The Ball

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3 days has passed and now today is-

"I'm not ready!!!!" Leona said panicking as she screamed at her reflection in the mirror with a worried expression.

She is wearing a beautiful brown and gold gown that she chose because of its cold colors.

She is wearing a beautiful brown and gold gown that she chose because of its cold colors

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Just then a maid emtered the room, "Princess Leona, It's time" she said

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Just then a maid emtered the room, "Princess Leona, It's time" she said.

Leona took one last breath to calm herself down, "you can do this" she whispered to herself as she put on her tiara which goes well with her dress as she head off to the ballroom.

Meanwhile in the ballroom, a lot of royals came to celebrate the new member of the Welshire family. King Garrick and Queen Samira are both with King Roland and Queen Miranda while their kids are together with their friends.

"Oh I can't wait to meet your daughter Garrick" Roland said.

Garrick just laughed, "I'm actually happy to have a daughter since she's always there for me when I feel stressed out, even though she had a rough childhood, she puts her family first" Garrick said.

"She sounds like a great child" Miranda said.

Samira looked at her and smiled, "Oh she's more than just great" she said.

Hugo is hanging out with his brother and his friends, and they are all excited for the ball.

"I wonder how Leona looks like" Clio wondered.

"I bet she'll look stunning!" Amber said with pride.

"I think she will be more than just stunning Amber, I think she will outshine everyone" Hildegard said confidently.

Hearing this made Amber and Clio happy for Hildegard and Leona.

Just then the trumpets began to play and the castle steward, Sebastian, walked in, "Everyone, thank you all for coming to Princess Leona's debut ball, I hope all of you are having a wonderful time, so lets not wait any further, everyone, lets welcome the newest member of the Welshire kingdom, Princess Leona Gwendolyn!" Sebastian announced.

Everyone was quiet at first but it broke as everyone saw the new princess on top of the stairs. Leona curtsied as she made her way down to the ballroom and meet up with her family.

"Leona honey, you look stunning!" Garrick said.

Samira nodded in agreement, "she sure does" she said.

Leona just blushed in embarrassment and tried to hide her face in her hands. This made her family laugh

Just then music began to play meaning it's time for their first family waltz.

"Leona, would you like to dance?" Garrick asked reaching out his hand.

Leona looked at her father and said, "of course your majesty, uh, I" Leon said correcting herself as she took her father's hand as they both started dancing.

Everyone watched the two dancing together which they think is heartwarming as they all joined in.

Hugo and Axel both danced with their mother who accidentally bumped into Garrick who just smiled as they all held hands and danced together as a family.

Leona thought that she'll never fit in being a princess because of what happened at school, but the truth is, she actually glad because she get to have new friends and got to have a new family too.

That night after the ball, Leona is in her room playing with her cub, Felicie, until Sebastian, the castle steward, entered the room, "your majesty, playtime is over, it's time for bed" he said as he left the room.

Leona put Felicie back to her little house as she snuggle up in her bed and looking forward to more adventures and challenges being a royal person.

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