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Hero drove all the way to Osaka. The first part of the competition was starting tomorrow at 10am. They arrived at 4 pm and after they left everything at the hotel Hero offered himself to show Felix a small part of Osaka because it was his first time there.
,,So what do you want to see first? Are you hungry? Do you wanna see that anime place I told you about or do you want to go to the kpop store? Do you want to go the my favorite anime restaurant? Do you..."
,,Slow down a little. We just arrived. Yes! I am starving. Yes. I love anime" said Felix brutally interrupting Hero.
,,Alright then! It's settled. We are going to the anime restaurant. By the way, I got a spare Naruto toothbrush in case you forgot it at home. This time we are not going back for it.
Felix started blushing embarrassed.
In front of the hotel were some other skaters that were probably here for the competition.
,,Hello! Sorry to interrupt, are you Felix? The skater who won the nationals some years ago and also last year? I am big fan. I really love your technique, is so impressive how you manage to professionally skate and have fun at the same time in a competition"
,,Hey. Thank you so much. It means a lot to see that there are actually skaters that admire it. Skateboarding is all about having fun in the end. Are you street boarding?"
,,Yes I do"
,,Alright then. Dm me after the competition so we could go skateboarding around Osaka. I think I saw you last year at the junior category"
,,Alright then. I have to go now. Dm me, and let me show and teach you some cool stuff ok?"
Felix looked over at Hero while putting his skateboard on the ground. Hero's boar was already down.
,,Who is jealous now huh?"
,,Who me? You are the one having fans" said Hero giving Felix an elbow into his.
Felix did a cave man a started skating out of the hotel's parking. Hero did the exact same.
After three hours of street skateboarding they finally decided to go eat something. Hero took Felix to one of his favorite anime restaurants in Osaka.
The restaurant walls were filled with anime posters and shelfs with manga. All food was inspired from the most famous animes. They sat at a table near the windows where they had a great view of the city. You could even see the ramps prepared for the competition, they weren't far away.
,, I guess after all the fun we had this is our first official date? What do you think Felix?"
,,You are right. We had a lot of fun before our first date" said Felix laughing ,, I am really happy that I get to have someone for the first time at a competition with me, it means a lot. Thank you so much Hero"
Hero smiled and hold his hand under the table.
They ordered some sushi that was shaped like hearts, pink noodles with see food, dumplings and for dessert they had some fluffy pancakes and banana mochi. After they were done Hero bought a manga for his friend and a white bunny plush.
Felix was so happy and so amazed by Osaka's night lighted up streets that he could not stop himself from skateboarding. They continued skateboarding, Felix was skateboarding holding his bunny tightly to not loose it. They got trough some darker and quieter streets of the park and Hero stopped taking his board from the ground and put it next to a cherry blossom tree that was reflecting in a small lake as well as all the lights from the city. In the background you could her a lot of noises like cars, people talking and also some skateboards far away from them. Felix also put his board next to his.
Hero grabbed his left hand and pulled him closer so he could kiss him. Felix could not touch Hero's neck as he was usually doing because he had to hold the bunny. Hero took something out of his pocket and put it on one of Felix's fingers. Felix stopped kissing him to see what just happened. When he looked over to his hand that Hero was holding there was a new ring. It was a black crystal ring with his and Hero's initials in-scripted with silver inside. When he saw it covered his face with the bunny and started crying.
,,What's wrong?" asked Hero smiling and with the other hand touching Felix's face to wipe off his tears with his fingers, not letting go of his other hand ,,Here. You can put this one on my finger" Hero gave him a ring that was exactly the same except that it was white.
Felix took the ring out of his hand a looked at it for a few seconds. He switched the parts he was holding the bunny to get Hero's hand and place the ring on his finger. With his left hand holding his he wiped his tears more with the bunny. Their hands started sweating so they let go for a bit.
,,From now on we are sharing rings. That means nothing can break our relationship. Is just you and me and as long we are together nothing can hurt or break us apart" said Hero gently touching Felix's neck so he could kiss him. Felix also touched Hero's shoulder.
,,So does that mean that... from now on you are my boyfriend?" Asked Felix getting a little shy and blushing.
Hero let go of his lips a gently let him go but still touching Felix's neck answered.
,,Yes. I am your boyfriend and you are my boyfriend" he said quality laughing.
,,No. You are not my boyfriend. You are my hero, Hero. You are the reason I am still alive and I will stay alive for you"
Hero smiled and started laughing and crying at the same time putting his head in Felix's arms where he was holding the bunny. Felix could not stop himself from pushing him away to bite his lips. After one hour of cuddling and staying on the edge of the water admiring the view they decided to skate back to the hotel.
When they got back in the room right instant after they got in Felix threw the bunny on the bed so he could press Hero against the door, Hero grabbed his shoulders and threw him on the bed. Felix's lips were softer then usual. Felix was under Hero so he put his hands under his T-shirt to pull it of him, he also took off his watch. Taking off Hero's watch was the most satisfying part for Felix because he got to took it off with his teeth. Hero ripped off Felix's shirt and took it off him. Touching Felix's body was different. His entire body was warmer then usual and his abs were softer. Hero's body was also different. Felix could feel Hero's heart beating trough his chest and his blood warming up inside of him, while touching his mussels on the back he could also feel his cold sweat on his hot skin.
Felix placed one of his legs between Hero's and twisted him so he could stay on top this time. One of Hero's favorite parts is biting Felix's lips and touching his abs. He was also putting his hands trough Felix's hair to let him kiss his neck. Felix was over Hero's neck for some time now so Hero stood up and pushed him the other side of the bed and grabbed his wrists and put them over his head to have access to Felix's lips.
,,You know what?" Said Felix biting Hero's lip.
,,I figured it out. You are not a good boy! You are definitely a bad boy" he said with a heavy breath.
Felix let his head on the back for a little, took and deep breath and bite Hero's lips harder and turned him around. He was preferring to be over Hero, but he would always take him down in less than two moves. After loosing their breaths Hero stood up, to open up the window so some fresh air could get in because the atmosphere was burning. Felix was in the middle of the bed staying on his back with his legs and arms wide open. He was all sweat. Hero threw a small towel over his face.
,,what's the time?" Asked Felix.
,,It's 2 am"
,,God damn it. I fucked up!" Said Felix putting the towel over his neck ,,I have to wake up at 7 am"
Hero sat next to him and let him put his head on onto his shoulder.
,,We got back at 10 pm right?" asked Felix again.
,,Yes" answered Hero laughing.
,,WoW? I never felt this happy. Thank you for being my hero"
,,Always. I will always be your hero. At least I hope so" he said lowering his voice a little. Felix was already sleeping so he didn't manage to hear it.

