Chapter 6 - SURPRISE!

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Bree's POV

I am SO GLAD that Taylor decided to show up! Haley and Alexa have been fighting non-stop for quite a while now. As she jogged up to me she said, "Hey Bree." And I responded with, "Hey Tay!" I jumped out of the tree and hugged the crap out of her thankful that she saved me from these two horrific girls. I love my Tay Tay!

"What is she doing here?" Haley said bitchily. "She's my friend. Like a lot of people. Now get over it." I said with just as much venom as she did. "No Im not gonna get over it. She needs to leave." Haley said, which pissed me off even more. "Haley you need to stop being so damn rude what is wrong with you? Just get over it! Its not a big deal!" I said irritated. I am so done with her bullshit!

Jayk's POV
We started to get closer to where Bree's house is to go see our two very special girls. To us these girls arent just 'Juliets' they are our 'Juliets' as in we are officially their 'Romeos' because of the dating thing going on with me and Bree and Taylor and Blake. Just hopefully Taylor is there, but I have a gut wrenching feeling that she will be. After all, those two girls are inseparable.

Honestly all I can say is that girl they call 'Bree' has become my life. I love her so much. I love her so much to the point to where if she ever left me for any reason she would be taking a part of me with her. I think I'd die just a little inside and I'd say "Could this be love? Could this be love?" Oh look at me I am so whipped! We aren't even dating, yet, and I am even somewhat quoting her favorite artist, Lady Gaga. Although I have to agree with my Bree, she is quite spectacular. Oh now I am calling her 'My Bree', what is wrong with me? Oh yeah I am in love..Great..Just great..oh who am I kidding this is AMAZING! I just can't help but get butterflies in my stomach every time I see her. I don't know what it is. And when she comes and stays with me at our hotels, on occasion, and she falls asleep in my arms, its like my own personal bliss. My own personal Ecstasy. She is my own personal drug.

One day I hopefully plan on putting a ring on her finger, so I can hold her in my arms forever. Forever, I like the sound of that. It has a ring to it doesn't it? Oh who am I kidding just the sound of Breanna Caitlan Adams becoming Breanna Caitlan Purdy is enough to send me over the edge into an eternal happiness. But she, she is, no will be, my eternal happiness. Oh what is happening to me? I am going soft, ugh I never thought the day would come. I mean think about it. Has anyone ever thought of Jaykob André Purdy going soft? I guess what they say is true. Love can drive a man mad and make him do crazy things.

Bree's POV

I am seriously starting to get fed up with these two and I know only after 5 minutes of being here, Taylor is too. They fight like this all the time! Ugh! Honestly it has gotten to the point where I am so agitated with it that I am about to cut it off with Haley. You may be thinking "wait you guys have a joined house so thats going to be impossible." But I have my secrets too you know.

Something that Haley doesn't know but Taylor does is, I am moving. Yes moving out and selling my part of the house, I already have a buyer lined up so it will be no problem, he just has to sign the last bits of paperwork. Where am I moving to you ask? Ask and you shall receive my darlings. I am in the midst of moving to California with my best friend Taylor! How exciting is that? Well for me and Taylor sure but for Haley, not so much.

I dont really even care anymore, we have grown apart these last few months and there are times that the whole living situation is awkward. Like when she brings a guy home. That is always so awkward and I just end up locking myself in my room. Or when someone else says that she was talking crap about me again. That is never a nice day. And especially when I live with her. Those days and nights I usually just chill with Taylor and eat junk food and watch Pretty Little Liars. Or I sit in my room and call Jayk and cry a little. Ok who am I kidding, I cry a lot. Its just safe to say that Jayk is not very fond of Haley. And I could care less.

But Breanna where are you and Taylor going to move? Well we are in the middle of signing papers on a nice 5 bedroom 3 bathroom house in Calabassas, California. But funny thing is, our boyfriends helped pick the house so it is literally right next door to them. Wait I'm not dating Jayk. Oops. That seems to be happening a lot lately, you know me slipping up. I guess it just feels like we are dating, and honestly it feels right. It feels right to say that he is my boyfriend. I dont know, it just has a ring to it I guess. But anyways, most people can't say that they live next door to the band After Romeo! Although, we are not most people.

And as for Breaking Infinity, it is slowly coming to an end. Me and Haley have talked about us splitting up and me persuing a solo career but it always ends in an argument.

But technically I have all the rights to Breaking Infinity because I am the one who got the name copyrighted and my name is on all of the legal documents. Meaning if she were ever to persue a solo career and continue to use the name, I could sue her for big bucks. I am going to move to California to become a Music Producer, write music for people, and work alongside Drew Ryan Scott of After Romeo. And also becoming a professional Choreographer. I have been taking online school for the Music Industry and going to classes for Dance. But I want to get out of Arizona and move to California for better opportunities and to be closer to my boyfriend. Ugh Breanna get it into your head! You arent dating him! "Yet" my subconscious seemed to say to me mischievously. Yes I will be leaving my family behind, but they all understand and they all fully support me and my decisions. They understand the opportunites that I am getting and that I cannot pass them up.

I was thinking to myself about how I am moving and how I am going to tell Haley, when a black van pulled up and people so dear to me yelled "SURPRISE!" And then I saw my precious Best Guy Friend, I have fallen so ever hard for, saunter towards me holding a bouquet of black and red roses along with a cuddly teddy bear! Finally I realized that he isn't my boyfriend. "Like I said, yet." My subconscious said to me.


I am so sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER!!! I thought I published this chapter but I guess I didn't because I had some editing errors. And I honestly kinda forgot about this until I saw it in my Wattpad Library. But now that school is out you can expect me to try and update more but bare with me because I currently dont have WiFi because I am in the long process of moving, and I only have so much data.

But thank you so much for reading and waiting for a long time for this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it! Tell me what you think in the comments!

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