I Love You.

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Kat's POV

Hawaii has been amazing so far! Everything had been great even though Nathan and I haven't gotten tons of alone time but we have gone back to being best friends and I haven't been this happy in ages. I told Trent and he was so happy for me but for some reason whenever I ask him about his love life he becomes very shy and vulnerable. I try not to think much about it though considering he'll come to me if he needs help. Nathan's and my family are going to dinner tonight and my brothers are leaving me and Nathan after because they are babysitting Nathan's sister. I hope everything goes well because tonight I want to spend time with Nathan and see if he likes me back!


The boys and I were at the beach pretty much the entire morning and once we got inside I was first in the shower and getting ready. I was so excited for tonight probably because I get to spend time with Nathan and my sister isn't here to ruin the night. I quickly got dressed in sweats and a tank top after my shower. I did my hair first which was back to it's original colour and looked nice since I haven't seen it in so long. My hair took a lot of time mainly because I blow dried and curled the ends of it. I decided to wear makeup which I usually didn't put on because we were always at the beach. After an hour of choosing what to wear I came to the decision of wearing a denim top that stopped just above my belly button and rolled up to my elbows, I paired it with a cream flowing skirt that stopped about mid thigh. When I checked the time I realized that the guys must be waiting so I quickly put a cream coloured flower in my hair and slipped on a pair of blue flats that matched my top perfectly. I strolled down stairs looking at my brothers and Nathan for approval. Brendan smiled and Luke looked worriedly at Nathan who looked a bit dazed. I looked down at my outfit to see if anything was wrong and I frowned as Nathan seemed not to like it because he never said anything even if it was a sarcastic comment. I went to go back upstairs to change when Brendan pulled me out the door. I gave him a quizzical look as if to say 'what the heck are you        doing' but he was giving me the same look.

"Tell him." Brendan said almost commanding me.

"What are you talking about? Tell who what?" I questioned playing stupid.

"Nathan. He loves you and you love him too stop toying with him." Brendan said seriously. I stared confused at him because I swore that my brothers didn't know about my crush on Nathan.

"Katie, we've known for years and don't try to tell me you don't because every time all of us fell asleep in the living room you and Nathan cuddled, both of you guys with the biggest smiles on your faces. Also your first kiss? Yeah, we saw you guys kissing or more like making out on Nathan's bed and we may have read a little bit of your old diary." Brendan whispered the last part sheepishly. I smacked his arm whilst I blushed like crazy because all of what he said was true. Every last word.


 "Race you inside." I yelled behind me as I ran for my life towards the beach house. I heard Nathan laugh as he chased after me, I knew that he could easily out run me seeing as how he was on the track and field team and the cross country team for years. Before I knew it I was rushing at the house and as soon as Nathan opened the door I was darting upstairs to change into more casual clothing. I heard Nathan casually saunter into the house after I had beat him and lazily climb the stairs, I was silently laughing in my room about the whole situation. I quickly tried to brush my hair, take out my contacts, brush my teeth, take off my makeup and get changed yet Nathan had beat me downstairs and was already going off to get snacks. I tried to get comfortable on the couch but we were watching a scary movie and I wasn't going to be comfortable for very long. About half way through the movie Nathan opened his arms out to me and I scurried into his warm embrace. I snuggled my head into his shoulder and sighed in content when I felt comforted by Nathan's scent. That's when I remembered what Brendan said earlier and before I could think it through I kissed Nathan's shoulder/neck. Quickly I was on the ground with Nathan hovering over me, he was tickling me and I was pleading for mercy. 

"You better be careful as of who you do that to, it's not good to tease people." Nathan huskily whispered in my ear. I stared into his amazing eyes and said...\

"I love you."


Hey Guys!

 New Update! And Katie just dropped the 'L' word. What do you think Nathan is going to do? Also I've decided that I'm going to be posting goals with each chapter and once we reach that goal, that's when I'll post a new update! Tell me in the comments what you think about that and I might go back to posting about every week but for now I want to try the goals!

So for this time:

Votes: 40

Comments: 15- answer with your favourite movie

Next Update: Nathan's POV and his response to Katie.

P.S. Comments saying 'please update' don't count.

See you!


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