Sanders Sides Prinxeity

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The dark sides have taken over. Patton, Logan, Roman and Virgil all change their appearance and flee. They are following Virgil as he is the only one of them raised in the Dark Realm."Where are we going?" Roman asked. "Somewhere we'll be safe." Virgil replied. "Seeing as we are in enemy territory it is highly unlikely that we will be safe anywhere." Logan stated. "You are talking to the person who grew up here Lo." Virgil said. "Where are we?" Patton asked as they walked up to a building. Virgil didn't reply as he walked to the door. As he reached his destination he knocked on the door in a specific pattern and it slowly opened. As the group if four walked through the sea of people they heard whispers such as "He's back." And "Is it really him?" They followed Virgil to the front and everyone looked to them. "With our backs to the wall, the darkness will fall!" Virgil exclaimed and everyone else there responded back with "Fire!" A few days later Patton, Logan and Roman awoke to find everyone staring at a screen. On that screen was Virgil at the Dark Sides palace running away from guards holding a black and purple crown. When he got back to the base he held up two gemstones the size of a thumbnail, one yellow and one green. They recognized them as Deceit and the Duke's power gems. "How did you get those V?!" Roman asked as soon as he got close to Virgil. "Stole them, obviously Ro." He responded in the most monotone voice. "Why?" Patton asked, worried about why Virgil would be stealing. "So we can go back home." Virgil told them. That was the moment they realized that Virgil had been doing this since he was a child. "So Virgil, how long have you been doing it?" Roman asked. "I've been doing this since I was 6." Virgil responded. "Why were you stealing when you were that young?!" Patton asked. "I was born in the city, bit Deceit and the Duke took me in. I was raised being told to be rude and only look out for myself. I would sneak out. I saw how bad it was. The Duke was and still is the only person from here who really cared about me." Virgil told them. "So the Duke is the person who raised you then?" Logan questioned. "Yep! He's like a brother to me." Virgil responds. "So why would you steal his power gem?" Patton asked, confused. "It's a fake one." Virgil answered. "Wait, what?" Roman asked. "Before I met all of you he gave it to me." Virgil explained. "Can you tell us why you came to the Light Side in the first place V?" Roman asked wanting to know why his crush moved in with him and the others. "Well, our old base was found. They said either one of the people here could face death or I could be banished to the Light Side. The Duke talked Deceit into the last one because he knew that he could trust Roman to take care of me." Virgil explained. "What do you mean take care of you?" Roman asked. "I'm still a pretty young side." Virgil tells them. "If you want to, could you tell us how old you are?" Patton asked. "Sure, I'm about 15 years old. What about you guys?" Virgil questioned. "I'm 16, Padre's 27 and Lo's 28." Roman tells Virgil. "So the two of us are still pretty young."  Virgil stated. "Yep. Hey V, could you come walk with me?" Roman asked him. "Sure." Virgil responded. "We'll be back soon you guys." Virgil told Patton and Logan. "So what do you want Ro?" Virgil asked once they got further from Patton and Logan. "How's Remus?" He asked. "He's good. He asked the same thing about you earlier." Virgil informed him. "H-he did?" Roman stuttered out. "He sure did. He actually wanted to see if I could bring you to a place where the two of you could meet." Virgil confessed to him. "Will you take me to meet him later please?" Roman asked desperately. "Sure thing Ro. I'll go tell him where to meet us at." Virgil told Roman. *Virgil sneaks to the Dark Side's palace* "Hey mus." Virgil said as he climbed through the window. "Hey ViVi." Remus said. "Roman said he did want to meet you tonight." Virgil said as he say down on Remus' desk. "H-he does?" Remus, aka the Duke, asked. "He does ReRe, he does." Virgil responded. "When and where can we meet?" Remus asked him enthusiastically. "How about the park of FNAF at midnight?" Virgil asked. "Yes, yes, yes!" Remus yelled while jumping around his room and just hugged Virgil. "Alright, I have to go tell Roman where we're meeting." Virgil said as he got up. "Ok V. Just tell him I said hi and I'll see him in a few hours." Remus said as he sat back down on his bed. "Bye Re." Virgil said as he climbed out the window. "Bye ViVi!" Remus said as he waved through the window. *Back at the base*  "Hey Ro!" Virgil said as he climbed back in through the window of him and Roman's room. "Hey V! What did he say?" Roman asked as Virgil sat down. "He said we could meet at the park of FNAF at midnight tonight." Virgil told him. "Alright! Thank you so much V!" Roman said giving Virgil a hug. "You're welcome Ro." Virgil said as he returned the hug. *A few hours later* "Alright Ro, come on. We need to go." Virgil said waiting on Roman. "I need to make sure I look ok! It's the first time I'm seeing him since the split!" Roman said. "I know Ro. I'm just as excited as you but we need to get going or we'll be late!" Virgil said in response. "Why are you as excited as me?" Roman asked once they were far enough away from the base. "Because you guys haven't seen each other in so long." Virgil answered. "Were you here before the split?" Roman asked. "No. I formed about a year after." Virgil admits. "That's cool. So you grew up with Remus?" Roman said as they turned into the park. "Yeah I did. Now come on. We don't want to keep him waiting do we?" Virgil asked as they walked towards Remus. "R-remus? Is that really you?" Roman asked as they got closer to him. "R-roman? It's actually you!" Remus yelled as he ran and gave Roman a hug for the first time in 15 years. "I can't believe how much you've grown!" Roman said as he got a good look at Remus. "How are you so tall now?" Remus asked. "How are you so tall?!" Roman retaliated. "I have a question for you." Remus says as Virgil started walking around the park. "Go ahead." Roman said enjoining Remus' company. "Do you have a crush on Virgil?" Remus asked. "Yes. Why do you ask?" Roman responded. "Because I raised him and I had a feeling you might." Remus explained. "Ok. So how has your life been?" Roman asked. "Pretty good." Remus responds. "V said you raised him. Is that true?" Roman asked. "Yeah. Deceit was walking around the village and saw that Virgil's parents were too poor to take care of him. But me and V knew that they didn't want a kid who could grow up and become a light side. So Deceit walked over there, took Virgil and came back to the palace. He gave Virgil to me and said "Name him, raise him, and teach him everything he needs to know." Then left. So I raised him, helped him sneak out and it got to the point where he started calling me bubba. But that's all we see each other as. Brothers." Remus said, looking down at the red, green and purple flowers that had started blooming around them. "So that's why the two of you are so close." Roman said as he could see Virgil walking back towards the two of them. "Did you two have a good time together?" Virgil asked as he picked up a purple flower and started playing with it. "Yeah. We did." Remus said as he gave both Virgil and Roman a hug. "Yeah I did. But won't Deceit start wondering where you are?" Roman asked. "Nah. He never checks on me." Remus admitted.

Hey you all! I hope you enjoyed this! Please tell me if you would like for me to continue this. Until then I love you all my stars! Klancechild15

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