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Nathan's POV

How could she not tell me anything? I'm her best friend and I told her everything not once did I ever not tell her something. I can't believe her! And she says she wished she never came back! She's insane and a lying pathetic excuse as a friend.


I drove and never looked back, never thought to think before my actions but I went straight to Olivia's and did the one thing I thought I was going to do with someone I loved. More specifically Katie but I didn't wait, no, I went straight to Olivia and slept with her as revenge.


Monday came and went with little talk to Kat to Katie but I felt guilty and the worst part, she knew even though I didn't tell her, I could tell she knew. All of my dirty little secrets came to the surface when I saw her. Eyes puffy, wearing sweats and glancing at her shoes like those were more interesting then the world around her. She looked terrible and looked like I had shot her. I was ashamed and miserable but I was also angry. She never told me and that's what's told myself to keep sane.


Kat's POV

Word got around that I was Katie and I felt terrible, worst of all was when I got cornered in the bathroom by Olivia and she told me everything that happened between her and Nathan. I was depressed and now was having worse thoughts than just running away. I stopped taking my anti-depressants because I should have to live with what I created. I should suffer and Nathan was helping perfectly with how he was being affectionate with Olivia. She started her daily bullying sessions again and I was bruised everywhere but my face which she kept clean to leave no evidence. I haven't slept since the blowout with Nathan and that was weeks ago. My brothers are gone, my family don't care enough to notice and I'm alone in a void of emptiness that's swallowing me whole. I was falling but note or Nathan like years ago, I was falling to my inevitable doom.


My life was meaningless, school was just like before and everything was awful. I got an email from a guy, Trent, he went to my rehab in England and was visiting family near by and he wanted to together because he was in town for a while. I didn't respond for a long time, to nervous that he would hear about my mishaps and we weren't that close during rehab but after much debate I decided to go for it. It's not like I could lose anything else, my dignity, passion and everything I had was crumpled when Nathan left for good.

Hey Guys!
Sorry it's so short but I wanted to leave the mystery until the next chapter! The song above is amazing and I think goes along well with the story so go check it out!
Next Update: Trent is in town and Luke and Brendan come home for a special visit!
I'll try to update more often!
Thanks for the support,

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