"You're just my foster child"

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This may trigger you if you have experienced anything like this, and by this I mean being abused or looked down on by foster or adoptive parents. Also, if anything from this story seems off it's probably because all foster or adopted people have experienced or felt different things during their lives. For example, if you're adopted and your parents love you very much, your life is already very different than mine. The whole point of what I'm trying to say is this story is writing from an adopted child's POV that has been through stuff like this. But don't worry y'all, when this comes up I know how to handle it.
ANWAY, enough of me blabbering and let's get on with the fic.

Kevin is out at dinner with his foster family, including his mom, brother, and sister. Kevin Moon is only 17 while his new brother is 19 and his sister is 21. Kevin sat at the table nervously. He sat on a bench all by himself while the other three sat next to each other across from him. The son, whose name is Maverick, requested to sit next to Kevin but that was immediately declined by the mother. She told him that Kevin is weird and not like others. She continued and said that if Maverick were to sit next to him that he would become an idiot just like Kevin. So Maverick decided to stay quiet.

As the waiter took their order Kevin's foster mom ordered for Kevin. Ordering him water and a small basket of fries. Meanwhile, Maverick and Jessica (the sister) got whatever they wanted. They even got ice cream sundaes! Kevin sat and watched as the two sibling took turns drawing on a paper menu with crayons, just because they were bored. "C-Can I write too?" Kevin asks with a soft voice. His mother shot him an angry look. "Are you serious, absolutely not!" Kevin looks down disappointed. "But, w-why not?" The mother laughs a little bit before going back to her annoyed face. "How many times do I have to tell you. You're just my foster child." Kevin looks back down again.

The waiter returns with their stuff. "Enjoy!" The waiter says with a bright smile before walking off. Kevin sits there and wonders "how is she managing to stay happy when she has to serve people like this." That "people like this" was referring to his foster family. The two siblings thank their mother for the food. "No problem sweeties. Enjoy it okay?" The kids nod in response. The siblings started having a competition to see who could finish their ice cream first. "C-Can I have some. It looks good-." Kevin is cut of by the woman who's been scaring him for about a year. "I'm pretty sure you already know what the answer is. No!" She says raising her voice a little bit when saying "no".

She looks back at her children, smiling like nothing even happened. "Hey mom, I won!" Maverick practically yells, his mouth covered in vanilla ice cream. "Whatever! I got a brain freeze so it doesn't count!" Jessica yells back. "Calm down kids." The mom says making sure that her children stop yelling while their in public. She looks over at Kevin. "Kevin, why haven't you touched your food yet?" Kevin looks up and stops fiddling with his fingers. "I-I'm sorry, I-." He's cut off once again by the same person. "That doesn't matter. Eat your food that I paid six dollars for. You should be lucky that I even bought you anything." Kevin had a feeling that she was right, taking knowledge that she never bought Kevin anything. At home she gave him tap water and leftovers for food. He slept on the torn up and dirty couch that sat in the basement. And every time Kevin would ask why he has to sleep down there or why he can only eat leftovers, all he would get in response is "This stuff costs money. If you want something then you buy it, but what money are you gonna buy it with?"Kevin teared up at the thought but quickly wiped his eyes.

Their mom pays for the food, and they start walking out of the restaurant when they're suddenly stopped by a woman with a clipboard. "Miss.Smith, I have some important news for you." The woman says walking up to us. "Uh okay, what is it?" Miss.Smith asks a little confused. "I don't know if you remember me, but I work for the foster care. I'm here to tell you that your contract on Kevin has expired as of today." "Okay well, what about it?" Miss.Smith replys a little annoyed that someone has to stand there and waste her time. "Therefore, you can either renew your contract or we take him back." Miss.Smith pauses for a second. Meanwhile, Kevin's heart is beating four times faster. Memories of the foster care flashed in his head. Being abused, bullied, and hated by everyone. The only friend he's ever had is a boy named Jacob. They were friends for twelve years, but Kevin was abandoned and put in foster care at age 15. Kevin and Jacob would hang out at each other's houses and they would talk at school, but while Jacob was popular, Kevin had no one expect for Jacob. And Jacob was always there for Kevin, until now when he needed him the most.

Kevin immediately snaps out of his thoughts when he hears three simple words. "Take him back." Miss.Smith says as she places her hands on her real children's shoulders. Kevin feels his eyes fill with water and his breath turns shaky. "I-I'm going back to the f-foster care?" Kevin asks his voice cracking as he holds back tears. "Yes honey, I'm sorry but-." The woman is cut off by Kevin. "NO!" Kevin starts running away as fast as he can. He hears them yelling at him but that doesn't slow him down.

Kevin runs three blocks before stopping in front of a building. Sliding down the wall as tears pour down his face. He looks up realizing that this road looks very familiar to him. Then he notices that this is where his one and only friend lived. Kevin identifies which house is Jacob's. Kevin quickly wipes his face and walks up to the house. He hesitates for a second as more thoughts run though his head. "What if they moved?" What if he doesn't remember me?" Kevin snaps out of them noticing that he just knocked on the door. Kevin stands nervously when the door suddenly opens.

Kevin looks up and sees a blonde boy. That looks like an angel, and looks like familiar to him. "K-Kevin?" The boy says. Before Kevin got a chance to do anything, the boy had wrapped his arms around him. Kevin couldn't hold his second round of tears and they pour down his face. Kevin felt comfortable in the angel boy's warm embrace, who he could now tell that it was Jacob. Jacob gently places his hand on Kevin's shoulder, looking at Kevin with his slightly blurry eyes. They both had just cried their hearts out. "I thought I lost you." Those words replay in Kevin's head as he grabs Jacob and hugs him once again, laying his head on the angel boy's shoulder. "Me too."

It's like two in the morning so I'm sorry if this is bad, but I hope you guys enjoyed.
I saw The Boyz MV teaser and I'm gonna die when this comeback drops 😫
Anyways Stan TBZ and Stan Moonbae
Tyler OUT! 🥰❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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