The next morning they got right in time before the competition started. Felix was trough the very last to enter the ramps. After an amazing 15 minute performance he hit one of the highest scores. Hero was waiting for him outside tougher with the 15 year old Yuri. When Felix came Hero ran over to him and hugged him.
,,Congratulations! You were the best. Awww! Love you"
,,Me too" he said giving him a kiss hiding it with his skateboard from the paparazzi.
Hero let him go to Yuri.
,,Hey! Congrats! You were great. I wish I could be that good!" Said Yuri doing a handshake with Felix.
,,You ready to go?"
,,Yes. Thank so much for this opportunity it really means a lot. Thank you"
,,Alright then. Let's go"
Felix went over to him and hugged him and kissed him before he left. This time without using his board to cover it because he was prepared to do a cave men.
,,See yaa"

After an hour of skateboarding trough Osaka's busy streets they stoped at an ice cream place to have a little break. While Felix was looking to take his cash out of his pocket Yuri paid for both of them with his phone.
,,You didn't had too. How much do I owe you?"
,,No need. Seriously. It's my pleasure"
They walked a little till they got to a place where they could put their bords on the ground and sit there to eat their ice cream.
,,You are pretty good at skateboarding. For how long have you been doing it?"
,,Three years now but my mom doesn't know"
,,Really!? Then how do you manage to participate in all those competitions?"
,,Well... she wants me to become a lawyer or something. Both of my parents are extremely unsupportive about my dream but my dad is the one helping me a little to participate in all of this but for him to help me and let me do it I have to do what they says. It's pretty hard but is better then nothing"
,,I understand. I have been there somehow, that's way I left Europe and came here"
,,Are you going to go back sometime?"
,,I don't think so. I already have everything I need here. I have the two things I love the most. My skateboard and my... and my boyfriend"
,,I understand"
,,Shall we skate a little more before we have to head it back"
,,Let's go"

When he came back Hero was waiting on the balcony waiting for him with some sushi and japonisme cheesecake. Felix's heart instantly melted but it also froze when he saw his boyfriend a little upset.
,,Is everything alright, Hero?"
,,Yaa... sure don't worry. I got a call from my mom telling me that they won't be able to come for my birthday in Tokyo. But this year I won't be lonely because I have you and that's all I want" Hero hugged him tightly.
Felix's heart melted again. He loves feeling Hero's parfum smell.

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