Putting my baby to sleep

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Prepare yourself for some fluff 🥺


It's a little after midnight and I'm playing random games on my phone, when I suddenly get an incoming call from Kevin. I answer it, and I hear a quiet and small voice. "Jacob?" "Hi Kebbie, is everything okay?" "W-Well I was wondering if I-I could maybe go to your room...I'm not feeling so well." Oh no, not a sick Kevin! There is NO Kevins getting sick in this house. "Wait, not feeling well as in you feel sick?" "Y-Yeah. I know it's stupid bu-" I cut him off. "Why did you even call me then? If you're not feeling well you can come to me, you know that right?" "Yeah, I'll be right there." "Okay." He hangs up. Oh that poor boy, he just keeps overworking himself. He doesn't know when to stop.

Kevin enters my room and lays down on my bed. I get out of the bed and stand by him. "Do you feel warm?" He nods his head. I lightly brush the hair out of his face as he closes his eyes. I lay down next to him and he turns on to his stomach. I gently run my fingers through his smooth hair. Kevin suddenly turns on to his side, facing towards me. He holds my hand and stretches a little. "What time is it?" I look at my alarm clock sitting on my desk. "12:52AM." Kevin closes his eyes and he suddenly gags a little bit. "Kevin, let me get you some medicine." "No Jacob, you don't have to do anything for me." This kid is stubborn 🙄. "Kevin, my role in life is helping people. I understand that you might feel like you're being babied but you're not. I love you, and I won't let anything hurt you." Kevin smiles. He nods, hugging me. I hug him back and gently caress his head. He looks at me with a light smile. "So where's that medicine?" I laugh and stand up. "I'll be right back with it, okay?" He nods

I go to the kitchen and get the medicine which is a pill and I get a bottle of water (just in case 😅). I go back to the room and see Kevin sitting on the bed with a painful expression. "Oh no, Kebbie~." I run over to him and slowly sit down, trying not to shake the bed. I put the back of my hand on his forehead. "Hmm, no fever. Must be a bad migraine, huh?" I ask while placing my hand on Kevin's shoulder. "Yeah." He replies while still looking down at the bed. I gently ruffle his hair. "Hey, I got you the medicine. Do you want to take it now or later?" "Uh, I'll take it now. Hopefully it helps." Kevin says taking the pill out of my hand. "If not, I'll get you something else." Kevin nods. Kevin put the pill in his mouth and drinks the water, then he suddenly starts coughing. "OMG Kevin! Are you okay?!" I hit his back a couple times, then he starts laughing. "Oh Jacob, sweet innocent Jacob. I got you good that time." I playfully punch him in the shoulder. "Kevin! I was worried about you!" He laughs again at my pouty face, but he starts coughing as he holds his head. "Ow~." He has a painful expression once again. "Here, try laying down. It helps most of the time." I stand up and help him lay down.

Kevin grabs my hand and tries pulling me. My heart practically shatters when I feel how weak he is. Eyes barely open, sweat dripping off of him, pouty lips, and limp body parts. He closes his eyes and sighs. "I give up. I was trying to pull you next to me." "You could've just asked, silly." I say smiling at him. He giggles. I lay down next to him and I move the hair and off of his sweaty forehead. "Do you want your water?" He nods. I give him his water, and I put it back on my nightstand when he was done. He holds my hand and tries pulling again. Oh, he wants me closer. I scoot a little closer to him, and he lays his head down on my chest. I put my arm around him. "I feel exhausted." Kevin said sighing. "I know, but it's okay. I'll be your motivation." I say while smiling at Kevin. He smiles back.

A couple seconds later he sneezes. "Bless you." "Thank you." "You know, the weather is starting to change so you might just have really bad allergies." "True." Kevin says while nodding. He lays on his side facing towards me, and he wraps his arm around my stomach. "I'm still super tired, but I can't sleep." Kevin says while closing his eyes. "And we know what the struggle of getting you to sleep is like." Kevin lightly giggles. "Yeah."

Kevin places his hand on his head. A couple seconds later, he sneezes...again. "Bless you." HE SNEEZES THREE MORE TIMES AFTER THAT. "Do you want a tissue?" "No, I'm okay." I look at him concerned. "Are you sure?" "Yeah." He says while placing his arm back across me.

It's quiet for about thirty seconds and I'm slowly drifting off to sleep. When suddenly...KEVIN SNEEZES AGAIN! "Oh my gosh! You scared me half to death!" I yell, placing my hand on my chest. He giggles. "Sorry." "It's alright." He sighs and holds his head. "Let me guess, another sneeze?" I say, obviously expecting a sneeze to come again. His face winces up in pain. "Nope, vomit." Kevin's breathing becomes louder and shorter. I gently scoot him off of me and I grab the trash can. I sit back down on the bed and sit him on one of my thighs and the trash can on the other one.

He lays his head down on the side of my neck. As I run my hand up and down his arm his breathing calms down. He whimpers. "It's okay." I say as I continue to rub his arm. "W-what if it doesn't get b-better." I notice that his eyes are glossy. "What if I-I can't perf-form?" I gently rub my thumb across his cheek. "It'll get better, I promise. We'll perform together side by side. Yeah?" He nods and sniffles. "I just wish that I wasn't i-in so much pain." I gently tuck some of his hair behind his ear. "I wish you weren't in pain either. I hate seeing you like this."

Kevin takes a deep breath. "I'm feeling light headed, I think I should lay down." "Okay." I put the trash can on the floor and we lay down. Kevin lays on top of me, laying his head on my chest. I cover us both up with the comforter. "Are you feeling any better?" He sighs. "No." "Do you want me to get you something else to help?" "No, I'll be fine." Okay I understand that Kevin is tired, but he's sick. He should at least let me give him ONE more thing to help. "Are you sure?" "Yes Cobie, I'm sure." He sounded a little bit annoyed. This is my fault. "O-Okay." I rub his back as he closes his eyes.

. . .

About ten minutes have passed and I've just been staring at the ceiling. I look at Kevin to see him fast asleep...wait- ASLEEP! This kid never sleeps!

I smile and lightly brush the hair out of his face. He moves a little bit which scares the heck out of me, but he's still asleep. He looks like an angel. My angel 🥰

. . .

I wake up and it's still dark outside. I go to sit up, but I remember that Kevin is laying on me so I don't sit up. I look over at my alarm clock. Huh, 4:24AM. I look down at Kevin and he's still laying on top of me like an adorable baby. He's cute, but I can't breathe because he's squeezing me a little too hard. Oh-wait...okay he's moving. Okay we're good now. I feel much better and more comfortable now.

I hope y'all enjoyed this random fluffy fic
It drops on August 9th, so mark your calendars. 🥰
I love you guys so much!
Bye! 😁

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