Four- age 17

16 1 1

Natsou just finished bright school and after summer break would be going to a medic school. Natsou was really happy that he could become what he wanted to be.

He had got a scholarship so he didn't have to pay for anything luckily. No one in the family knew about this at all.


Natsou was walking down main street as he just got some food for his part of the house. He was getting the money from a summer job he had been doing.

There wasn't took much people walking on the streets today. Natsou liked it when there wasn't too much people around. He walked by an Alleyway to see a blue haired male.

He was a villain not well known he looked like he had been hurt. Natsou didn't care if it was a villain or not. Natsou ran up to the guy who seemed to be unconscious. He had blue hair, red eyes and scares on his face mainly on his lips and under his eyes. He had way more scares on his neck.

He had been shot in the stomach and stabbed in the leg. He wasn't known at all only among other villains. This was a good thing so Natsou could bring him to the house without people calling the cops or heros or being scared.

Natsou put him on his back and pulled the guys hood up so it looked like he was just giving someone a piggy back ride with he was- but that's not the point.

He couldn't take him to the hospital as even if he wasn't known there would be villains there that would know him and that wouldn't end up good.

So Natsou brought him to the house making sure no one in the family saw him. He brought the dude to his side of the house.

Natsou placed the guy on his couch before locking the front door. Natsou got a quirk cansler bracelet from his stand and put it on the guys wrist. Natsou had found this on the side of the road one time and thought it would come to use find out it did.

Natsou had took off the guys hoodie and shirt to see multiple scares over his body. He placed his left hand over the shot wound freezing the wound and healing it. Natsou moved his hand making the ice turn into frost he then pushed the dust off making the once wound only a scar.

Natsou than put one of his hoodies on the guy as the blue haired males close were no good now. Natsou noticed as some of the scares started to disappear off the blue haired males face and his hair started to turn black.

"So his quirk caused some of the scares and his hair to turn blue, interesting" Natsou said to himself as he then went to the kitchen to make him and the other guy some food.

Natsou knew this was a villain as he knew a couple villains him self but he didn't remember his name no one really did but a lot of villains knew about him but not his name. Some villains even said he worked for All For One.


The blue haired male let out a grunt as he woke up. He panicked as he was somewhere he'd never been before. He swears he had been shot and stabbed but he didn't feel anything then he look at his stomach to see the shot was only a scar now so was the stab wound on his leg. He also had a quirk cancelling glove on.

Natsou walked into the living room after placing the food on the table in the dinning room. "Hey just know your safe okay" Natsou signes not getting to close so he didn't Scare the guy. The guy seemed tO know sign language

"How do I know that?" Shigaraki said as he wasn't scared but he was panicked as he hated people. This was caused from his childhood trauma.

"You don't and you don't have to trust me I'm just trying to help" Natsou signed with a smile as he looked at the blue haired male. Shigaraki calmed down letting himself at least not trust but be okay with the person.

"May I ask your name?" Natsou signed and Shigaraki just nodded before telling him his name "my name is Toumro Shigaraki, I'm not that known and I'm glad about that" Shigaraki said with a sigh.

"Well your known among a lot of villains but not any other people. I only know of you because I know a couple villains I have helped in the past" Natsou signed with a light smile. Shigaraki seemed to trust the guy Easley and he didn't even know why.

"Are you mute or just don't talk?" Shigaraki asked the White haired male whom had red on the back of his hair. Natsou sighed lightly.

"I-i don't-t t-talk... My voice doesn't work so well as I don't normally talk as no one well talk to me anyway your one of the first" Natsou tried to talk before turning back to sign as you could say his voice was kinda rusty.

"Oh, um hey I told you my name but you didn't tell me yours!" Shigaraki said a little mad at that fact but he said it playfully as he felt he could be himself around this person.

"Your not going to like me if I tell you my last name no one does..." Natsou signed as his last name was one of the reasons no one at school used to talk to him.

"Just tell me" Shigaraki said as he didn't care and as long as if he was related to a hero he didn't say anything about him being there.

"I'm Natsou.... Todoroki...." Natsou signed and Shigaraki once again didn't care. He normally would but for some reason he didn't.

"It's fine as long as your nothing like him-" shigaraki said and Natsou laughed his voice cracking a bit. "I'm not and I'm pretty sure he hates me... This is his house but this part no one in my family goes to plus he hasn't talk to me in years even if we technically live in the same house" Natsou explained through sign he didn't care at this point he didn't really need his family he was doing alright.

"Well umm I know this is quite a bit to ask for but can I say with you for a while? I think it's better if everyone thinks I'm dead" Shigaraki said as the villain that shot him probably already spreader it around that he was dead which he wasn't.

Shigaraki just nodded as he didn't really care all that much it would be good for him to have someone to actually talk to so maybe his voice would go back to normal.

"Y-y-yeah" Natsou said his voice still cracking he and there. Yeah if he wanted his voice to be normal he'd have to work on it quite a bit.

That's the end of this chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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