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"That dimple is illegal, illegal, no, it's dangerous, oh yes" - dimple by BTS

As Yangyang stood before the popular landmark he, and other NCT members, often frequented, he couldn't help but get the slightest bit nervous. Though he wouldn't admit it, because he had assumed Dongmei didn't see it that way, this was rather similar to a date. For once they were just going to hang out, not because they had nothing better to do, nor because one wanted to repay the other. Despite the fact that he had scheduled this as giving her his little gift, he (and the other members of WayV who were currently up to their own activities, yet rooting for their youngest internally) had other intentions for asking her to come out on this day.

The idol knew how hard it was for both parties to schedule it, and Yangyang could only hope to do all their planning some justice. Making his way to the entrance for the COEXartium, he went through everything in his head. Give it to her, just try to converse with her... make sure she isn't bored. What probably concerned him the most was the last part. After all, the SMTOWN COEXartium was a great tourist spot. People were often found taking pictures at their displays outside and at the wall of just about every SM idol's handprint. However, regardless of its popularity as a venue, it only really appealed to kpop fans. More specifically, SM fans; its attractions were meant to cater to the fans of SMTOWN, or any of the artists under SM.

Aware of how much of the kpop scene Dongmei was exposed to, and properly acknowledged, Yangyang had every right to be worried of how invested she'd be. Even if he didn't want to burden her with too much knowledge at once, Yangyang thought that there wouldn't be any better place to explain the concept of NCT and how it's related to WayV. Given that, the entire exhibition was to show the history of kpop through SM.

Already having bought their tickets in advance, he didn't have to worry about their admission. Unfortunately, another of his concerns was that he might get found out. With no regard to how much of himself he had covered, if a fan was there, chances were that he'd get recognized. Thus, he was thankful to see the entrance rather empty. Now, all Yangyang really could do was wait for Dongmei to arrive.

While it would have been the more gentlemanly thing to do, picking her up had a few conflicts. As previously stated, the members of SM often found themselves at COEX, but rarely with the company of someone who wasn't an idol, nor a trainee. Though it was a free day for him, that didn't mean he could go completely off the radar. So asking his manager to accompany him to pick up a girl, who formerly worked for them, from a music conservatory, seemed a bit much. Yangyang wasn't confined so much to the point that he couldn't make friends, but it would be less problematic to simply hide or limit the leakage of that kind of information.

Yangyang was getting kind of anxious, especially since he knew that Dongmei didn't seem to be fond of being late. Her rather delayed arrival without any texts or calls was beginning to worry him. In reality, only two minutes had passed since the time they intended to meet; and Yangyang was simply too much of a mix of excited and nervous to really notice it hadn't actually been as long as his thoughts were implying.

Just as the nerve wracked boy was about to bring out his phone to text his companion, he heard her softly calling him. Dongmei was just within earshot, enabling Yangyang to pick up on her hushed tone. It was obvious she was keen on not attracting unnecessary attention; well aware of the potential repercussions that could come with the public catching word of Yangyang hanging out with a female friend.

Knowing she had caught his attention, she continued walking towards him, speaking, "Sorry, did you wait long?"

Almost defensively, Yangyang responded with a more than enough head shakes and hand gestures as he repetitively denied her claims.

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