One- Age 5

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Natsou is five years old and the third oldest as Shouto his two years old. Since Shouto wasn't being trained yet Endeavor was still training Touya who was about 10 years old. Fuyumi was trying to protect Touya from endeavor.. she was about 8 years old at this time.


Natsou was banging one of Touys new found wound. This was the only time Touya really was even Around Natsou. Natsou never really talked to Touya as he didn't see anything to talk about. Natsou was only five yet he knew the basics about medical work...

If that doesn't say something about his childhood I don't know what does.

Fuyumi only knew how to bandage and clean a wound but she was out with their mother getting food. Natsou let out a sigh before nodding.

His family believed he was mute as he had never talked to any of them. Then again he wasn't mute he just never talked. It was not like they'd talk back to him anyways.

"Now go away" Touya said shewing Natsou out of his room Natsou nodded before walking out of the small room and into his own- well it was the basement.

They never had time for Natsou. He wasn't exactly abused but neglected by everyone in his family. He got food as he thought himself to cook at the age of 5 which is the age he is in this chapter


Natsou was walking around the house to check to see if everything was okay. He heard crying in Fuyumis room so he walked in to see if she was okay.

She had burn on her arm it was the first time her dad burned her. Natsou quickly went into the bath room getting bandage and medicine for the wound before running back to Fuyumis room.

He just went up to Fuyumi and started treating the wound Fuyumi smiled at him as tears were still in her eyes. Fuyumi was the one who raised him well until he was 3 thats when he had to start learning for himself. Fuyumi didn't really talk to him anymore as he never talked back.

"Thank you buddy now may you please go to your room and make sure dad doesn't see you" Fuyumi said she's said this a lot to Natsou. Natsou never really knew who she was talking about as he had only seen Endeavor a couple times when he was training Touya.

Natsou nodded before walking out the room and closing the door behind him. He walked down the hall to hear Touya screaming. He ran to the sound running into the training room to see if he was okay.

Natsou ran up to Touya only for Touya to throw fire at him. The fire burned his back and chest before disappearing? But it still let a lot of burn marks on his chest and back. He ran only to run into Endeavor who was standing at the door way.

"GET OUT OF HERE YOU USELESS FUCKING CHILD!" Endeavor yelled as he grabbed Natsou's arm burning him before throwing out of the training room.

Natsou ran as fast as he could to his room. He didn't cry nor scream when he was burnt.. he's never made any type of noice with his mouth or voice.

He got to his room shutting and locking it behind him before running into his bed and hiding under the covers.


Natsou felt the pain on his arm disappear slowly which confused the boy. He sat up to see he had his other arm holding the now healing burn.

He saw a ice with light green particles went over his arm before disappearing. He removed to see the would was only a scar now. 

"I got my quirk!" He said.. this was the first word he's heard himself say and that he's said out loud. He was shocked he's always known he could talk but he never did until this moment.

He knew he couldn't talk in front of any of his family as it didn't matter they wouldn't talk back. He wasn't going to show them his quirk either well he was going to show Touya so he could help him.

He waited a few hours before running to Touya's room where Touya sat on his bed crying as he had no shirt on all his wounds exposed.

Natsou ran up to Touya after closing the door and grabbed him arm. Touya was confused but then Ice started to form on his skin. The wounds on his arm turning to scares quickly. Touya was amazed as Natsou moved around him healing his wounds making the only scares and they didn't hurt anymore.

Natsou gave Touya a peace of paper that said "Don't Tell anyone about my qurik please" Touya read it to himself before he smiled and nodded.

Natsou walked off to his room closing the door behind him. Natsou wanted to see if his other hand could do the same thing. He touched a old book with his other hand only for it to turn into a steamy looking ice.
He touched it with his other hand only to feel a burn the burn hurt more than Touya's fire.

Natsou to a glove form one of his draws that had medic stuff so he could help his siblings. He put the glove on his right hand which was the one which gave out a burning like ice.

He then looked through one of the seince books in his room about ice quirks. He found his quirk the first one that he found out Healing ice and the other dry ice...

Natsou thought the two quirks were interesting.

That's this chapter

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