys got together? A game of princess?" Thomas asks sitting between his parents slowly falling asleep. "It sure is buddy." The one with purple hair, now known as Virgil, says. "That's amazing." Thomas says after he yawned a big yawn. "Alright. I think it's time for bed for our little prince." The man with red hair, now known as Roman, says picking up Thomas. "If I'm the prince what does that make you two?" Thomas asks as his parents tuck him into bed. "It makes me the king, and you Dad the queen." Roman says as him and Virgil walk out of Thomas's room. They go back downstairs where the others are getting ready to leave. "It was good to see you all again." Patton says as he finishes giving everyone a hug. "Yeah. I still can't believe the two if you have a five year old!" Dee says as he makes sure that no mess is left. "Bye you guys. Merry Christmas Eve." Virgil says as the 4 walk out the door. "Merry Christmas Eve!" They all respond. Virgil then closes and locks the door and him and Roman head to their bedroom to go to sleep for the night. "Goodnight Princess Virgil." Roman says teasingly. "Goodnight to you too Prince Roman." Virgil says back.

Hey you guys! I hope you enjoyed this. I just got the idea of it being Christmas Eve when they came over cause some of my family comes over Christmas Eve instead of Christmas Day. I just love the idea of the little sides playing stuff like princess and hide and seek. But bye for now my stars! Shine bright!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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