Harry's POV.
I was flying from happiness when Louis told me that he felt mutual.We spent the weekend together ,watching movies and playing games. There had been no sign of Devin or Hayes and it better stay like that.
I got up washed my teeth, styled my hair and put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a white V-neck shirt. I left my house and ran to school. I arrived 5 minutes early so I headed to my locker grabbed my French books and headed to French class. When I got in Louis was already seated next to some guy so I silently just took a seat next to Niall.
"Bonjour" our new friends teacher exclaimed . Mr. Evan is pure French and he hardly knows any English. He's wearing a brown suit and he has brown hair that is a bit messy , the good type of messy.
No one answers except Louis."Bonjour"
Mr. Evans head snapped to Louis .
"Je suppose que vous êtes bon avec les français?" He asked Louis
"oui je aimais français depuis que je étais jeune je ai donc étudié vraiment bien"
At this point no one has no idea what they're saying. Mr. Evans right now could be asking Louis to fuck him or something ,no one knows. I got some of the words but that doesn't clearly help me understand what's going on.
"Bon alors pouvez-vous traduire pour votre classe ce im va dire ?" Mr.Evan directs at Louis.
"bien sûr" Louis gets up and goes to stand next to the teacher. I throw a questioning look at Louis while he just smiles widely, and his smiles just makes my heart flutter ugh. Mr. Evan asks Louis about his name.
"classe correct , louis va traduire pour vous ce qui se passe depuis que je ne sais pas bien l'anglais , et vous ne savez pas bien le français" Mr. Evan says then nods at Louis.
"okay class, louis is going to translate to you whats going on since i dont know english well, and you dont know french well" Louis points to himself and I immediately smirk at Louis' knowledge.
"Bon alors je vais vous apprendre à faire des phrases en français""okay so i will teach you how to make sentences in french " Louis translated.
"Par example , Louis est belle " he smiled at Louis and Louis blushed a deep shade of pink. What the hell did he tell him .
"Louis est belle..umm.. Louis is beautiful" Louis looked down smiling faintly. Fuck what bitch ?
"pour un autre exemple , Louis est beau et intelligent" ugh what is he saying now.
I notice Louis blush more and translates " for another example, Louis is handsome and smar-rt" what.is.he.trying.to.do.Half of the class is sleeping, the other half is playing and some , only some are taking notes. I don't really know where this is going so I cough really loudly to make Louis notice what is going on.
"Merci,Louis" Louis sits in his place back down. I shot Louis a glare then go back to doing what I was doing.At lunch time, Niall ,Liam , me and Louis sat together. Niall and Liam as usual were speaking together same thing me and Louis were doing.
"A nice teacher ha ?" I ask Louis not looking at him.
"Yea he's really smart and nice and he's kinda cute-" he stops himself.
"Yea say it, cute. He has a big dick too doesn't he"
"Guess he does then"
"Harry!" He squeals again.
"Eat Louis , eat your food" Louis bites his sand which.
"Or you can eat his dick" I complete , Louis chokes on his food and glares at me.
"Harry do you smell that?" Louis suddenly asks with a smirk on.
"Smell what"
"Peanut butter and JELLY , ha Harry ? JELLY"
"Shut the fuck up I'm not jealous-"
Before I can even complete Hayes hugs Louis from behind and kisses his cheek.
"Hey Hayes! Where have you been"
"Hayes." I say
"Styles." He says back
The bell rings and we all head back to class.

Anonymous •Larry Stylinson• (Boyxboy) //ON HOLD //
Fanfiction"Anonymous is who I became after you forgot me. Anonymous is who I am now a after you chose to erase me away. Anonymous is who I will be when I choose to leave again"