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It's a beautiful day in the kingdom of Welshire, the fresh air, the cool breeze and the sound of the birds singing.

Inside Welshire castle, King Garrick, the King of Welshire, is in the dining room with his wife, Queen Samira, and the both of them are having a private meeting.

"You know Samira, Hugo and Axel are always doing things together" Garrick said.

Samira looked at him and smiled, "Both of them are also playing with their friends at school or having a playdate with them" she said, "Is there a problem with that?" Samira asked Garrick who leaned on his chair and wondered.

"What do you feel of having a daughter?" he asked and looked at Samira who is surprised to what he said.

"You know honey, I was wondering the same thing" she said, "But I am too old now to give birth again"

"That is true" Garrick replied

"Not to mention, Hugo and Axel always wanted to have a sister so bad" Samira said smiling sheepishly.

King Garrick giggled, "They sure do want to have a sister that bad" he said.

Just then an idea pop up King Garrick's head. He looked at Samira and asked her, "Say honey, do you mind if we adopt a girl in the orphanage?" he asked hoping Samira would agree.

Queen Samira was shocked and surprised at the same time, but she just smiled and said, "I was just gonna ask you that" she giggled, "If it's for Axel and Hugo's happiness, I'm in" she said.

Garrick smiled and was so happy that his wife agreed to adopt a girl so they could have a daughter in their family. Thay can't wait to tell their sons the news.

Meanwhile in Axel and Hugo's bedroom, the boys were doing their usual stuff. Hugo is cleaning his shelf full of trophies while Axel is reading a book on how to rule a kingdom.

Just then a knock on the door was heard which made them surprised and Hugo asked, "Who is it?".

"It's just me and your father" Samira's voice was heard, Hugo and Axel let them in and wondered what's wrong.

"Hey mom and dad, is there something wrong?" Axel asked putting away the book he was reading, "wait—are we in trouble?! I didn't do anything!" he gasped

Garrick and Samira chuckled and looked at each other and smiled, "No Axel you're not in trouble. You guys remembered that you both kept begging us to get you two a sister?" Garrick asked his sons.

Axel and Hugo looked at each other and turned back to their parents, "Yeah, haha, sorry, is there something wrong with that?" Hugo asked nervously.

"Yeah, we just wanted to have a sister so bad because we want to know how it feels to have one" Axel added smiling.

Samira and Garrick just smiled at their sons words.

"Well we have good news to share with you boys" Samira told them

Axel and Hugo both looked at each other confused until realization hit their faces and looked at their parents, "Are you saying..." Axel said in surprise...

"Are we getting a sister?..." Hugo asked still shocked

"You guess it right my boy, we will be adopting one tomorrow morning" King Garrick said confidently.

Samira and Garrick looked at their sons who are still processing what their parents said until they started screaming and they hugged their parents tightly.

"Oh thanks mom and dad!" Hugo said while hugging their parents

"Yeah this is going to be the best day of my life" Axel added.

"I'm sure it will be once you let go of me and your father because you both are hugging us too tight and we can't breathe" Samira said.

The boys smiled sheepishly and let go of their parents.

"hahaha sorry, I am just, happy that we will having a sister soon" Hugo said smiling.

"Yeah! I'm so excited!!" Axel beamed.

"I'm more than excited!" Hugo added.

their parents just laughed at their sons behaviour, "Me and your mother are also excited here boys, but make sure to save those excitements of yours tomorrow because we will be going to the orphanage after breakfast" King Garrick told them.

Hugo and Axel nodded as they hug their parents again until their parents left their room.

Once their parents left the room, Axel turned to his little brother and smiled.

"Isn't this great baby bro!, we're going to have a little sister soon!, and not only that, you're going to be a big brother to her" Axel said while preparing himself to go to bed.

Hugo is already dressed and he hops on his bed with excitement, "I know right! I'll make sure to take care of her with all my heart" Hugo said confidently.

Axel just laughed at his little brother, "I think you mean, we, the both of us are going to take care of her, and maybe we can let her meet our friends." Axel said.

"I can't wait to let her meet Sofia and the others" Hugo said as he let out a yawn.

"I'll be looking forward to it to, but right now, we need to go to bed to save our energy." Axel said as he tucked in bed.

"yeah, you're right, goodnight big bro" Hugo said as he fell asleep.

"goodnigh baby bro" Axel said in return as he fell asleep.

Hugo and Axel are looking forward to meet their sister tomorrow, but what they didn't know is that they are going to be adopting someone special...

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