Just Friends

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Kat's POV

Why is he doing this to me? Doesn't he realize that he almost gave me a heart attack when he grabbed my hand earlier? I swear Nathan is going to be the death of me, if that's good or bad I haven't decided yet.

"Remember that time when we pranked the Johnson girls and they almost puked all over each other just at the sight of the tarantula?" Nathan said whilst laughing his head off. I was smiling like an idiot and laughing at the thought of those poor girls. They were terrified!

"Also remember when Mr. and Mrs. Jamison let us use their treehouse as a fort and we stayed up late at night and thought we were so cool." I said giggling at the memory. Before I could say anything else Nathan stopped laughing and looked at me. Suddenly I was really self conscience and worried that maybe I said something wrong.

"Katie?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah..." I answered nervously, biting my lip. Out of no where his lips were on mine and in seconds I responded. Tingles shot through my body instantly and I couldn't think straight at all. His lips felt like heaven and I wanted nothing more than to stay like that for hours.

Nathan's tongue then flicked across my bottom lip asking for entrance which I had no problem opening for. He rested his one hand on my hip whilst the other was placed on my cheek before I could process what I was doing I started to lean back so that I was lying down and Nathan hovered over me. When he pulled away he looked deep into my eyes and whispered...

"Wow." He gently pushed my hair out of my eyes and sighed deeply before placing another small kiss on my lips. My head was in a daze when he was this close to me and it reminded me that I was deeply in love with Nathan. He probably just pitied me and that's why he kissed me but for now I just wanted to relish in the moment and not worry about everything else. Nathan then got off of me and looked at me in astonishment suddenly I felt a bit self conscience and I looked away from his gaze.

"Katie... I-I lo-, can we start over and go back to being friends?" Nathan asked me looking hopefully at me. Tears started to fill my eyes because I didn't want to be friends especially after that kiss, I couldn't look at him after that it would hurt me to much knowing that he would only see me as a friend. It made sense though who would want me, I'm damaged and terrible plus he could have anyone yet he always seemed to settle for just me even as just a friend. I numbly nodded and sighed standing up and quickly left before tears actually fell down my already broken face. It seemed as if life would never go my way but maybe I should just move on and stop chasing after something that was an impossible dream.


After school I noticed a familiar face standing near the entrance and I nearly tackled him to the ground

"Trent!" I said, smiling at the only person who seemed to understand me. I couldn't believe he actually decided to come and pick me up, after I exit the rooftop this morning I called him and told him about everything and he calmed me down, I swear he was an amazing friend. Trent laughed as he pulled away from me, grinning from ear to ear.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned raising my eyebrows.

"You sounded really upset this morning so I drove here to cheer you up and I wanted to see you." Trent said smiling like an idiot. His smile was contagious and before I thought about it I kissed him on the cheek and jumped in his car. Trent stood outside for a little bit before making his way to the driver's side. Trent may seem rough on the outside but he was a total softy once you got to know him.

"So, where do you want to go?" Trent asked me looking out from under his long lashes. I told him the address of my favourite pizza joint and in no time we were there and ordering. I paid since last time Trent paid for me and I wanted to return the favour. We made small talk until our pizza came and Trent definitely took my mind off of Nathan. It didn't last long until Olivia walked up to our table...

"Look, I see the town slut is working on some new meat." She seethed.

"Olivia, to what do I owe the pleasure of your presence." I sarcastically replied feeling quite annoyed that she had interrupted Trent and I.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't realize that someone actually grew a pair since the last I saw them." Olivia snickered thinking she could actually ruin my good mood right now. Sighing I stood up and started cleaning up my now empty tray of food. I looked desperately looked at Trent but he wasn't looking at me but back at Olivia.

"Excuse me, I don't know what your problem with Kat is but you should really back off." With that Trent grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the restaurant. Smiling I realized that he was the first person to stand up to Olivia on behalf of me. He was truly amazing and I wondered why I couldn't like a guy like him and not someone who saw me as a friend. I guess you can't choose who you love but even if I could I would probably still choose Nathan.


Hey Guys!

New Update! Hope you like this chapter and what do you think about Nathan and Katie's little rooftop romance?

Next Update: Kat gives Nathan some space to figure out his feelings and decisions are made that leave some people heartbroken.

Until next time!


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