Two- age 8

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Natsou had been the only one of the Todorokis to go to puplic school... As they didn't have enough time to home school him.

Shouto was finally five so Endeavor was training him. Touya had been sent off to somewhere endeavor sent him no one knew. Fuyumi had been schooling her self and going to online school.

Rei was always comforting Shouto when he got hurt.

No one knew about Natsou's healing quirk other than Touya. No one knew about his other quirk.


Natsou had just got home from school. He heard screaming it sounded like Shouto. He ran to where the voice came from the see Shouto was yelling at Father.

"I sent her some where so she can't hurt my masterpiece" Endeavor said to the yelling 5 year old. Natsou put two and two together by the sight he saw. Shoutos eye was cover by bandages, Endeavor sent their mother some where, he said "so she can't hurt my masterpiece".

Rei had hurt Shouto and was sent to a mental hospital by Endeavor for that fact. Shouto was mad at Endeavor for sending her a way.

Natsou just sighed lightly before going to his room. Natsou still hasn't talked yet not even at school he uses sign language.

He closed and locked the door behind him to make sure he was safe. He lived in the basement like was said once before, it was pretty big he cleaned a lot. He slept on an old bed that used to be Touya's. No one ever went down the basement. He had a weak light but he could still see everything.

Natsou placed his bag down by the end of the stairs and changed into some normal clothing before going to a area in the basement it was like a closet it had doors. He closed the door a turned on the some how still bright light.

The room wasn't to big but it was able to fit a table chair and a dresser and still have some room. This is where Natsou worked on his quirk.

Natsou sat on the old chair and put his arms in the table. The table had two plants on his, Natsou had got those plants from upstairs as Rei(this was before she got put in the mental hospital) had just bought new ones so these two were now good now. This would happen each week. Since no one had time to take care of the plants.

Natsou took his hand which didn't have a glove on it his left hand. He placed it over one of the dying plants before turning it into ice that green particles cam off. He then moved his hand before blowing the now frost off of the plant. The plant was all new again. He did the same thing to the other plant.

He then moved one of the plants onto a shelf in the room that had now about 7 plants on it. The other one he healed he was going to use his other quirk on it. He took off his glove making sure not the touch anything at all.

He then touched the plant it quickly turned to the normal steamy ice. This ice didn't melt and fire didn't effect it but Natsou's quirk also made it go away if he touched it with his healing ice quirk.

The plant was frozen as it slowly "burned" out from the dry ice. Natsou then placed his other hand on it making the dry ice flee from the plant. He than touched the plant again with his left hand healing it completely.

"Looks like it's gotten stronger" Natsou said to himself with a smile as both of his quirks were getting stronger. They were both really strong quirks already as they developed strong.

Natsou put the now fully alive plant on the shelf with the rest of the plants. Before he left the room turning of the light and closing the door. He than went over to the old bed he had been sleeping on for a while now.

He laid down pulling a small blanket I've his body it was Touya's blanket Touya gave it to him before he was sent somewhere...
He then soon fell asleep.

That's this chapter

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