Burn It Up

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(Kevin's POV)

I wake up and see Jacob's face, though my vision is quite blurry
I could feel his gentle arms under my thighs. He's holding me?
My vision clears up a little bit and I feel warmness on my cheek
Jacob crouches down in the corner and he places his hand on the back of my head as he starts crying...WHY IS HE CRYING?!
I slightly move my head and I see a bright light
I see FIRE
In that one moment it all makes sense. The dorm is on fire and Jacob must be protecting me. Wait, no no no. I should be protecting him.
I lift my head up and I watch as my bed turn to flames.

Jacob stands up and puts me down
"Run Kevin"  "No!", I yell back. He looks at me with a worried face. "Go, please."  "I-I can't, you have to come too." "Kevin there's no time." "Yes there is, come on!" I say pulling his arm
"I can't go. Go without me Kevin." "No!"  "Why not?!"  "BECAUSE I'M NOT LOOSING YOU!" Tears pour from my eyes and my hands slip off of his arm "I can't lose you." "But you won't", Jacob says tearing up. "I'll always be here." He grabs my arms and pushes me backwards through the fire and out of the bedroom door.

"JACOB!" The fire grows as my screaming grows with it. I can feel my tears burning my face as they flow down my cheeks. I run into the fire and hug Jacob who's still in the corner of the room. "Kevin, you have to go to the others! It's not safe in here!" "Exactly, you're coming with me!" Before Jacob could say anything, I grab his arms and we run through the fire and the burning hallways.

I can see the exit at the other end of the hall, but Jacob falls. He coughs, his eyes fluttering with water. I grab his arm to help him up but he pushes my hand away. "Jacob, come on." "No, I'll just slow you down." "You'll only slow me down if you don't go with me." I say as I put him on my back and I run out the door.

We make it to the grass and I sit down, sitting Jacob on my lap. He has some burns on him. "You shouldn't have brought me with you." "Jacob, why would I let you die?"
"...Because I started the fire..."
My eyes widen and his gaze goes back to the ground. I feel teardrops fall onto my arm, poor Jacob 🥺 " S-Sangyeon Hyung was yelling at me, and he lit a match and threw it at me. I caught it but it burned me so I dropped it, and I started the fire. It's all my fault." He buries his face in my shoulder. "It's not your fault. If you're telling the truth here it's mostly Sangyeon's fault. You don't deserve to die and no one is going to jail, I'll make sure of it." He hugs me tightly. "Thank you Kevin, what would I do without you?" "Uh, die?" I say in a sassy voice because why not? He giggles "Probably"

He ends the hug and holds my hands, looking deep into my eyes. "The others are on the other side of the dorm. Sangyeon Hyung purposely led them there and left us to die. He said that we deserved to die because we steal the spotlight." Jacob rolls his eyes. I feel my hands start uncontrollably shaking and my breath starts shaking as well. "I-I'm sorry." "No, you have nothing to be sorry for. It's alright."

I take a deep breath knowing that we have to face the others and probably look like fools because Sangyeon hates us now. "We have to go talk to him." "NO! Uh, I mean okay." Jacob really tried to cover that up huh. "It's alright Jacob, just take some calming breaths." "Okay"

We stand up and walk to the other side of the dorm. I hear talking, then suddenly Eric points towards us "Look! It's Kevin and Jacob Hyung!" There's frowns over everyone's faces, especially Sangyeon's. "It's a murder" Sangyeon Hyung says glaring Jacob. "Says the one that threw a match at me and talked bad about me. Who yelled at me when I did nothing wrong. Who purposely tried to kill an innocent person who had nothing to do with our fight. I can go on."

With every sentence, Jacob took a step toward Sangyeon, now he's only standing two feet away from Sangyeon. "You're monster for putting shame on people that had nothing to do with this. And you're brainwashing other innocents to do your dirty and unpleasant things. You're a monster..." Tears pour down Jacob's face. He turns around and starts walking towards me. "Let's go Kevin." He forcefully grabs my wrist and starts walking away. I look back at all of the members. Sangyeon Hyung's surprised face, others scared, others crying, and others worried.

I never knew that Jacob had that in him, that must be what he looks like when he gets angry. We stop at a river in the woods, and Jacob lets go of my wrist as he sits down on the soft grass. I sit down next to him and his gaze stays looking out at the river. His eyes sparkling from his tears and the reflection of the water. "I went here when I was younger after my house burned down. I was only eight at the time and I decided to stay here. It took three days before my brother found me and brought me to a new house that my mom used up the rest of her money on. That was when I realized that I'm nothing but bad luck."

I rub his back. "Do you remember meeting a little boy?" "Yeah, I actually do." "Do you remember his name?" "Yes, it was-" He pauses and looks at me. "His name was Kevin. Kevin Moon." A smile appears on both of our faces. "Well, the same thing happened to me but I wasn't found for a year. My sister and her friends found me on their way home from school one day. Stella said that I looked dead because I was sleeping in front of a building and I was very dirty. But, she brought me home anyway.

I open my eyes and see my ceiling. I sit up and I notice that I'm in my bed. I sigh of relief, realizing that it was just a nightmare. But it felt so real!

I tip-toe into Jacob's room and I see him fast asleep. I crawl into bed next to him and I hug him. I suddenly feel him hug back. "Bad dream?", he asks looking at me. "Worse than that." "Don't worry, I had one too." Strange "Was it about a fire?" His eyes widen "Y-Yes" I sigh "I don't even know what's happening anymore." I say laughing a little bit "I don't either."



Thank you guys for reading, please let me know your thoughts on this ☺️
Do you think Moonbae will have the same dream as each other again? 😏 (hint)

Anygay stan The Boyz for clear skin and stream Drink It

Tyler OUT 🥰😎☺️

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