Chapter 4- Oh Hell No Part 1

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Really. Is she really going to keep commenting. I looked at her username and it was 'H8ter'. Wow real mature. "Hey read the comments outloud dude." Haley said. "Aight." I replied. I decided that I was just going to ignore the girls rude comments, after about 30 seconds she had stopped commenting. Well good or else this could've gotten ugly. And infront of all of our fans..that would've been bad and Phoenix probably would've yelled at me. And Jayk and would've heard it..and seen it..Oh wait! He isn't watching anymore! Yes so I TOTALLY could have said something to this girl! Oh nope there's still Phoenix.. Damn. Oh well it would've been worth it! "Sooo are you gonna read em' outloud or nahh?" Haley asked. "Oh crap! Sorry! Um yeah I'll read them right now." I said. "Uhh..Sidney said you were pretty." I told Haley then looked at her. "Well thank you Sidney and you are gorgeous." Haley lookeed at the camera and told our fan Sidney. "Uhh guys can I just read the comments and not the names? The comments are goin kinda fast so some of them I dont have the time to read the name and comment. Alright its ok, ok thats what Im gonna do then...Thanks for calling my eyes pretty I dont necessarily like them I would much rather have blue or green eyes. Um oh well thank you again for the eye compliment. Haley someone said your eyebrow game is on point! Ha!" I said laughing. Then Haley gets all up in the camera showing off her eyebrown "Well thanks for that..and no they're not on point! I actually need to go get them done haha." Then Haley turns to me and says "Girl quit laughin!" "Aight Im sorreh!" I said to when I was remotely done laughing. I'm glad she didnt hit me..Whew! Aight I'm done laughing. "Alright..Um Haley?" I asked. "Uh yeah hoe."

"Someone wants us to sing.."

"Alright! What do you want us to sing?"

"I have an idea!" I said enthusiastically. Then I leaned over to Haley and mentioned a song to her that she might know..well she should I mean growing up I used to listen to this band ALL THE TIME! It was absolutely my favorite band OF ALL TIME! Well besides After Romeo...but I like them equally so I think they are both in first place on that. I just-I just cant choose who I like better..Its impossible! Oh well I love them both. If someone ever put me in the position to chose I think I would literally die inside..althought the first band isn't really a band anymore so I guess I would have to pick After Romeo. But still! Just even thinking about that made me die inside! My feels! "Oh thats great! But I don't know that whole song..I only know a little bit and thats just the chorus I think.." Haley said in shame. "WHAT?! YOU DONT KNOW THAT WHOLE SONG!! YOU ARE TRIPPIN!! I SHOULD SMACK YOU UPSIDE THE HEAD! But I won't because our fans are here and I'm sure they wouldn't want to see that. HOE!! I CANT BELIEVE YOU!! SO NOT A DEDICATED FAN!! UGH!!" I yelled at Haley. "Well I never really was a fan anyway so...Sorry?" Haley said then looked down at her phone. "What do you mean you where *air quotes* never really a fan?! I'm gonna-UGH! Your lucky your my freaking best friend slash sister and I love you!" I said very, very, very irritated. "Yeah I know! So do you still want to do the song or no?" Haley said while looking up at me from her phone. "Ummm yes!! But I guess you will just have to sing the chorus or WHATEVER you know with me..*whispers* good lord..freakin looney." I said. "Hey I heard that!" Haley said. "Well good! Maybe you where meant to! Now I'm just gonna start. *whispers very quietly* looney." "Alright start us off and I'll join in whenever I can." Haley said. She needs to be put in the looney bin no joke, she should know this whole song I mean I only listened to it a million times when it was released! And I even played it through my amazing surround sound system in my room!

Well I guess that wouldn't really be big news to someone who doesnt know, but me and Haley grew up together next door neighbors. Which just so happens to be how we met and became best friends/sisters. Which is kinda cool since we both grew up together in Arizona. Well Haley was born in Arizona and I moved there when I was 2 with my mom and her ex-husband, who I hate! Thank God he's gone. Anyways we both had 2 story houses and her window was right across from mine, so if my curtains where open and so where hers then we would've been able to see eachother. And as a matter of fact when we were moving out and looking for a place when we were 18, our parents wanted to move out too. So me and Haley decded we would both buy the houses and join them somehow so it is one HUGE house! It was actually a great idea and worked out quite well. And counting on our families come from a rich lineage and our family currently is rich and so are we, we had no money issues. So what we did was knock down both of our side walls of our houses, and joined them. It worked out great! I love it and so does Haley. And whats also cool is we both have the same rooms so we can talk whenever is needed! And to make it even better we made 2 doors both next to our windows with a little tunnel type thing. Its actually pretty tight our designer made it up and got it built for us so its pretty cool! My house was a little bit bigger than Haley's because mine had 6 bedrooms and Haley's only had 4. So we had 10 rooms. And no room is left empty. So there is my room, Haley's room, a dance room full of mirrors; a music room full of instruments such as guitars, electric piano, and grand piano, and many more; and lastly a recording studio with all of the equiment we would need to record a new song, record a cover, or edit a song. And lastly 5 guest bedrooms incase a couple of our friends stay over or our family. Every guest room has a walk-in closet, 55 inch black flat screen tv with surround sound, cable to watch anything, Netflix and Hulu hooked up, white Apple iMac Desktop with Life n' Soul wireless headphones colored to match the room, King sized bed with customized bedding, customized painting on the walls, full bathroom, desk, and lastly a dresser.

The first guest bedroom right next to mine is red, white and black based. The walls are painted red. the bed framing is black with white and black skull blanket, sheet, and pillows; white dresser, black desk, white desktop computer, black flat screen, and the Life n' Soul headphones exterior is black with a red interior. The room next to that one is sky blue and white based. With sky blue and white blankets, sheets, and pillows. Sky blue walls, sky blue desk, white desktop, white dresser, white bed framing, black flat screen, and orange extertior with black interior Life n' Soul headphones. Then the third room down the hallway is purple, black, and white based. With purple walls, black desk, black flat screen, white desktop computer, white dresser, then the sheets, pillows, and blanket have purple as a background color then black and white cat heads (or kitty cat as Haley calls them) all around, and with Life n' Soul headphones with an exterior of purple and interior of black. Then the second to the last door near Haley's room is majenta, black, and white based. With majenta walls, black bed frame, black flat screen, black desk, white desktop computer, white dresser, and with majenta and white designs all over the blanket, pillow, and black sheet; and lastly with a pair or red exterior and black interior Life n' Soul Headphones. And lastly the room right next to Haley's is lime green, sky blue, and white based room. 2 of the walls are blue and the other 2 are lime green, the bed frame is white, the sheets, pillows, and blanket have blue and lime green outlines of cubes that are overlapping with a white background, black flat screen, lime green desk, white desktop computer, white dresser, and lastly a pair of Life n' Soul headphones that have an exterior of lime green and interior of black.


I am SOOOOOOOOO sorry I haven't updated in a while I have just been busy with baby sitting and other things during this summer. I PROMISE I will update more and as much as I can and try to make filler chapters whenever I can. I will try and get part 2 up tomorrow! Can you guess whose room is whose so far? I'm sure it's kinda obvious! With Drew's room if you know which one it is his room actually somewhat looked like that..mostly his bedding but it was a little different so I changed it a tad bit. Can anyone guess what my favorite band is?..Or kinda was because they aren't a band anymore sadly :'((((((((((

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