Chapter 7 - I'm Here Baby Girl, I'm Here

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We finally rounded the corner to where the park was. All I can say is that right now I am so nervous that I feel like I am going to puke all over the floor of the van. Gross I know, but thats how I feel. I checked myself over one more time in the van's mirror before we pulled up, and the guys seemed to convince me into thinking that I looked fine. With the guys help, I finally decided that I am going to give Breanna the ring I bought her for her birthday and ask her to offically be my girlfriend. Cheesy believe me, I know.

On the way to the park me and Blake convinced Drew to stop at a store so we could get the girls some flowers and a nice cute and cuddly teddy bear. I know what I am going to tell Bree when I give her the flowers and ask her to be my girlfriend, and it is the same thing that Blake is going to tell Taylor when he gives her the flowers he bought her. I mean what can I say we came up with this great idea together so its only fair we both get to carry it out.

So here's our plan. What we did was buy a bouquet of roses that were different colors. So I bought Bree black and red roses because those are her favorite, and Blake bought Taylor pink and white roses because those are her favorite. But little did they know we bought a fake plastic rose that blends in with the others. We bought 2 fake roses, and each fake rose will go in one of the girl's bouqet. You might be thinking "why do you need a fake rose?" Well we are going to tell them, "I will love you until the day that the last rose dies." But the trick is, the last rose will NEVER die because it's a plastic rose. Yeah it's cheesy, but its cute, so that's what we are doing.

You should've seen the ladies faces at the check out line when they asked us what we needed the roses and teddy bears for. They thought that we were apologizing to our girlfriends because we did something wrong! Haha! But when we told them our plan they said "awwwww" and once I told her that I was going to ask out my Dream Girl they said she would definitely say yes. Man I hope they are right. They also told us that they wished there were more guys in the world like us that goes out of there way to impress their girl and make her happy.  I think we actually made one of the cashiers cry...Oops...

When Drew parked the van infront of the park, we all got out and screamed "SURPRISE!" I saw Bree sitting up in a tree with her laptop still in front of her and Haley. I guess they are still broadcasting. I started to walk towards her and I tried to keep a scowl off my face and seem happy, eventhough I saw Haley. I just kept repeating "you are doing this for Bree. Your Bree. You are doing it for her. Breathe Jayk, breathe". And surprisingly it managed to work, eventhough I felt like I was going to double over and puke from nervousness, it calmed my nerves.

Haley and Bree looked at us shocked that we were here, I mean given we were supposed to be in California but you know what they say. YOLO. Finally Bree realized that I was actually there and she jumped out of the tree and spring towards me.


Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my freaking sweet Baby Jesus! He's here. He is really here! I didnt know how long it took me to realize it, but once I did I was out of the tree and running towards him. When I reached him I couldn't help but jump into his arms and squeal, and thankfully he caught me. I felt like we were in a movie written, produced, and directed by Nicholas Sparks, because as soon as he caught me he held me tightly in his arms and spun like they do in all of his movies. Honestly it was so cute and romantic!

"What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be in California! I can't believe you are actually here! I missed you so much! So, so much! You don't even know how much I missed you! Jayk don't ever leave me again! Please don't leave me..." and with every word I said I squeezed my arms around him tighter and buried my head in his neck deeper.  I couldn't help but whisper the last part in his ear, I didn't even mean to say it, it just kinda happened and slipped. At the end of that sentence his arms held me even tighter around my waist.

"I'm Here Baby Girl, I'm here. I missed you so much too. Everyday I missed you more than the last, it's sounds impossible but it's true. I missed you so much it hurt me to stay one more day away from you. I missed waking up to your beautiful face when you came to visit and stayed with us. With me. Every night you weren't there, your side of the bed seemed to get colder and colder. And I never once layed there because it was your side. You claimed it the first time you spent the night. And the perfume you sprayed on your pillow and on your favorite sweatshirts of mine started to fade. And it helped me realize something." By this time Jayk had set me back down on the ground and was focused solely on me.

He gave me the teddy bear he was holding then the roses and continued with, "Bree, I will love you until the day that the last rose dies. Bree I love you so, so much. I dont mean I love you like a friend, I mean I am IN LOVE with you. I remember every night we spent together. Every night that you fell asleep in my arms cuddled up into my chest. Every time you twitched when you got tired, because lets face it, when you get tired you twitch. And its the cutest thing ever! Every time you whispered my name when you fell asleep. Every time we went and saw a movie and shared a blanket and cuddled. Every time we exchanged "I Love You's". Then he got down on one knee, pulled out a black box, and opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring, and said "Breanna Caitlan Adams. Bree. My Bree, will you officially become my girlfriend and accept this Promise Ring to remind you that you are infact mine? It would mean the world to me if I could finally call you my girlfriend."


So how'd you guys like it? I have a few more chapters ready to go, (Edited and everything) I just need to know if I should post them? Tell me in the comments


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