💫5.that my freaking house----

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Meanwhile, Hoseok was banging his hand on black oak wall for the last five minutes, threatening a million times to break it down which he knew was totally impossible with all the powers he had.

Eric Nam, or rather his uncle, his father's younger brother, had literally rented out his share of house, basically making him homeless, he had just returned from the abroad, and that's what happens although the house was in the name of his father, it was decided quite early that the old heritage house was his.

And his uncle Eric was mostly the person handling this petty business.

"Uncle, Eric, you won't believe what happened today!" Hoseok claims, removing his pitch-black shoes and tossing it in one of the corners.

"And It's been so long, I missed you too Hobi." Eric says by seeing Hoseok in his house in the middle of the night out of nowhere after five years.

"Yeah, Annemarie, can you get me some water, and I would like something to eat too. Is it possible you could make hazelnut soup?" Hoseok asks craving for it, while he had only got a taste of it. Annemarie starts with the job while Hoseok settles on this sofa.

"You won't believe, the servants in my house, which I assume were selected by you throwed me out of my own house just like that." Hoseok says, expecting a surprised look.

While Eric sits right in front of him listening to him and slowly starts giggling unable to stand it. "Really they threw you out, I so can't believe that." Eric says in a sarcastic tone which Hoseok picks up.

"Uncle!! This is serious. You need to dismiss them as soon as possible. And especially that gardener guy." Hoseok says punching his hand on his other palm.

"Well, I don't think that's possible, as far as I remember, I don't recall appointing any housekeepers or gardener in that house." Eric says nonchalantly flipping through the magazine he was reading before.

Hoseok gasps listening to that, almost losing it, how dare those people get in his house and live off. "Those, fuckers I'm going to throw every one of them this right moment."

"Language! and if you are talking about the 23th street, Cloud Emerald villa, then I would like to inform that I rented it out to some people in need and the contract wouldn't be ending till next two years." Eric says to a fuming Hoseok.

Hoseok stops as if processing the data just uploaded.

"What do you mean you rented out Cloud Emerald villa, that my freaking house-"


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